So what irritated you today?

Classic Goldwings

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Village Idiot seems to have the bad habit of telling the TRUTH when asked a question. :hihihi: One of, if not the main reason, they are given the name. :yes:
Lessie....whut irritated ME today? Where to begin... :rant:
Had to take the '85 Corvette for State inspection. Got it uncovered, fired up, and checked all the lights and **** Thursday evenin. Had to replace one of the rear turn sig bulbs, but I knew aboot that. Still not a fun job on one of these cars. Anyway, double-checked everything, because the gal that has been doin my 'spections for the past 10-12 years had to move back to Connecticut, so I knew some new duffus was gunna be doin the deed.
Anywho..get up this mernin, do a little light cleanin on the car, move Mama's Cad outta da way, move the Corvette so it's ready to go whenever Mama gets up & around. Dang key/ignition cylinder won't turn off!! :rant: :rant: Damn thing is just stuck in the "Run" position. I beat on it, soaked it with Zep45, beat on it some more, cussed it, beat on it, you name it...the damn thing ain't movin.
Now...the plan was to get the car inspected, and then go to the Autorama(big car show). Now I'm just pissed, and aggravated as hell. Mama comes out, I tell her what the problem is, and tell her we just gotta go ahead and take the thing, get it spected, and move on. I had to disconnect the ignition power on the distributor to shut it off, then disconnect the battery, until time to go.
Off we go. Get to the spection place, and...jeeeeeze...what a bunch of friggin morons they have there now. If it weren't for the names on their uniform sherts, I bet none of them would know their own friggin name..."You wanna shut it off?" It won't shut of...just leave it running. "Oh...ok". 5 min later, " won't shut off....does the horn not work?"
Whaat? The fing horn was werkin FINE Thursday nite, and this mernin. :rant:
He finally saw I was afixin to go ballistic, and passed it. Smart move on his part, lemmie tell ya.
There's far more to my irritation for today, but...that's a different story for a different day....rant over, and....
Have a Blessed Day.... :whip:
Was you bad mouthin private Malone? Odd the ignition stuck like that. Maybe a screw fell into the mechanism somehow? Sounds like you'll be removing the steering wheel soon.
How frustrating, pamper a car, hardly never start it or drive it and all this happens. Joel maybe that jalopy should the light of day a bit more often. And actually I'd have given the guy that passed the car a little nicer review here.

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