Well I took my break ha ha Here's my jet puller I have a drywall screw in there now for those who love using that method.. You can use a self tapper or you could tap it if you want but I'm going to try the drywall screw first...I might need to get a shorter screw or just block the bottom with a couple of pieces of wood to raise it a little, Ron I flipped the bar over, and added a washer..Here's how I will do it...remove the bracket bottom part that the screw is in, then screw the screw into the jet and get a good bite on it, then put the bracket back on the bolt thingy and put it in place, then just tighten the nut and it should come right up...When I get my carbs I paid for from Glider101, I will try it on those..Might even make a video..Here's a photo of my proto type tool... looks like hell but I bet it works well, the next one will look way better I'm sure.. :smilie_happy: