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The whiner in chief has arrived via air force one in West Virginia to talk about the drug epidemic. We're supposed to drive gas sipping little **** boxes and he takes the biggest damn vehicle he can.
Somehow drug use has become an epidemic? Until now epidemics have generally been a disease. Pretty much everyone has been taught since birth to take a pill for whatever ails you. But it's a real mystery why so many creatively medicate?! Really? Someone please tell me how a war on drugs will ever be won if we continue to follow the advice of pharmaceutical representatives in lab coats? Idiot doctor told me recently that Ecigs are just as bad as tobacco cigs. Really? Let's look at this. First let's consider the source. Doc has all those years of schooling and all the other requirements behind. That alone implies the doc is both smart and well educated.
Now let's look at the tobacco cigarette. It burns very hot, smoke contains tars,carbon monoxide,nicotine, and other chemicals. Ecig produces a flavored vapor containing nicotine. So basically the Ecig is a drug delivery system. A drug any smoker already is used to. Instead the doctor wants to push Chantix. Some who've taken that stuff have committed suicide others have had other complications. Now if doctor can't follow that simple reasoning how am I supposed to trust any with my health?
[url= said:
slabghost » Wed Oct 21, 2015 3:09 pm[/url]":35foamdm]
The whiner in chief has arrived via air force one in West Virginia to talk about the drug epidemic. We're supposed to drive gas sipping little **** boxes and he takes the biggest damn vehicle he can.
Somehow drug use has become an epidemic? Until now epidemics have generally been a disease. Pretty much everyone has been taught since birth to take a pill for whatever ails you. But it's a real mystery why so many creatively medicate?! Really? Someone please tell me how a war on drugs will ever be won if we continue to follow the advice of pharmaceutical representatives in lab coats? Idiot doctor told me recently that Ecigs are just as bad as tobacco cigs. Really? Let's look at this. First let's consider the source. Doc has all those years of schooling and all the other requirements behind. That alone implies the doc is both smart and well educated.
Now let's look at the tobacco cigarette. It burns very hot, smoke contains tars,carbon monoxide,nicotine, and other chemicals. Ecig produces a flavored vapor containing nicotine. So basically the Ecig is a drug delivery system. A drug any smoker already is used to. Instead the doctor wants to push Chantix. Some who've taken that stuff have committed suicide others have had other complications. Now if doctor can't follow that simple reasoning how am I supposed to trust any with my health?

Ever hear of Freeway Rick Ross? Here's some food for thought: Crack, Iran/Contra, CIA...

But it goes even farther than that, there isn't a country on this earth that doesn't have a drug problem, drug abuse and that most certainly includes alcohol is part of our make up, just like the need for air, water, food, shelter and conflict.

And don't get me started on the War On Drugs, marijuana was first iligalized in 1937 to protect the interests of Andrew Mellon, Randolph Hearst, and the Du Pont family for various reasons(wiki it), but Nixon really got it going in 1971. Like many things today follow the money, law enforcement gets lots of funding via the WOD. Bah! I could go on but I think I made my point.

So 11-16 I ordered a new electric choke for my truck. Next day I ordered cat back exhaust system for the same truck. Exhaust arrived almost a week ago but so did the cold weather. Choke was supposed to arrive yesterday. Mail has gone today still not here. I check tracking and my choke is on a cross country tour. Left Michigan and went to Pa. went to Md and is supposedly in transit.No wonder USPS is losing money!
I have a german light fixture that take special light bulbs only available in germany. Fortunately 220v bulbs last a very long time on 110 volts.
[url= said:
Omega Man » Tue Nov 24, 2015 7:13 pm[/url]":1nd4dfly]
Every word I just heard come out of Hussein Obama's mouth on the news. :Awe:


:rant: yep!
you can always tell when we have a real american president ,,,there the ones who get shot ,,,all others like odummerthanhell are just pupits on strings with long noses from lying all the time
[url= said:
Omega Man » Tue Nov 24, 2015 5:13 pm[/url]":b5z8vkox]
Every word I just heard come out of Hussein Obama's mouth on the news. :Awe:

I cant change the channel fast enough when he comes on..just hate his halting condescending speak...just plain hate the guy.
Got up & the eggs were frozen solid, the temperature control took a **** on the fridge. :sensored: Local appliance repair parts place had one in stock, $22.41 out the door, :shock: remembered & bought a quart of brake fluid on the way home. :good: So much clutter in garage from trying to get rafters insulated, can't bother to dig out a bike to ride :rant:
Ordered a set of used 1200 aspencade brake rotors off the web, at a good price, $10.49, + $14.99 shipping. Very nice but were not well packed, someone dropped them, ****** one up when the edge hit the ground or the cement. :Awe: Seller said Priority Mail was insured, see them, so went to post office, showed them what happened, was told not packed well, not covered, made my ******* day! :sensored: Figured this was not going to go well, :cheeky: then things took an unexpected turn. :roll: Emailed seller, was then sent an apology, a refund, told to keep the rotors, as they were not packed right, would talk to shipping, & Merry Christmas. :shock: K&M Cycles and More, in Iowa, good place to deal with. :yes:
I used to inspect damaged freight using those numbers stamped on the bottom of cardboard boxes, if it isn't triple ply and rated for at least 4x the weight of the item being shipped the sender is boned, not the shipper.

This time it was the seller, 70lb priority mail box, weight was little over 10, box was fine. :roll: Sender had a plastic tie wrap holding them together, with a single plastic bag around each disk, & shoved into the box. :rant: Box was dropped somewhere along the line, broke the tie wrap,ripped & cut through the box, & ****** the edge of the disk up pretty good. :sensored: Worked the damaged edge, & braking surface over with a file for a good while, followed by using a stone. :headscratch: Damage is now reduced to a flat spot on the edge, & a dimple in the braking surface, hopefully will be usable, :yes: as the minimum thickness is 8mm, & these are 10mm, & 10+, & other than this, & being dirty, in very good shape. :good:
Hopefully they will be fine. Might be a touch out of balance but at highways speeds today that should be unnoticeable.
Thought about that very thing, :headscratch: should be taken care of when the tire is balanced, was my thinking. :wave:

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