coilsmay be faulty .....Is the neon coil pack an alternative

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Ok tried the bypass ..not getting any spark to any plugs...

Black with white tracer wire is the power on the 77..

there is 1 power b/w wire that splits into 2 round f/male bullet connector ... 1- goes to the plug connect that goes to the coil pack.. the other I connected to the wires that went to the ballast resister.. Am I wrong with that ?
Would it matter if I switched the 2 round bullet connectors? the one that now goes to the coil with the one that goes to the bypass of the ballast resister ?
no black and whithe are coil wires from kill switch ...the blac wire and the black and brown wire are the power wires on the 77...depending on witch position the starter button is at dertermins witch wire is powering the black and white wire to the coils doulble plug in
So I have the black and white going to the plug connector of the coil pack..which is correct ?

Is it the wires I have connected to bypass that are incorrect ?

I should put a black wire and the black & brown wire to bypass.?

I have the electrical schematic to help me try and make sense, but thats not helping too well..either.. thanks for your help
yes the black wire feeds the ballist resistor and then out the other side of balist starts the black and broen wire yes plug the black into the black and brown wire that's the bypass done right
Ok joe....going hunting now for the wires.... Have to take out the air box and look around ..Thanks
Ok , I have bypassed with the black to brown wire..... I do not have spark at plugs..

there power to the connector to the coil pack.... keep going around in circles......
You should have two feed wires to power the coils. Sounds like the wire from the resistor isn't connected to the coils.
This is the neon coil only one wire (black/white) to the coil pack connect plug.. 3 wire is the power black/white...the yellow wire runes the front coils and the blue/yellow runs the rear coils...... have I done this correct..?.
but I did have power to all plugs a few posts back... I am confused... , I don't want to be just a rider , I want to be able to fix it.......just trying to get back on 2 wheels...I did not think it would be a bicycle! !!
Original wiring on both 1000 and 1100s has power to coils from start button for added kick in starting. Then they had power from the harness through the ballast to the coils to supply power after it's started. So there should be two power wires at the coils.
Slabghost...there is 1 power b/w wire from the harness that splits into 2 round f/male bullet connector...I have only connected 1 of those to the neon the center blade... I have also bypassed the ballast by taking the black wire and joining with the black/brown joe and I have discussed... have I done this wrong...should I use the black wire to power the coils , but then it would not come from the kill switch..
Ok crowe here's what your original wiring should look like. gallery/image_page.php?album_id=1132&image_id=11409 To bypass the ballast resistor connect that blk wire from one end of the ballast to the blk/bro on the other end of the ballast. The blk/bro then goes to the stop switch where it changes to a blk/whi wire out the other side. The blk/whi wire then splits into two and a blk/whi wire goes to each coil to power them. There should be yellow signal wire to the right coil and a blu/yel signal wire to the left coil.
no ....the power wires go from to start button first then to kill switch and then black and white to coils coils are always feed through these wires from kill switch .....if you got the black and black and brown together its right ....could be switches not working now ....neon coils are to hot for Honda iiggy wires ...might have burn up start button that quick ....hmmmm that unlucky if that happen ....but can and will if ran this way long enough ....its either that or martek iggy ...hmmmmmm

how dose mike come up with those amazing pics all the time sheesh like batman
slabghost, joe
let me thank everyone who is trying to help...
Lets take this a little at a time..

I have .bk/ br together as the ballast bypass . is that correct ?
I have 1 bk/wh to center of the 3 prong coil harness .. is this correct ?
(the bk/wh is one wire from harness the it splits into 2 wire for the oem coils)
Yes I have saved and copied that ignition diagram for my many files.. and it looks like I need all of them.. I have the 1977 electrical schematic on my screen.. just to try and figure this out... I will be putting in a relay, I was just trying to get it working on all 4 cyl...then I wias going to put the relay in..
one the wiring pic mike put up the ballist hot feed wire is black it splits off from black wire that gose to starter buttpn hooks into black and brown wire that leaves the reisitor ...when the resistor is remove the ends are right and it just plugs together to black and brown ....

im not sure what you mean thre prong plug ...but the black and white wire from kill switch to coils that has the double end on it should be hooked up to the coils both of the one plug in for each coil in the wiring pic of mike the other coil wires yellow to right coil and blue and yellow to left coils and that should work
the 3 blade connector is the wire harness for the neon coil pack the center blade feeds both coils the yellow wire is for the front cyl 1&2 the blue/yellow is for the rear.. That was my understanding from steves site. I hope this helps...

from steves site. Pretty simple really. The coil will sit in the frame with the plug terminals pointed to each side, the primary connector will face either left or right depending on how you mount it, pointing right seems to work best. There are 3 wires on the primary connector and 3 to the original coils. The black/yellow wire from the bike goes to the center wire, the yellow will go to the front wire in the coil plug, the blue to the rear. Then the plug wires go on, the front 2 plug wires go to the front coil terminals, the rear to the rear.

also from steves..For 1 there is no ground wire on the coil pack. I am pretty sure all the neon coils are the same except some have round pin connectors and some have flat pins. The center wire is the hot wire (black/white on the bike harness), then The yellow wire goes to the front coil and the blue to the rear.
Here is a diagram of the coil wiring, excuse the art work.

So if I recall this thread right. Black /brown from ballast resistor went to feed coils. Black from start went to black / white wires. I think the black/brown wire did also. Now if I were to choose just one wire to feed coils I would use the one from the ballast resistor. It would be hot before during and after starting. Black from start is only hot when button is pressed.
No sir, the black/bro leaves the ballast and goes to the Stop Switch, On position, The blk/whi leaves the other side of the Stop switch and goes to the coils. If you wired the blk/bro direct to the coils you would loose the stop switch.

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