Pain!!! You No Longer Have to Live with and Suffer from Pain!!!! Vitamin D3 is the Fix

Classic Goldwings

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[url= said:
ekvh » Sat Oct 19, 2013 6:12 am[/url]":jj25u8r2]
For Slab, I put some D3 in my carbs and they aren't such a pain anymore. Laugh out loud!!! I guess I will have to bump my D3 up for a while. I went the Motrin route for around fifteen years. It is a good pain killer, but in my case it masked osteoarthritis issues resulting in the continued damage of my cartilage. When my liver counts got high and they told me I couldn't keep taking it I found out how bad I really was. Three hip surgeries and two knee surgeries. I should have a shoulder surgery. Even if D3 wouldn't have cured my ills, if I hadn't been taking the Motrin, I would have stopped playing basketball and distance running and probably avoided a great deal more pain and expense.

D3 when taken optimally, will improve your bone mass density, and cartilage, tendons.

It helps you to uptake Calcium better and regulates calcium.
Week 2 of 8:

I'm staying the course and after 14 days it's still too early to tell. I'm still having better mornings(after rising and before work) here and there. At work...? here and there my Motrin is working better. I still have days where it feels like the pain is still escalating.

westgl, was this pain you and your wife had nerve pain like mine or muscle/skeletal?

[url= said:
Omega Man » Fri Oct 25, 2013 6:46 pm[/url]":1o4zl1wi]
Week 2 of 8:

I'm staying the course and after 14 days it's still too early to tell. I'm still having better mornings(after rising and before work) here and there. At work...? here and there my Motrin is working better. I still have days where it feels like the pain is still escalating.

westgl, was this pain you and your wife had nerve pain like mine or muscle/skeletal?



Be patient, you have had this pain for years, you need to heal.

Natural healing takes a good month or two, to feel better.
I know this is not Friday when I usually post in this thread but I just had to. It's only been 2.5 weeks but I've just had two consecutive days with dramatically less pain. What really makes this a sentinel moment for me is a cold front has just moved through the Vegas valley over the last 48 hrs, the first of the fall season and I was dreading it's arrival. Cold fronts and winter in general have been a living Hell these past few years, as the drop in pressure really ramps up my sciatica pain. On a side note I'm sleeping through the night w/o waking.

Anyway, this is HUGE for me and I just wanted to share. I'll wait until Friday for my next update.

I've been taking D3 a couple weeks now and my back is killing me. Three days of crawling around doing plumbing isn't fun. :head bang: :rant:
[url= said:
slabghost » Tue Oct 29, 2013 7:49 pm[/url]":1w7z1riv]
I've been taking D3 a couple weeks now and my back is killing me. Three days of crawling around doing plumbing isn't fun. :head bang: :rant:

I think what westgl says about giving it time is true, I'm giving it a full two months before deciding to continue or not.

While D3 does get rid of pain it takes a month or two to get in you system and really help.

If you want to get rid of Joint pain Discomfort, Muscle pain ankles, knees, and generally feel better.

Take EVOO "Extra Virgin Olive Oil" Cold Pressed (the Darker the better).

EVOO, acts like Ibuprofen, in the body as it is a anti inflammatory, (people that have headache take olive oil) I drink 1 table spoon in the morning as soon as i get up, 1 tblspn noon before lunch, and 1 tblspn night before dinner.

Being that Olive oil is a anti Inflammatory, it will loosen up tight muscles like when you get out of bed int the morning.

The EVOO will help you sleep good at night, it works with sleeping hormones, as we get older there is a hormone called cortisol that will keep you up or wake you up in the middle of the night, D3 & Olive oil together is a AWESOME combination, for body health.

it takes care of and regulates all Organ's, lowers cholesterol the bad LDL one, and raises the good HDL, it will raise IQ level, and keeps away dementia & Alzheimer's,

It regulates most Hormones and makes them function better. It regulates blood sugar.

It strengthens the pancreas, Liver, kidneys, Heart!!!!! and opens arteries and blood vessels.

Slab ghost, EVOO works Faast! gets into your body Fasst! soon as you drink it, 20 minutes later, i am all loosened up and ready to do a hard days work, keep taking the EVOO, your recovery time will be much less, if any, I dont get sore or feel pain any more, and if you have been taking D3 for a while, you may, and i mean MAY be slightly ackey but is will not be very much.

Look at the project that I just finished yesterday, well me and my wife, the wife is 4'11" 118#

Neither one of us is sore at all today

I feel Great today!!!

There is no way i could have done that before without being sore for a week, or maybe sciatica putting me down for several days.

Shelving 24" wide x 10 ft high by 8 ft long each one for a total of 24 ft long of shelving (3 shelves)

[url= said:
slabghost » Tue Oct 29, 2013 6:49 pm[/url]":90bsib4p]
I've been taking D3 a couple weeks now and my back is killing me. Three days of crawling around doing plumbing isn't fun. :head bang: :rant:

Take the Extra virgin Olive oil cold pressed or EVOO, 2 table spoons, three times a day, that will get rid of the inflammation and some, maybe more of the pain.

EVOO, acts like a muscle relaxer as far as pain but without the negatives of a muscle relaxer, meaning you can still do a hard days work while taking EVOO.

If you know you are going to do something painful, some kind of job that you dread, start shooting the EVOO, a day or two before, or at least the morning before, and a day or two after.

I take the EVOO everyday, so I always feel great!, it puts you in a great mood.

The bodies largest organ is Not the heart or liver, it is skin/muscle, Olive oil gets inside the cells of skin creating vitamin E, EVOO also helps keep Water in the cells of your skin keeping you better hydrated.
[url= said:
joedrum » Wed Oct 30, 2013 7:02 am[/url]":1ri20c0o]
hmmmmm nice info and nice shelves

Thanks Joe,

I start on Work Benches today, or at least I will buy materials today.

2ft wide x 16ft long x 8 ft tall, Or i may go 10ft tall, for 1 or 2 shelves for overhead storage, and two shelves below the bench top.

Then my Compressor goes out side, then shop is complete, except my Oil heater/ Hot water heater tank, which I have a scrap metal guy looking for a good one for me.

Another couple of days this project will be done.

and i will still be Pain Free, when i say pain free, I dont mean the pain is free, i mean, i will have no pain.
Olive Oil will help curb your appetite, if needed, it will regulate your appetite.

If you wanted to get back to a more youthful weight, it will help a lot.

Tree nuts will also help regulate your body weight and curb appetite.

I weighed 240-lbs, I am now 175-lbs

I usually take a bag of Tree nuts with me, if you have the 3:00 blood sugar drop, where you feel tired or sleepy about that time, Tree nuts will get you past that.

Tree nuts are most any nut, (Almonds, walnuts, pecans, Pumpkin seeds, Brazil nuts) other than peanuts, peanuts are bad as the are grown in the ground, and are susceptible to mold/mildew and pesticides.

Brazil nuts, especially & Hazelnuts act like a Viagra, to some degree, more desire, and action, Brazil nuts 3-4 of them a day, and Hazel nuts 10ea a day

All Nuts have the most potency eaten RAW, No salt, or anything on them
One thing i should also mention.

Guys, avoid Soy, every way you can.

It will increase Female hormones, like Estrogen!!
I wash my hands a lot while working on vehicles.

or just some chemicals on my hands and have to wash them.

My hands become VERY DRY!!

After you drink your Olive Oil, put two drops that is left over on your spoon shot glass how ever you take the EVOO

Two or so Drops of Olive Oil/EVOO on each hand, rub it in good.

After 5 minutes rub your hands together again, they will be much softer than most lotions, and better for you than any lotion.

My hands feel soft but do not look oily or feel oily just soft, a little goes a long way, if your hands look oily you put on Too Much!

Dang, I am sounding like the Dad on My Big Fat Greek wedding, when he talks about the windex, on everything, they claim it stops hair loss, when rubbed on the scalp, I cannot confirm that, but it will stop dry scalp and flaking skin, when apply to any dry skin
Week 3 of 8...

I'm going to keep this short and sweat. D3 has already changed my life, and I understand westgl's motivations for all he has posted in this thread. I plan to keep using D3 for the rest of my life. To go from near crippling pain in the mornings to how I feel now is nothing short of amazing. I'll be posting every two weeks from now to the end of my first two months.

Thank you westgl...thank you.

I am on about two weeks. Went on an overnighter and forgot my D3 and was sore and achy all day. I'm falling into the believer camp. I'm taking 2-4k per day. I will probably go to 5k if I can remember to take it. I am taking 2k in the morning and trying to remember to take it 12 hours later.
[url= said:
Omega Man » Sat Nov 02, 2013 3:47 am[/url]":3avekkej]
Week 3 of 8...

I'm going to keep this short and sweat. D3 has already changed my life, and I understand westgl's motivations for all he has posted in this thread. I plan to keep using D3 for the rest of my life. To go from near crippling pain in the mornings to how I feel now is nothing short of amazing. I'll be posting every two weeks from now to the end of my first two months.

Thank you westgl...thank you.


Randy that is Awesome!! and you are welcome, for me this kind of information should be shared, it is just to valuable!

That is how it was for me, Life changing, going from feeling really Old!!!!

To feeling like I am in my 20's again!!! it is a great feeling.
[url= said:
ekvh » Sat Nov 02, 2013 4:19 am[/url]":2256rf06]
I am on about two weeks. Went on an overnighter and forgot my D3 and was sore and achy all day. I'm falling into the believer camp. I'm taking 2-4k per day. I will probably go to 5k if I can remember to take it. I am taking 2k in the morning and trying to remember to take it 12 hours later.

Hey ekvh,

Splitting the amount you take does nothing for you.

You are better off taking it all at once, and everyday.

I try to take my 10k all at once (2ea. 5k liquid caps) in the morning after I get up usually with some breakfast, but it can be taken on an empty stomach.

I would make 5k my very lowest amount.

I would make 10k my max. but it is my average, best amount.

10k to me is a good amount to take
[url= said:
Omega Man » Sat Nov 02, 2013 3:47 am[/url]":36pokbk1]
Week 3 of 8...

I'm going to keep this short and sweat. D3 has already changed my life, and I understand westgl's motivations for all he has posted in this thread. I plan to keep using D3 for the rest of my life. To go from near crippling pain in the mornings to how I feel now is nothing short of amazing. I'll be posting every two weeks from now to the end of my first two months.

Thank you westgl...thank you.



You had crippling pain on a scale of 1-10,

With 10, being most felt pain.

I would think that before you started D3 you were at a 10 for felt pain.

Where are you now, on the 1-10 pain scale.

When you up date, please provide us a idea of your pain with a pain scale, so we have some kind of idea of your progress.

Also please let us know when you are able to stop taking the pain pills ie: Advil/Motrin

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