A gram or so from the edge isn't much at all from a 5lb disk. You might be able to verify it with a lawnmower blade balancer but like you say overall balance of wheel probably will be good.
Has anybody else heard what the Brit's are doing now? :whistling: They are discussing Banning Trump from the country, because of his proposed ban on Muslim's entering the country. :roll: What a bunch of ****!!! :heat: When did the fucken govt get the right to tell people what they can hear??? :smilie_happy: We seem to be heading toward this type of country as fast as we can run. :rant:
we are there already ...our government has nothing to do with america or its people except to inslave them in financial ruin ...by the money changers of switzerland and israel who by the way except no refugees ...but who are financing them to all other countries with there bought off political traitors of the countries they represent
Personally I'd consider it an honor to be banned from england. If true what will the do if Trump decides as president to revoke all english visa's? I think that too would be funny.
Have never got the way we seem to carry the whole fucken european empire, knowing that they HATE us, :roll: our way of life, but they sure take our money. :rant:
Why does our government we want to emulate these SUCKASS MOTHER ******"S??? oh2: :sensored:
its not brits that make policy ...it the scum of the earth money changers and the erro union of gods rejects and there puppet traitors in there government of ass kissers of the rejects ...just like here in this country....until the money changers are strip out of finances of soverin nations the whole world is toast ...plain and simple ...there is not one thing good about a money changer at all fruitless waiste of life like racist cancer to the entire world
there is not one good thing about globalism regulation ...the united nation is pure **** ...and these ***** think they own all of america federal land and parks ...thanks teddy land grab of lands for parks and frankland theft of it all in the name of bankruptcy of america in the raw deal of that traitor president....it took the money changers only from 1913 to 1933 to totally bankrupt and steel most of america in there eyes ....plain and simple the terrorist of the world .. the racist.moneychangers
Lamestream Media kinda kept this from the low information Voter or public last week, Very serious, Most people think this is a Conspiracy Theory about Who controls the US or for that matter the World ? But This **** Is REAL ! Just like when Obummer care was fought and went around the Voters to the Supreme court and was passed by UN-elected officials against public outcry , I was so pissed at Chief justice Roberts (R) at first for making the final vote to destroy our Free enterprise..BUT ? me thinking the knight before his decision on Obummer care a couple of Black SUV's came to his home and showed him pictures of his family ..wink wink,,So really ? One Man was going to stop Trillions of dollars to fund the Fed ? Think not he caved in ..No surprise , Audit the Fed was Shot down again last week . Every ******* Democrat Voted against it ! And every Republican Voted to Audit "accept one Rhino (R)" So WTF are the Democrats Hiding ??????? this is ******** , Story > Rand Paul’s signature “Audit the Fed” legislation failed to garner the 60 votes needed in the Senate to move the measure forward. Of course, this is merely the latest in a never-ending series of banker victories, and a truly devastating blow against liberty, free markets, transparency and any hope for government by the people and for the people. Ensuring that light is never shined on the Fed’s shady, corrupt and unaccountable bailout activities has always been a key goal of the American oligarchy, and they succeeded once again.
Kudos to Rand Paul for trying, and respect to Democrat Bernie Sanders for voting in favor. Elizabeth Warren voting against is inexplicable and indefensible.
Indefensible, Unexplainable, un American, & reelected, time & time again. :evil: Nancy Pelousey, Pass it to find out what's in it, reelected??? :rant: Something's ROTTEN somewhere bigtime :roll:
its in world wide banking of pure scum ...in every game where all nations seem to be losing ...there has to be winners ...world wide banking is the enemy plain and simple ....but we all seem to eat the enemy of the moment crap time after time ...while these scums rip the entire world off ...killing millions in there long history of finance ...our own federal reserve bank assassinated our 63 president ...what scum these moneychanger people are ....in my opinion
What is the ******* pope sticking his **** covered nose in our elections for??? :evil: Take your pointed ******* dunce hat, your dress, & your fairy dust slippers, back to Rome where they worship you & your ****** ******* priests, who say your child has but one ******* to give the ******* church. :rant:Feel bad for the masses who follow such a bunch of worthless child molester's, & money grubber's. :crying:
I'm glad to see someone else thinking the same way about this pope dude!!
People act and listen to that ******* as if he's God himself. What a bunch of crap.
Are people so damn insecure they need this in their life to get by!?
the Catholic church sold prayers at a price to families so there dead family members could get to heaven ..its how they got so rich and evil they are today ...ok evil all along ...they killed people who had writing of jesus ...only they were allowed ....and these fools decide what books would be in the christain bible .....1500 yrs after jesus lived on earth ....i love jesus but im no Judaeo christian at all .....
as always tell lies over and over till its truth to most is the recpie of all deception....... jesus was so against this kind of fruitless BS that steals from the people
This all mighty single "supreme being" that created it all, and so many choose to believe how all life started IS the lie as far as I'm concerned. Never have believed in all that and pretty damn sure I never will. :cheeky:
yes well its hard to see the beginning of things ...but im sure the religious unions out there of all favors have absolutely nothing to do with it .....in my opinion ...pass that its also obvious we are not close to supreme life ...look how stupid things are ....at least once pass the religious ponzi schemes .....one can think clearly about how magnificent things are that man hasnt been able to crap on ... :smilie_happy: