What did you do to your Wing today ?

Classic Goldwings

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I rode Crystal to work...yes Janet and I work a the same and have the same hours...and same days off. Yes I rode right behind her on the way there and back...what, so what if it was 92,000F? :Egyptian: I live to ride and ride TO LIVE. :cheeky:

And after a day of tear down and a day of prep, some burnt orange metallic paint...
2013-07-21 21.13.17.jpg

one more coat and then some metal flake clear today.... and someday soome I hope to ride it again..... :moped:

[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=89621#p89621:3hunxh3r said:
Fetacheese » Fri Jul 19, 2013 10:22 pm[/url]":3hunxh3r]
Had a very nice complement paid to the Lynx and me at the Dunkin N Donut this morning.

Bunch a young guys were setting at the side walk tables when I pulled in. Went is for my usual Saseme Bagle and cream cheese with my coffee at hand I walked outside to sit at the next table over. One of the guys was a Harley rider with three Harleys at home. A 59-72 and 205, all Sportsters. We got to talking bikes after he asked me what year the Lynx was .I said the first year for the GW , 75. He turned around and said to his buddies,I'd give the 59 and the 72 for a bike like that. Braught a smile to my face and this thought to mind. "That'll be the day" :grin: . Nice Guy,made my day.

Nice... :rocks:
i had to charge my odyssey battery on the 1500 wing. the positive cable came loose on the way home from work. i got a guy at the gas station to give me a boost after i tightenedthe cable but with less than a mile to ride home there wasn't much charging done by the alternator
I am tracking down a short in my fairing connection...so off comes the Vetter and if need be will make up a new harness from bike to Vetter..... No low beam sucks while riding at night

Seen the post on the Dyna S ignition.. I ran that on all of my HD's loved it...must seek one out for the GL

OK so I have Had this problem with the gas gage on the 1500 since I have owned it. SOOOO I decided to fix it as I have a group ride tomorrow. Short version, Pulled all necessary covers, that took half a day :smilie_happy: pulled out the level sending unit and fixed it, by soldering the resistor wiper arm to the float ark. Works some what. will order a anther from fleaBay on the first. Will do pix when installing working unit. will add to 1500 threads
I have had to do that myself on a few runs and have always had a great time even though I didn't get to ride.
[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=90365#p90365:1yjc5hxd said:
Fetacheese » Fri Jul 26, 2013 5:13 pm[/url]":1yjc5hxd]
[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=90361#p90361:1yjc5hxd said:
Ansimp » Fri Jul 26, 2013 4:44 pm[/url]":1yjc5hxd]
I have had to do that myself on a few runs and have always had a great time even though I didn't get to ride.

Of course ,you are right. I suppose what is important is to be there and not how you arrive.
Usually the cage turns into one large mobile esky (cooler) so my mates are usually happy to see one :good: :salute: :good:

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