great outcome
It is bolted! Still looks like a job though.[url= said:backlander » Fri Dec 30, 2016 7:25 pm[/url]":32ug689x]
If your lucky the fender is bolted. Since robotics took over most all panels and fenders are spot welded. Not a big deal, just a lot of drilling out the welds
I have been searching, but there are very few turquoise color '02's out there.[url= said:Ansimp » Sat Dec 31, 2016 11:33 am[/url]":3no2whuq]
Make do Gerry until you can find a new fender in the correct colour. :yes:
Does the IF/WHEN include when you first put it into drive and it suddenly clunks into gear? :rant: :crying:[url= said:AApple » Wed Oct 19, 2016 12:13 pm[/url]":8raoqo7x]
:good: Kewl!
If you haven't already bought it, ask them if the valve body on the trans has ever been replaced. If they don't know, be prepared to have it done. That's the #1 issue with the trans, and I can guarantee you it will need it done eventually. Not too terribly expensive, but not super cheap either. IF/WHEN the car has ANY trans issues, just go ahead and plan on replacing the valve body....don't even discuss it, just do it. I've fixed prolly 90% of them with just replacing the VB in the car. Other than that, the trans is usually trouble free. :good: