why is my gl1000 overheating

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Air stuck in the cooling system possibly . Most likely the line to the overflow res. is leaking so does not draw coolant back into the radiator as it cools.
I thought I remember it said to bleed with the rad. cap off and rad. topped up you need to fire it up(Idle) to release air, then cap it and hook up the reservoir. If it had only water only in cooling system it just might be a clogged rad.
The thing is with these bikes any one thing out will cause overheat, it`s as if the cooling system design is just enough,no more.
[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=146948#p146948:2jjbs17z said:
Gonz » Yesterday, 9:16 pm[/url]":2jjbs17z]
yes. i hear it running though it hasnt gone past the halfway mark.
Hmm, gauge reading is suspect.
Sounds like a head gasket, Check the coolant and oil. toothpaste in the oil or discoloration/bubbles in the coolant are indicators of a blown head gasket, also test compression and get a coolant tester kit.
An easy check for a leaking head gasket causing overheating or boil over I have found works good every time is to put the end of the over flow hose in a container of water. If you see ANY bubbles while running, head gasket is leaking.
[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=146963#p146963:2y6u3n3p said:
dan filipi » Wed Apr 22, 2015 7:32 am[/url]":2y6u3n3p]
An easy check for a leaking head gasket causing overheating or boil over I have found works good every time is to put the end of the over flow hose in a container of water. If you see ANY bubbles while running, head gasket is leaking.

Just to add, head gaskets do not always leak into the coolant. If you don't find bubbles, you may still have a bad gasket.
Check the easy stuff first.

Be sure the coolant overflow hoses are connected correctly. A dumb move I made last year when I had pulled my engine was to hook them up backwards. Bike ran great for 20 minutes then would start blowing coolant and overheating! :shock:

I thought it was the coolant since I had just replaced the water pump and used a different coolant. BUT, it was just the hoses on the tank being backwards and no place for the coolant to expand to except out the hose and then suck air right back into the engine! (Boy, I felt like a dummy). :oops:
Thanks everyone. Will try the simple stuff first before replacing the pump. Will keep you posted.
Well boys it looks like we fixed it. I bled it like you said, filled her up, idled, hooked up reservoir tank and here is the clincher ... The end tip of the over flow hose was almost singed shut by a hot bike part. I guess that was messing w the flow ans suction. Either way, i ran her for a good while with no leaking or boiling over. Now if i can figure out where this strong smell of gas is coming from ill be happy. But i can start a new thread.
That is great news!! :Egyptian: :clapping: :yahoo:

Now if i can figure out where this strong smell of gas is coming from ill be happy.

Yep, start a new thread for that! The most likely issue is the carb floats are not set correctly and you could be dumping gas; but, we will add those answers to a new thread!
[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=146988#p146988:kds0jt7c said:
Gonz » Wed Apr 22, 2015 9:44 am[/url]":kds0jt7c]
Well boys it looks like we fixed it. I bled it like you said, filled her up, idled, hooked up reservoir tank and here is the clincher ... The end tip of the over flow hose was almost singed shut by a hot bike part. I guess that was messing w the flow ans suction. Either way, i ran her for a good while with no leaking or boiling over. Now if i can figure out where this strong smell of gas is coming from ill be happy. But i can start a new thread.
Good deal, The smell could be a fuel cap, they are supposed to be able to suck air in but not out, in other words they build pressure in the tank and you get a swoosh when you take the cap off, this is normal.
Second could be a fuel sender o'ring leak under the seat, or leaking hose,filter,petcock,fuel pump.
If its also running rich could be a plenum seal but this would be noticed after shut off more then running.
Look for leaks, if none then it is vapors(cap and sender seal)
Thanks guys, was about to drop a pretty penny on a water pump. Will probably still need to replace after. Everyones disposition to help is outstanding. Stating new thread for gas. See you there.
Just FYI, during the normal operation of the cooling system, as the engine warms coolant expands and flows into the recovery tank. As the engine cools, coolant is drawn back into the radiator.
For these actions to perform properly there can be no leaks anywhere, and the radiator cap and overflow tube need to be up to snuff.
Correct. Before it was flowing into the recovery tank but was not pilling back into the radiator. When i cut off te singed tip of the overflow hose it appeared to make everything right. Tha or the bleeding.
While idling bike i filled the overflow tank to the correct level. I closed the cap a d shut the bike off. I heard a squeeling noise from overflow tank like it was pressurizing or depressurizing. Either or. Anyhow, she started boiling over again. I bled it again, cruised around a bit, got home and let it idle till gauge reached half way and she boiled over again.

Question: how long can she stay idle till she heats up? Since it ps water cooled isnt it supposedto stay cool?

Should i bleed it again? I wasnt having any trouble when radiator was full but overflow was low to empty.
Full level in the overflow tank is at operating temperature not cold. Fill it cold and the radiator as it's warming and now you have more than the system can hold.
I'd run it with the radiator cap off.
If you see bubbles or if the coolant pushes out then it's head gasket leaking, which is pushing air into the cooling system and out the radiator.

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