That is a great idea. Ilive in a high area near gainsville fl. Really got the wheels turning. 80 1100 with sidecar and trailer lot of room for the stuff!!!!! Jerry
that's a nice looking camp trailer... looks better than my cargo pod trailer... One of my riding friends pulls a tent camper that unfolds to a nice, comfy resting place,,, he pulls with a GL1800... He recently had the final drive unit do down... the mechanic told him to change the oil in the rear drive unit more often and he had a lot of shaving come out when he drained the oil out... He said it came from pulling a heavy trailer... for the cost of a few oz of oil,,, he is going to change the oil after each long trip... I am pulling a light trailer but I am going to do that . Just passing some info along...
Finished, Trooper stamped a number, title is on the way. Loaded her down with gear and made a 120 mile round trip. Pulls like a charm,,,,,,gas mileage is another story.....but got to be a trade-off somewhere.
me like ...i was just talking to a friend who has a pan head harley wanting to go camping and stuff some ....sheesh should have took some pics of his bike ...