What did you do to your Wing today ?

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Got to RIDE today! :yahoo: Rain FINALLY left the area...rained every stinkin day last week, except yesterday. S'posed to be nice until Thursday this week...we'll see how that goes. :BigGrin: :moped:

[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=169801#p169801:1h09qhtc said:
julimike54 » Mon Mar 14, 2016 9:54 am[/url]":1h09qhtc]
Rode out to Possum Kingdom lake for lunch yesterday, nice day other than the wind, pretty strong

It were nice yesterday, weren't it! :yes: I needed to do some cleanin in the garage yesterday...sure wished I could've gotten the Wing out for a spin...
[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=169803#p169803:3ndn4gp3 said:
Terry » Today, 10:08 am[/url]":3ndn4gp3]
[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=169801#p169801:3ndn4gp3 said:
julimike54 » 10 minutes ago[/url]":3ndn4gp3]
Rode out to Possum Kingdom lake for lunch yesterday, nice day other than the wind, pretty strong

I haven't been to Possum Kingdom lake in forever. Used have family reunions at Bailey's camp when I was just a boy. Is the lake still nice or has it gone down, many lakes and their surrounding properties really get slumish with time.

It still has some very nice places around it, some I wished I could afford, haha!
[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=46544#p46544:3u0w4d2p said:
mwbill37841 » Tue Feb 28, 2012 4:12 pm[/url]":3u0w4d2p]
put the dyna in an set it up. wet up my gas jug tryed it nothing... :Awe: took the line off at the fuel pump nothing coming in. derect feed, tried agian. don't have good battry yet useing last years lawnmower jumpers and and i got a couple of pos. puffs of black smoke. and i think she tried to hit but i don't think i'm getting enough power that way/ any ideas?

Before you do anything else, clean the connections at the battery, solenoid, and especially at the starter. If there's any corrosion it has high resistance and won't let enough current through. You can check with a meter and it looks good, there's voltage but that corrosion stops the high current. It can can pop like a fuse and now the connection is full of burned, corroded metal oxides. Clean 'em.
[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=170167#p170167:alya4mga said:
chuck c » Sun Mar 20, 2016 12:06 pm[/url]":alya4mga]
[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=46544#p46544:alya4mga said:
mwbill37841 » Tue Feb 28, 2012 4:12 pm[/url]":alya4mga]
put the dyna in an set it up. wet up my gas jug tryed it nothing... :Awe: took the line off at the fuel pump nothing coming in. derect feed, tried agian. don't have good battry yet useing last years lawnmower jumpers and and i got a couple of pos. puffs of black smoke. and i think she tried to hit but i don't think i'm getting enough power that way/ any ideas?

Before you do anything else, clean the connections at the battery, solenoid, and especially at the starter. If there's any corrosion it has high resistance and won't let enough current through. You can check with a meter and it looks good, there's voltage but that corrosion stops the high current. It can can pop like a fuse and now the connection is full of burned, corroded metal oxides. Clean 'em.
Um you just answered a 4 year old question.
I had to run around picking up parts and pieces at work today so I picked up a few things for my bike.

The first stop for the bike was @ a hockey supply store. I picked up a tape called "grip tape". It is $4 a roll.
I got 2 rolls. I use this to wrap my grips. It is a self sticking tape that leaves no adhesives on the surface it is applied to.
It sticks to itself, dry's fast, tacky when wet. It also helps extend the life of foam grips.

@Home Depot I picked up a 24x12 piece of lexon for $20.
I took my small shield off, made a pattern using the old black half 6" shield and a plastic clothes basket (round)
Fired up the jigsaw, cut it out drilled some holes and mounted it. I the 6" shield on behind the larger 10" shield for stability.
I had some 1/8" thick, 7/8" wide, 3' long aluminum I made 2 braces for my fairing.

Then I went for a short ride 12 mile loop to a country store, I got a Sterwarts Orange creme soda drink. Filled up and came home. :BigGrin:


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[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=170359#p170359:15wwrvoc said:
joedrum » Wed Mar 23, 2016 11:35 am[/url]":15wwrvoc]
cool neat mods ...
+1 :good:
Repaired my rear master cylinder

When I rode back from Yamba on the 28th of Feb I found the back brake stuck on as I was coming in to Lismore, I flicked it back up and it went all the way up. This is what I saw after a quick look.
This had happened to me in the States but Steve was able to fix it with a couple of carefully drilled holes and some tie wire ( the circlip groove was corroded and allowed it to pod out dropping the link), even tough Steve wanted to do two lots of tie wire I said one should be fine.
As always with mates I just figured I would head back up the highway/interstate by myself but they assured me that they would take it easy so I wouldn't miss my back brake. The yellow lines would of been the way home without hardly using the brakes but peer pressure and I headed off with my mates. Well by the time we get to the "death to motorcyclists" ( 11 killed since 2005) I figure I may as well head down Clagiraba road and over Mount Tambourine to home as I was coping fairly well without a back brake.
After some blasting and painting on the link I drilled anothe 2 holes and used the stainless tie wire that I picked up from Bunnings garden department ( our Home Depot with red shelving). Steve's original galvanised/zinc tie wire broke off when I was doing my repair as it had rusted almost through but I can't complain as it has held up for over 2.5 years :thanks: Steve.
Your right Dan, but I bet they didn't think people would be wanting to keep these bikes going after thirty some odd years. Sometimes you just need to do what you need to do. We use to call that Yankee ingenuity, what do the Australians call it.
Well Wed not today, :roll: finished the rebuild of 87's clutch master, slave cylinder's, oil seal in case for clutch rod, & bled. :heat: Test rode it, OK now. :yes: All four seem ready for the upcoming season, started & ran well when tried after their long winter's nap. :yahoo:
[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=170496#p170496:2d4y1ass said:
OldWrench » Fri Mar 25, 2016 1:26 pm[/url]":2d4y1ass]
Your right Dan, but I bet they didn't think people would be wanting to keep these bikes going after thirty some odd years. Sometimes you just need to do what you need to do. We use to call that Yankee ingenuity, what do the Australians call it.

Bush Mechanics
Anything can be fixed with wire ( usually stolen from someone else's fence) :smilie_happy:
Rode the Rats Nest to Springwood to meet up with my fellow VJMC members and on the way home this happened
Notice the Gforce indicator going off the scale when it is smacking the road :doh:
Luckily it was only the gorilla glass in the Lunatik case that cracked
[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=171041#p171041:2bypr3ct said:
mcgovern61 » Sat Apr 02, 2016 9:59 pm[/url]":2bypr3ct]
My gosh Tony!! I thought you were flipping over!!! :shock: I am glad to find it is the camera flipping and not you! :heat: :good:
I don't think that I am that talented Gerry :smilie_happy:
I prefer to keep the wheels on the ground and the shiny side up :yes:
There was another bike that rode past the camera before I went past so that I could pick it up which was pretty cool :moped:
new plugs,adjusted-valves.put light up toggle switch next to choke,for driving lights. :builder: :music: :moped:


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I charged the battery so it should start up in the morning for a nice Sunday ride to church.

Sent from my HTC One M9 using Tapatalk

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