sounds like me i can hardly get 6000 miles out of what ever brand bike tires and joel must ride a lot alike
I am actually impressed that you managed 8000 miles out of the 712 :good:[url= said:sgq700 » Wed Mar 04, 2015 10:22 am[/url]":3s7a3uf7]
Howdy Ansimp ! You were correct about the 712 tire !! 8,000 miles and it is ready to show cords in the center of it!! ...back to the 230 and this time i also will try some ride on, i need both tires this time so i may as well try it! Much Thank's for your advise and had to let ya know you were "dead on the money"
Or your throttle grip!! :smilie_happy:[url= said:joedrum » Wed Mar 04, 2015 2:00 pm[/url]":2113rmay]
ive neve seen 8000 miles on any bike tire ever ...sheesh must be the gravel roads ...
+1 also if tire pressure was too low for the load that would accelerate wear. My first 230 on the Rats Nest delivered 6k miles and 4.2k miles of those was done in 6.5 days going LA to Sturgis and back through as many twisties as possible :yes:[url= said:slabghost » Wed Sep 09, 2015 6:12 am[/url]":fi5wecqk]
Loaded two up was probably past recommended load limits. It's easy enough to exceed just filling the bags and trunk. Just the rear tire had worn out?
[url= said:Ansimp » Tue Sep 08, 2015 3:12 pm[/url]":29ilry88]
What was your max pressure Jorge?