Pain!!! You No Longer Have to Live with and Suffer from Pain!!!! Vitamin D3 is the Fix

Classic Goldwings

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Wow! Joe that does not sound good!

Well I hope the best for you,

It cannot be easy living with a chronic illness that attacks you, when you least expect it.

Feel better Joe.
How Vitamin D3 Deficiency Destroys the Immune System

Remember it is Vitamin D3 that you want

By Peter F Egan
Expert Author Peter F Egan

As more and more studies continue to confirm the link between healthy levels of Vitamin D3 and a strong immune system, a group of Danish scientists believe they may have pinpointed the exact reasons why this nutrient is so critical to the human immunodefence system.

The researchers claim their findings could be beneficial in protecting against new global epidemics and infectious diseases and could even aid in the development of new vaccines.

The study found that special cells known as "T-Cells", which are critical to immune defense, are dependent on the presence of Vitamin D in the bloodstream in order to function properly, and lay dormant unaware of the presence of a potential threat when there are insufficient amounts of Vitamin D in the blood.

"When a T cell is exposed to a foreign pathogen, it extends a signaling device or 'antenna' known as a Vitamin D receptor, with which it searches for Vitamin D," said Carsten Geisler of Copenhagen University's Department of International Health, Immunology and Microbiology, the scientist who spearheaded study.

Geisler added that when one is suffering from a vitamin D deficiency, the T-Cells "won't even begin to mobilize."

Vitamin D3 Deficiency can be countered and prevented by an individual exposing his or her skin to direct sunlight. The nutrient can also be obtained through certain foods such such as egg yolks, cod liver oil, fatty fish and cholecalciferol (the scientific name for Vitamin D3) supplements.

According to researchers, more than half of the world's population suffers from some degree of Vitamin D Deficiency, and many believe the problem is getting worse, not better.

Vitamin D Deficiency has already been linked scientifically to more than three dozen different diseases, illnesses and various health ailments.

These include, but are not limited to, the following:

Breast Cancer
Skin Cancer
Prostate Cancer
Heart Disease
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity (ADHD)
Alzheimer's Disease
Multiple Sclerosis
Childhood Allergies
Parkinson's Disease
Seasonal Depression (aka: "Winter Blues")
AIDS (specifically the transformation of HIV to AIDS)
Influenza (the Flu)
H1N1 Flu (Swine Flu)
Various Autoimmune Disorders
Lung Transplant Rejection
Childhood Obesity
Chronic Pain
Tooth Loss
Gingivitis and Gum Disease
Type 2 Diabetes
Arterial Stiffness
Metabolic Syndrome (sometimes referred to as Insulin Resistance or Pre-Diabetes)
High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Psoriatic Arthritis

What is perhaps most disturbing is that the list continues to grow each and every year by several new illnesses and diseases.

The best way to reverse vitamin D deficiency is to sunbathe, with the more bare skin exposed to sunlight the better. Obviously, this is not always an option, particularly in the winter months. When sun exposure is not a viable option, vitamin D supplements are the way to go.

However, it is important to take note of which form of vitamin D is contained within a given supplement. Numerous studies have shown that the form of vitamin D known as D3, or cholecalciferol, is far superior to vitamin D2, the plant-based form known as ergocalciferol.

A recent report and "meta analysis" by Dr. John Cannell, MD, concluded that vitamin D3 offers three times the efficacy of D2 in terms of each respective nutrient's ability to prevent and/or reverse vitamin D deficiency syndrome, and hence enhance the immune system, protecting one against the myriad diseases listed above.

Peter Egan Jr. is the Editor-in-Chief of the Vitamin D3 Blog. A publication, which as the name suggests, specializes entirely in discussion of vitamin D3 related news and topics.

He is also the Executive Director of Egan Medical, a retail provider of medical equipment, supplies and nutritional supplements, including but not limited to high-quality Vitamin D3 Supplements.

Mr. Egan is the son of health columnist and practitioner Pamela Egan. Mrs. Egan was the first author in a mainstream news publication to break the story that vitamins D2 and D3 are not the same thing, and that the latter is far superior.

Article Source:
Vitamin D3 and the Immune System

Vitamin D Saves Lives
In an ideal world, everyone would obtain enough vitamin D from food sources and sunlight that the need for supplementation would be nonexistent. Unfortunately, as most people over two years of age are well aware, we do not live in an ideal world - at least not from the standpoint of health.

People are born and people die. People die as the result of violence, injury, drowning, murder and plenty of outer causes-of-death. However, by-far the leading cause-of-death in the world today is disease. This could entail such things as cancer, ALS, AIDS, pneumonia and a vast assortment of other illnesses and diseases.

There is a wealth of scientific data compiled from literally thousands of studies and experiments suggesting death from disease/illness can be postponed for a significant amount of time under the right circumstances. Since all people only get to live once, most people are willing to take steps they believe have the potential to extend the duration of their time on earth.

There are many different variables that factor in to whether or not a person becomes stricken with a potentially life-threatening illness/disease/condition, including some - like genetics - over which we as humans have very little control. However, there are a number of steps a person can take that science has demonstrated will vastly increase a person's odds of living a long and healthy life.

Among these are the obvious: Avoid smoking, excessive drinking and drug use, other risky behaviors and so on and so on and so forth. However, there are also a few proactive measures identified by science that are believed by an overwhelming majority of researchers who've studied the topics to hold the potential to strengthen the immune system, reduce one's likelihood of developing a debilitating illness or disease, and increase one's lifespan in general.

The most notable of these measures (besides the obvious - like seeing a doctor when sick) is having one's vitamin D levels tested, and then starting a supplementation regimen with the specific dose determined by the individual's specific need.

Enough studies have shown a majority of people in America and across the globe to have deficient levels of the nutrient in the blood that it can be accepted as scientific fact that a majority of people suffer from vitamin D deficiency. This dramatically increases a person's chances of developing a life-threatening condition, and also inhibits the body's immune system from effectively combating diseases and infections.

Other studies have shown that people with higher levels of vitamin D were less prone to be sickly. In addition, others still took the approach of monitoring individuals who were given supplements during the course of the study versus control groups who were issued placebo pills that looked identical to the supplements. These studies found that those given vitamin D3 supplements were far less likely to die during the course of the study of develop a serious illness.

Other research compared the two most common forms of vitamin D: D2 and D3, and found the latter to be so far superior many experts are now questioning the viability of D2 as a human nutritional supplement.

The bottom line is this: if you enjoy life and want to prolong it for as long as is possible, have your vitamin D levels tested and begin a vitamin D3 supplement regimen immediately thereafter. That is, assuming your doctor or healthcare provider instructs you to do so, which he or she almost certainly will if he or she cares about the health of the patient and is knowledgeable about the myriad diseases linked to vitamin D deficiency.
Boost Your Immune System
With Vitamin D and Tumeric

A combination of vitamin D3 and curcumin, from tumeric, may boost the immune system, and help it clear the protein plaques linked to Alzheimer’s, says a new study.

The new data, published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, may lead to new approaches in preventing Alzheimer's by using vitamin D3 alone or in combination with natural or synthetic curcumin to boost the immune system in protecting the brain against beta-amyloid.

The build-up of plaque from beta-amyloid deposits is associated with an increase in brain cell damage and death from oxidative stress. This is related to a loss of cognitive function and an increased risk of Alzheimer's, the most common form of dementia and currently affects over 13 million people worldwide.

The direct and indirect cost of Alzheimer care is over $100 bn (€81 bn) in the US, while direct costs in the UK are estimated at £15 bn (€22 bn).

"We hope that vitamin D3 and curcumin, both naturally occurring nutrients, may offer new preventive and treatment possibilities for Alzheimer's disease," said Dr Milan Fiala from the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA).

Study details

Monocyte cells, which transform into macrophages and in turn boost the immune system, were isolated from the blood samples were taken from nine Alzheimer's patients, one patient with mild cognitive impairment and three healthy control subjects.

The macrophages were then incubated with beta-amyloid, vitamin D3 and natural or synthetic curcumin. The synthetic curcuminoid compounds were developed in the laboratory of John Cashman at the Human BioMolecular Research Institute.

The naturally occurring curcumin was found to be poorly absorbed, making it less effective than the synthetic curcuminoids, said the researchers.

“We think some of the novel synthetic compounds will get around the shortcomings of curcumin and improve the therapeutic efficacy,” said Cashman.

The curcuminoids were found to enhance binding of beta-amyloid to macrophages, and that vitamin D could strongly stimulate the uptake and absorption of beta-amyloid in macrophages in most of the patients.

Previous research by same scientists found that there are two types of Alzheimer's patients: Type 1 patients, who respond positively to curcuminoids, and Type II patients, who do not. This depends on the genes MGAT III and TLR-3 that are associated with the immune system's ability to better ingest amyloid beta, said the researchers.

"Since vitamin D and curcumin work differently with the immune system, we may find that a combination of the two or each used alone may be more effective — depending on the individual patient," said Fiala.

The UCLA researchers stressed that the research is still in its early stages and that no doses of either compound can be recommended at this point. They noted that larger vitamin D and curcumin studies with more patients are planned.

The need for D

A growing number of studies have linked deficiency of vitamin D to increased risks of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, osteoporosis, depression, and periodontal disease, all of which have been linked to some degree to increased risks for dementia.

Source: Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease
Vitamin D3 does even more than publicized - it enhances mental health

Monday, November 21, 2011 by: Paul Fassa
Tags: vitamin D3, mental health, health news

(NaturalNews) Most of us know that vitamin D3 helps prevent almost anything from flu to cancer by strengthening our immune systems. But little has been publicized about D3's potential for preventing or getting out of depression. Recent studies link D3 deficiencies to depression. And there is some, who speculate how D3's physiological protections directly affect moods.

D3 Depression studies and speculations
Several studies indicate the potential for preventing and treating mental disorders such as depression, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), anxiety, and schizophrenia. Though the studies are not considered conclusive, the fact that there is a connection with vitamin D and mood is apparent. You can view some of the study overviews here:

Another study among the elderly in 2006 showed that those with lower levels of vitamin D were up to 11 times more likely to be depressed than those with healthy vitamin D blood levels.

There is speculation that vitamin D deficiency may directly affect the balance of dopamine and norepinephrine receptors, which can lead to symptoms of depression. Other speculation revolves around Vitamin D3's immune regulating responses to prevent inflammation, which is often linked with anxiety or depression.

An immune response that's too strong can cause inflammation, as well as a response that is not enough allows inflammation to occur. As an immune system regulator, vitamin D3 boosts or dampens immune responses as needed to help prevent inflammation.

Vitamin D deficiency has also been associated with hyperthyroidism (too much thyroid hormonal activity), and hyperthyroidism has often been discovered among older depressed men and women.

In addition to regulating the immune system up or down as needed, so too does D3 regulate the stress hormone glucocorticoid. Too much or too little of this hormone is associated with mental disorders.

Vitamin D3 provides an enzyme essential for creating catecholamine neurotransmitters, such as dopamine, adrenaline, and noradrenaline. These neurotransmitter imbalances are associated with bipolar disorders, schizophrenia, and of course, depression.

It's also known that the summer sun, which has the highest amount of UVB vitamin D3 creating rays, increases serotonin levels. Summertime is the time to ditch any skin cancer paranoia and get plenty of reasonable direct sunlight to the skin.

Reviewing D3 in general
Although the label vitamin D3 is widely accepted, it is not just a vitamin. It is also a prohormone, which acts as a support to existing hormones or as a precursor for more hormonal production.

Vitamin D3 or cholecalciferol is synthesized by the action of the sun's or tanning lamp's ultraviolet B (UVB) spectrum with 7-dehydrocholesterol molecules in our skin. Most vitamin D3 supplements are created by exposing the 7-Dehydrocholesterol molecules of lanolin from sheep's wool to UVB rays.

Of course, winter is an obvious time to take high doses of D3 supplements. Blood serum levels of D3 can be tested to ensure what dosage you may need for your body's optimum health. But around 5000 international units (iu) or more per day is not unusual for many. Not to worry, apparently it's difficult to OD on D3.

It's nice to know you can strengthen and stabilize your moods and protect your mental health, in addition to many other physiological health benefits, with Vitamin D3.

Learn more: ... alth.html##ixzz2i5ZXLPaW
I am Not giving Medical Advise, I am Not a Doctor.

I am telling people to get a Blood test done for your Vitamin D3 level.

You may be shocked how low it is.
I just wrote a long post but hit a wrong key and lost it(I'm pissed) so I'll just say this. After 8 days of 10K IU a day, I noticed a change in my pain today, I didn't race to Motrin this am, I didn't race to the Motrin at work at 10am, I feel better right now as I write this. Is it the placebo effect, higher barometric pressure(been a bit warmer past few days), or the D3 I just don't know it's too early to tell. I can tell you this, I've had the best day in years today, not totally pain free but I now have some hope. I'll post again next Friday.

[url= said:
Omega Man » Fri Oct 18, 2013 4:20 pm[/url]":2mlmpzh6]
I just wrote a long post but hit a wrong key and lost it(I'm pissed) so I'll just say this. After 8 days of 10K IU a day, I noticed a change in my pain today, I didn't race to Motrin this am, I didn't race to the Motrin at work at 10am, I feel better right now as I write this. Is it the placebo effect, higher barometric pressure(been a bit warmer past few days), or the D3 I just don't know it's too early to tell. I can tell you this, I've had the best day in years today, not totally pain free but I now have some hope. I'll post again next Friday.


Great news!!

Not grabbing for the pain meds right away, (I remember those days), that is a step in the right direction.

Can you say how long you have had pain for? years? how many?

How about how many motrin a day did you take to keep the pain at bay?

Just remember just cause you are feeling better, give it time to work by the 4th week you are going to feel Much better.
4 years...4 very long years. 4 200MG Motrin a day that equals 3 800MG(prescription)tabs. 5am, 10am, and bedtime(PM Motrin). I gave up on opiates years ago and refuse injections, remember all those people killed by spinal injections of mold contaminated anti-inflammatory meds last year, and surgery(pffft)?

This may be a cost savings for you?

But being painless is priceless.

I am really looking forward to your update next week.

I hope it goes well for you.
[url= said:
Omega Man » Fri Oct 18, 2013 8:53 pm[/url]":psbc490r]
4 years...4 very long years. 4 200MG Motrin a day that equals 3 800MG(prescription)tabs. 5am, 10am, and bedtime(PM Motrin). I gave up on opiates years ago and refuse injections, remember all those people killed by spinal injections of mold contaminated anti-inflammatory meds last year, and surgery(pffft)?

Hey ~O~, what keeps you from getting a hole in your stomach from all of that Motrin?
I don't know. I did have a very weak stomach at one time, and used stuff like Zantac all the time. A doctor on the radio said stop taking the stuff and suffer through a couple bouts of indigestion and one's system should equalized, and mine did. Ten years with an iron stomach ever since.

4 pages and 55 posts about vitamins on a motorcycle forum? Really? Is there not a health forum you guys can share?
[url= said:
slabghost » Fri Oct 18, 2013 8:08 pm[/url]":2yx7n9nz]
4 pages and 55 posts about vitamins on a motorcycle forum? Really? Is there not a health forum you guys can share?
No :mrgreen: .Let it be..This is Epic.
[url= said:
zman » Fri Oct 18, 2013 7:03 pm[/url]":x1rexqu2]
I want to hear more about B3.

I hope you meant D3

Cause B3 is different!

This is Natural, So 1 month of taking it, to be Pain free, after years of pain is very good to me.

also Pain is not the only advantage it will provide for you.

Pain relief is Hugh benefit, but i mean it helps with other stuff to.

People that dont have any pain and that dont need D3 do not understand, The Benefits of D3 should be Screamed from every roof top!!!

Going vit. to D3, to me was much better than going from the OEM 4 carbs to a 32DFT single carb

It is that big of a deal
For Slab, I put some D3 in my carbs and they aren't such a pain anymore. Laugh out loud!!! I guess I will have to bump my D3 up for a while. I went the Motrin route for around fifteen years. It is a good pain killer, but in my case it masked osteoarthritis issues resulting in the continued damage of my cartilage. When my liver counts got high and they told me I couldn't keep taking it I found out how bad I really was. Three hip surgeries and two knee surgeries. I should have a shoulder surgery. Even if D3 wouldn't have cured my ills, if I hadn't been taking the Motrin, I would have stopped playing basketball and distance running and probably avoided a great deal more pain and expense.

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