I just can't catch a break...(or "I am my own worst enemy")

Classic Goldwings

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We talked a couple hours ago on the phone and I'm still surprised no mechanical advance will cause all those symptoms especially the glowing exhaust pipes!
Learn something new every day, that's for sure!
Congratulations! I knew you'd get it once you calmed a bit. We all make mistakes. Hopefully I won't make the same ones you have. :thanks: :good: :clapping:
we're all only human. Glad it all worked out and it's running so good. Now, I expect the same comments from you when I screw mine up, cause I know it's coming. :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy:
:clapping: :clapping: Alright!!! :clapping: :clapping: :Egyptian: :Egyptian:

But.................does the stator work right after all of this???
Dr. AApple

Thanks ya'll!
And yes, the stator is charging nicely...one of the ONLY things that went right in this debacle!
Just another example of how someone with little/no knowledge of 'Wings can turn what would normally be a fairly simple operation into a fiasco. Gotta take yer time, and pay attention.
Now...I gotta take care of the oil leak frum da water pump.... :builder: :whistling:
Otay ya'll....I been riding this thing all week now, and it's been running just fine....got prolly a little over 300 miles on it so far, at this point. Fires right up as soon as I hit the start button, and purrs like a kitten. :mrgreen:
My plan is to take the belt covers off this weekend, and check the tension on them one last time. I'm sure they prolly stretch alittle in use, so I wanna check/tension them before they get too loose.
So far, that dadblamed rotor has agreed to stay in position where it belongs, and not cause any more problems.
I feel much better now that I have some miles on it...I think I can safely trust it to get me there and back again.

Of course, now that I have said all of this, it will take a dump on me on the way home today... :smilie_happy: I should NEVER say anything good about my vehicles...every time I do, something bad happens...time for me to get one of them thar "Gremlin" bell thingys...just in case... :hihihi:

So...I'll just add that this turd better not quit on me again....
With the problems you have been having apple you may need the the OGER bell. It is larger and designed to keep the ogers away. I know you have felt like an Oger over the past few days while every thing was going wrong so if you had one of these it would have protected your equipment. I my self have to use the giant Troll bell as I have become a giant clutz. Seams to be working, havn't thrown one wrench in weeks. :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy:

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