OK! Today was the test shake down after doing the following:
Replaced the timing belts, all new coolant hoses, new coolant; waited for shifter seal & cleaned stuff, replaced stator connector with trailer plug (water tight and local), used dielectric grease. Actually any plug removed got coated.
Shifter seal arrived a week later & replaced it (minor oil drips while replacing), easy....but! I look over and oil drip has formed at coolant hole :head bang: so order water pump & front cover kit, & wait for those to arrive. The day after I order I'm reading AAple topic about water pump & realize I need 2 more parts, oil pump shaft seal and that 'o' ring (thank you AAple). Those parts arrive & I decide since I have to take radiator back out again, I'll change T'stat also, don't want to do this again! Everything apart again
Found the water pump drain hole plugged tight, coolant could have been trying to leak but would never come out the hole. I wonder as a maintenance item ,should the hole be cleaned out some how and how often?
So...put it back together again :yes:
Then the brake & clutch lines arrive so....more has to come off
I get all the lines replaced (SS with black sheath)and bleed, start putting things back on , had trouble orienting left front brake line connection(separate post). Hind sight one should mount all the brake line stuff completely BEFORE putting fairing on

oh2: made it a real pain the other way. The clutch line was replaced from lever to rear as 1 new line. Didn't require any more parts removal other than Tupperware and air filter & cover. All fluids looked really clean, no gunk in lines or reservoirs (maintenance pays off).
Used Hammerite paint and small long brushes to cover the small areas that battery acid took off coating (refer to earlier in post).
Repaired the 2 nuts in 'Airbox B' cover
using the following tools (never found a glue that would stick to the plastic), might be a type of poly???
Used the long screw to fill nut (pre oiled) and see that nut was aligned (not cocked), applied hot glue to perimeter of nut and wood stick to push it into the void around the nut. After cooling unscrewed long screw & repeated for the other one across from the pic. Then used razor blade to trim flush with surface.
Put those parts back together.
Replaced side cover grommets
New oil & filter (guess what no washer on filter or drain plug :evil: (guess who again) HBSP
Bolted, snapped or attached everything back on and that sunny day when I finished it started to rain :cheeky: It let up briefly and took for short spin (less than mile) make sure everything functioned, all ok.
Today B4 rain started again took for a 40 mile run to make sure all good, ran & stopped better than I remember.
Pulled up to park & letting it idle while pulled off gear and.......... :crying: the timing belt tensioners are chirping, only at idle can you hear it, soooo.....on it goes :sensored: