ok not worried about the fan issue anymore.
I rode around yesterday for a short while enough to get things warmed up.
I took a look at the plugs this am - the right (hotter) side is a nice shade of grey on the tip(the bent metal thing.
the left - like nothing happened. not oil fouled but clean.
seems to me I have a rich condition on the left and a lean and or normal condition on the right. -I'd sure like to know if it was normal then I could concentrate on 2/4. Anybody got a pic of a normal good running plug?
I'd post pic no camera at the moment.
I read randakks tech tips on lean vs. rich. Lots of stuff. My eyes kinda gloss over reading that.
list of symptoms not really a tutorial on what to do / where to start except with ignition and valves first. I am going to replace the plug wire/caps.....
So from re-reading this thread. I seems I should pull the carbs do a bench fuel test to see how much is getting to each carb? I like the idea of a elec. fuel pump. Any cheap 12v pump work? Recommendation?
Then if one is getting less set the float so it shuts off at a higher leveL and vice versa? at a higher level meaning instead of level with the carb body slightly below it (upsidedown)
Look for floats too high or too low.
Low will cause lean, high rich.
When operating the pump as someone mentioned open the drain screws to see/check the flow rate. check this?
If all the flow rates are good and or the bowl levels are good -bolt them on again? what else would you check while you had them off? Float needle valves? what to check here they are new?
CV slider action?
The other Q
would increasing the idle mix air on 2/4 richen things? as in more turns out?
I am sticking with it but it would sure be nice to hear/see/feel a properly running GL.
You guys are being nice and you are probably as tired of this as me. Sorry about that - short of selling this as is and buying a properly running bike which I should have done/will do next time but can't cause I am obsessed with this one and put too much $$ / time into this and other stuff on it - am stuck with it until the men in white coats :head bang: :fiddle: :head bang: come get me. Ahhhh gasping for air(no pun intended) When I get this resolved I am going to buy ya'll a virtual beer and maybe we can all do a virtual group hug!! :yahoo: or ya want to pass on this....?