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Just some wrenches, a socket set, and extra meter, and a multi-screwdriver... oh and a bag to put them in.

Did I mention I also bought a new Frogg Togg jacket...


And the boots?


Bring on the rain!!!
At least if you get lost in the snow they will be able to find you easily in that jacket!!! :good:
[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=121098#p121098:2tzjawbh said:
brianinpa » Sat Jun 14, 2014 8:27 am[/url]":2tzjawbh]
Well Tony I figure if I am riding in the rain, I WANT TO BE SEEN.
Sounds sensible Brian. I just picked up my new white helmet for that reason ( to be seen, not to make it rain while I ride :smilie_happy: )
Finished rejetting the single carb project and started test rides with new jets. Idles steadily now with VCM Screw set at 1.625 (1 and 5/8) turns out from seated. I used a 122.5 Mikuni Jet from a Hyosung GV650 Carb bank, I used the rear jet. I have a 125 free for when I upgrade the exhaust. I have the large idle screw set to 2.75 turns out. It idles quietly at 1200 rpm, and I am happy with it there, I like it there acutally.

Turn outs or cocktail shakers, I cant decide. Anywho, it runs now, it idles for periods greater than 10 minutes, the fan circuit works, and the choke has been adjusted with the high speed idle screw properly set to 1/4 turn in from intial contact on the lowest cam, not the dead bottom of the carb. I found vacuum leaks related to the idle jet (it was nearly out of its socket is was so loose, and I am glad I swapped jets. EMPI failed to properly tighten 3 of the 5 top screws, yea I think thaty was causing a vacuum issue too. But I did a thorough test run and its nice and tan grey on the plug color now at idle and WOT, very happy. Might need a slight bump on the accelerator pump richness setting, but I am literally one tweek away if any. I wanted more freeway time, but had a Patriot Guard function. The ride is tomorrow. I would take the GL, but honestly would rather road test it thoroughly first.
Finished the audio system install on the '82, using mostly components from the '83, which is now naked. The sound is OK, but I'd like a bit more bottom end punch. Not much room for subs in these fairings...
[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=121314#p121314:2i7bmqw1 said:
Steve83 » Mon Jun 16, 2014 2:55 am[/url]":2i7bmqw1]
Finished the audio system install on the '82, using mostly components from the '83, which is now naked. The sound is OK, but I'd like a bit more bottom end punch. Not much room for subs in these fairings...

That seems to be a problem with any fairing. I keep looking at my Vetter and thinking a set of speakers mounted low would help it sound good, but then I am afraid of what it would do to it structurally.
Sadly, I prepared ol Bertha for the boneyard. Motor is shot, so its time to put her out for parts to help others keep their own versions of Big Bertha on the road. Was a really sad dad day dealing with that.
[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=121342#p121342:ltsb7qaj said:
krakum1967 » Mon Jun 16, 2014 9:11 am[/url]":ltsb7qaj]
Sadly, I prepared ol Bertha for the boneyard. Motor is shot, so its time to put her out for parts to help others keep their own versions of Big Bertha on the road. Was a really sad dad day dealing with that.

My condolences... others may live due to your sacrifice.
I should have the block out by Saturday, aluminum scrappers are paying 100 for the raw long block. I will have a better look by the weekend though, got floorsweep down, and doing small stuff, I swapped the mirrors off for the replacements off the GL, nice to have a solid metal mirror that does not vibrate. Front tire is sold to a customer, same with the battery, and I am waiting to hear from a person in fargo looking for the GL1000 front end for a custom project.

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