I had two in quick succession, well three really, the first was given to me by my Dad, I was 16 and just got my first provisional licence. On a learners licence you could ride any bike up to a maximum of 250cc, or a 650 as a side-car outfit. No passengers unless the rear passenger had a full riders licence.
So the first was this below....
A Mobilette 49CC heap of brown stuff that smells bad.
That was swiftly followed by what I considered at least a nod to a real bike...
My Yamaha 55cc Scoterette.
That in turn was sold to make way for my very first real Bike, On that you had to swing a leg over.....
My First Honda a CB160.
I had that for about 6 months when I went real up market I bought my Honda CB250 Dream
Although this one is gold, mine was the same but in Red.
These were all been given and got within a year.
I had the Dream when I got married and managed to drop the bike doing 5Mph going down a slow hill at night when it was snowing, my wife was 3 months pregnant at the time, she never went on the back of one of my bikes again.