Joedrum's trip on Hooch

Classic Goldwings

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[url= said:
mcgovern61 » 42 minutes ago[/url]":3ofr5t52]
:0fftopic: (for me)

[url= said:
joedrum » Sun Jun 21, 2015 2:24 pm[/url]":3ofr5t52]
....the generator is powerful 60,000 kilowatts is set up now with a 200 amp main fuse ....

60 KW.......that is a lot for a Wing engine to push! :shock:

The max our engines are designed for is 59 KW at 7000 RPM (about 81 HP). I wouldn't keep pushing the engine at 7K. BUT, you could also keep the generator de-rated for say maybe 40 KW which I would think would be a walk in the park for a Wing engine. I would think the big issue would RPM; how do you get the wing engine to maintain 60 cycles?
Yeah what he said^
Yep my trailer will haul two goldwings but won't haul that BIG generator and a Goldwing. Sure wish it was a little larger so we could have. Joe did one of those super human things to ride in that weather. No way I could have done that. Hooch has passed all tests that could have been thrown at it with flying colors. It rained from Tn line to frenchlick In. about 400 miles. We took cover best we could when rain got to heavy. I must have dozed a little for the next thing I saw was a bunch of ROAD CLOSED signs in front of me. Hit the brakes hard out of reflex Joe was right behind me on his brakes and a truck behind him on his. Sure was glad things worked out well. Jerry
the brake test and out of the semi way was quite the test ....there was just hair between up or down on bike ..running into jerry and ranover by big truck with 52ft load on it ...sheesh .... :doh: :doh:
:0fftopic: Or not, it don't matter if you've been following it.

Joe, you might well be barking up the wrong tree here! Unless I'm wrong and if I am, please tell me!

I have experience with lots of 1800 rpm direct drive generators, from very big to very small, small is the one that powers my house when things get bad around here, and some as big as those that I have at work.

Small, 9hp - 5.8Kw. Big 2835hp - 1750Kw. The one thing they all have in common is a 1.55 (approximately) horsepower in, to Kilowatt output ratio.

Increasing the RPM of the generator, which you would have to do with a goldwing motor to obtain the required horsepower, would not increase its Kw output. Its windings are designed as such to run at 1800.

I'm thinking you would be much better off using a 90hp diesel tractor motor, with fuel injection restricted to 1800 RPM only, for such a project. Now something as small as a 25hp as long as it would turn it at 1800 would work, but with the resultant Kw output deficiency, good luck with it! :builder:
I doubt that even if he turned on every electric load available it would be enough burden on that generator to load up much. Now if his electric train set was full size street cars maybe.
well for the $ i couldnt pass the gamble up ..ive been a farmer and had a pto generator that was a mobile shop any where the tractor will go used a 50 hp tractor ...the generator is more than twice that size and needs 120 hp to run proper

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