I'm trying to find owners manual, or information on setting radio channels.
Would be great to have the full manual to put in the gallery Owners manual section gallery/album.php?album_id=1908[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=142841#p142841:3kwzu3p3 said:julimike54 » Today, 12:59 pm[/url]":3kwzu3p3]
I'll do that a little later, should I place in my album?
Yes, load them to your album then I can move them.[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=142899#p142899:21ngizwk said:julimike54 » Yesterday, 8:04 pm[/url]":21ngizwk]
So Dan,
Put in my album & you load into owners manual gallery. I didn't see a way that I could load into the gallery myself.
img not pdf?
Sorry off topic