wingnuts on a bagel

Classic Goldwings

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glade you made it homebut either my wing is part harly or i cought some bleed over from the bagel. i got the gauges working wright . tried to tweak the carbs like you said and nothing changed but got to running bad and smoking, then i noticed on of the vacum caps was broken or poped partly off. so now i got to take everthing apart and replace the top. but all is good. agian glade you made it home. but got to say this. on the trip the only trouble was with the support vehicle , how's that for rottin luck? hopefuly the next one will go better.
slabghost":1x279e7t said:
I feel like a blessed version of bad luck Shleprock from the Flintstones.

Sorry to hear about all your bad luck and I almost hate to say it but I laughed aloud when you mentioned "Bad Luck Shleprock" :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: What a Great Handle that would have made !!! :music: :music:
Supposed to be a 440-3 truck motor. Mech says it's a 318. So I'm hunting any truck motor that will fit.
slabghost":3sjb3t1u said:
Supposed to be a 440-3 truck motor. Mech says it's a 318. So I'm hunting any truck motor that will fit.

HUH? 440 is a big block....318 is a small block. You'll need to find the same size to put back in, unless you wanna deal with vibrations, and I assume you do not. I thought from the pics Joe posted it looked like a big block, but there wasn't too much engine showing in the pics, so I may be wrong....

:Doh2: I went back and looked at the pics again, and it IS a small block...the distributor is in the rear. The big block distributors are in the front. The actual engine size is cast into the block on the driver side, around the starter area. It should have a 318 cast into it, or 340, or 360, whatever size it is. Of course, you can't look if it ain't there with ya....

If that thing was overheating that much, and that many times, it prolly is toast, unfortunately... :head bang:
Wow I don't know what I would do in this situation, I would probably be so upset with the RV I would just want it gone, I'd probably sell it as is just so I didn't have to put more money into it...You had idea's to use it, visions of taking trips and camping out without any issues, it's a proven lemon...Now are you going to fix this lemon or get rid of it and continue you idea of traveling in it..either way I'm pulling for you Slab.. :clapping: If I wasn't so subborn I would have gotten rid of my Goldwing long ago but nooooo, now I trust her to take me to Canada and back... :clapping:
I agree with most of the others.
Your pictures show a smallblock. In a moho I'd assume it would be a 360.
What does "trash" mean? Did they remove the heads and find scored cylinders/damaged pistons?
It's not worth much, so if it needs a motor you might be ahead of the game to cut your losses and start fresh.

My best advice: I don't care to work on the newer ones and you can't pay me to work on these older moho's. For all the labor and money spent, it will never amount to anything more than a worn out piece of crap with yet another new band aid on it. You'll always be lucky if you make it out of town, much less make it back. You'd fare much better if you build a fence around it and rent it out to migrant workers. A "good" landlord will include a garden hose and an RV cord. :good:

Reality check! Sorry. :doh:
I tend to agree with sc.
Unless your ready to keep sinking money into it, sign it over to the shop working on it.

Maybe should step back and take a good look it.
Put a used motor in you've got a used motor.
Refer doesn't work.
Steering box is toast.
Electrics have been rigged.
Needs odd ball tires.
Ya just know all the steering linkage is shot.

Not my kind of project making that thing reliable.

What's next to break, rear diff?
I've owned too many of these old vehicles. It's always sumthin.
V I've gone the used motor route several times in the past. The motor's just weren't as they were claimed to be. And I was buying local. Alway's cost me more in the long run. And I just had to get rid of them anyway. Just some food for thougt. Just look at the bigger picture then decide. Jerry
littlebeaver":1s0v1qkx said:
I will say that I found it much cheaper just to tow a popup trailer with our pickup...the fuel cost on these RV's can get sky high :shock: ..

The cost of fuel, and overnight parking will usually match or exceed the cost of a decent motel. Not to mention maintenance and repairs. (or should I say bailing wire and fluids) :swoon:
Motorhomes beat the pants out of doing the hotel thing. I hate hotels especially after my sister working as a maid for 3 months told me about the hygiene of most of them.

Hardest decision to make with this bagel is it ain't at home where work can be done as you can.
I hope this mechanic can be trusted to know what he's doing and giving you the true story.
dan filipi":2x84zzhx said:
Motorhomes beat the pants out of doing the hotel thing. I hate hotels especially after my sister working as a maid for 3 months told me about the hygiene of most of them.

Hardest decision to make with this bagel is it ain't at home where work can be done as you can.
I hope this mechanic can be trusted to know what he's doing and giving you the true story.

He seems to be an honest ethical guy. Motor home beats hotels always.
I'm behind you Vince good luck sir, I restored a pop up trailer [74] to like new condition, anything can be done if you put some hard work and lots of time into it, you go man, good for you.. rewire the whole thing if you have to..there are some good folks in Kentucky, I know I lived there for 4 years and got to know a few, just don't cross anyone there.... :shock:

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