84 1200 in 82 naked standard

Classic Goldwings

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Dec 8, 2009
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chuluota florida
i just got back from tenn. to pic up the 84 1200 motor with rear ignition from robthehillbilly ....from the looks of things this is going to hook right up to the 82 with just a few mods ....one looks like a a direct plug and play switching the 84 1200 over to 1100 rear ignition .....also switching the hydro clutch over to cable setup from 1100 ....me and slabghost have decided to try the vacume fuel pump set up on the 82 for fuel sorce ....all i have now :mrgreen:
no switch the clutch over to cable operate it will have to hydro to keep the 1200 clutch whitch is bigger ...so thats the plan....the ignition was a direct hook up and no problem.....the motor is an place next to bike on blocks ready to slide over and install need to check timing and belts and decide weather to stay with stock cams or go with early 1000 cams 75-77....still thinking about it .....the carbs are going to be the big deal i think as in how much work they need

so gambleing on the ignition switch for working on the 1200 was a good gamble
ive been getting that advice from others too william and im leaning that way ....it wwill give me the chance to experience the stock setup with just a little lower final drive ratio ....so its looking like that the way im headed ...thanks for the input william
today im cleaning things up on motor and checking belts timining compression ,,,still thinking seriously on cam change ...imean this is what its all about.....i have a great running 1100 with cam switch and some ignition setup so i might go with it on cam switch it wouldnt take long at all to do....carbs have gotten a bath on the outside and are freeded up good on operating linlage .....more later :mrgreen:
decission made the early cams are going in....the motor is clean on the inside the timing was good and the belts were put on proper ....the motor has irridium plugs in it .....they all look good and burning clean ....

i just couldnt get around the fact that the cam change was going to be easier now than later and im all about trying different things ...im about haftway through changing the cams ....these cams came out of the 82 and were highly hammered ....i had hand grinded them and tued them up..... they look great....they sould realy hold up well in the hydro heads..... :mrgreen: more later
1200 cams increased compression in Dans 1100. I wonder if the early cams reduced compression in the 1200?
ran into some big problems on clearence with the early cams on this 84 1200 motor ...it seems it was barely touching the pistond when cycleing by hand with the crank bolt....im thinking this is to close to go with.....so im going to put the stock cams back in it now ....dont want any major boo boos :shock: :crying: :head bang: :builder: :cheeky: :mrgreen:

i need to fined some info to help me maybe .... :mrgreen:
the 1200 heads are pumped up with oil and it was slightly clicking noise that went awy after the oil leaked down some dan im thinking ....anyway to risky to try blinded id say ....when i say slightly i mean slightly ....so plans change now till i know more :mrgreen:
Well the 1200 rockers act different than the earlier rockers since the hydraulic adjusters have to pump up after disassembly to set the lash, I found it takes a good 10 seconds at cranking speed before the lash is even close enough to get compression to fire then 15 seconds or so running til they completely pump up.

Are you sure the clicking wasn't something else?
well going out to do what ever to figure this out .....most likely going back to stock cams and move on.....im glad i figure out something was wrong it was the slightest of noise ..... :mrgreen:
stock 1200 cams are back in and the clicking is gone ....im not sure if its hitting the piston or making spring noise but either way its gone now so back on target for mounting in 82 ...... :mrgreen:
some pics finaly ...you know sometime you have to replace the batteries in cameras :hihihi:


you can see 82 ignition bolted up on the 1200

a shot of my blocks setup to slide motor over

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