Got a chance to meet up with Allen and had a great afternoon! :thanks:
Here is the scoop; he swapped out a carb from the other carb rack and the acc pump is no longer leaking, new slow jets and I synced the carbs with him and got it to run smooth. The issue that still remains is that there is gas dripping by into the intake when the engine is off and is hydrolocking the engine a bit on start up (including the puff pf smoke from unburned gas when it starts) plus one of the vacuum slides is sticking. The sync gauges show that it is #2 slide that is sticking.
The float needles and seats must still be dirty and not sealing well enough. I showed him how to clean the needle with a gummed up one from the other carb rack. The bike runs great otherwise!
He can ride it right now, but I suggested cleaning those needles and try to get them to seal. We discussed how to test to see if they are sealing correctly with the carbs off the bike. All in all, it was a great day!