im sure the carbs are probably not up to par and this happens but as been posted riding it will do wonders for it to a point ...once that seems to peak out then its time to see what might be left to do ...atf in gas is good move as mentioned
+1 :doh:[url= said:mcgovern61 » Thu Dec 17, 2015 12:47 pm[/url]":3kk3znjk]
Combination of carbs not synced and the clutch rattling. Mine chirps every once in a while if I do not use enough throttle on take off. Been doing it for 6 years and 26K miles!
That's pretty much the same for 1100 with stock carbs, maybe a little lower.[url= said:bronko37 » 6 minutes ago[/url]":18r0qwhp]
Ive never ridden an 1100, but on my 1000 I try not to spend too much time under 3k rpm.
[url= said:made2care » Today, 9:34 am[/url]":11xxv1ef]
So this is just the norm on this bike and sound will lessen when carbs are synced?
[url= said:dan filipi » 22 minutes ago[/url]":acm744up]
I like those bags and trunk. Something about them just strikes me as "right".
[url= said:made2care » Wed Dec 16, 2015 5:52 pm[/url]":2mos66t7]
Took her out again today. Seems she is stammering when releasing clutch, similar to when you aren't going fast enough and are in a higher gear and the bike hesitates. Might just be me but I don't recall this happening with my 1200. Could it be that since carbs aren't synced yet , its causing delay of sorts? The stammering is pretty loud and does not sound normal. Once she's off, sounds good.