hooch getting a new fuel source

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Post venturi, all it can do is slow the velocity of the charge down, wouldn't it? If fuel, or water, condenses there you will get droplets coming off it until it warms up. There was a guy who claimed to pick up several hp by removing the screens and thinning the diameter of the throttle rods for improved flow. He felt the screens slowed it down a lot.
it all in how you look at it ...im a realist ...what I think is that on hooch this highly modified 1200 ive got ...would not run on any stock carb set from mother Honda for any oldwing ... I tried them all ...they all failed miserably ... I have no experience with a single carb set up on a stock bike and can in no way answer your question ....

on hooch the weber carb made it to where the bike would come home reliably ...the stock carbs always didn't or limped home ...the weber out performs all setups I have had on hooch some of them seemed to be doing well but faultered terribly on the road wasn't even a contest ...

hooch seems to me to still have more in the tank ... im just now getting to learn these carbs ... but its power now is better and more powerful than any Goldwing ive ever been around ... also it is totally rock solid in how it runs ... the low end torque is huge and totally ungoldwing like .....what I know so far is ..if your use to a oldwing and ride this bike your instantly in trouble as soon as you let the clutch out ..bigtime :heat:
things move slow this time of year ... hooch is getting an upgrade ....since winter has set in at the beginning of fall around here thanks to global warming fools and gods answer to them ... most of the single testing has gone from hooch to dan in cali ... the grand poobaa of the forum ...in this testing on his bike ...it rang loud and clear when we tried this transition plate to help center the fuel charge ... to improve and even out plug color and burning to improve performance ... the improvement was huge on a bike running very good ... this made it a instant hooch modification that is going to happen ......here is a pic of dans and how combined with the type 4 centers things perfect and also the choking effect actually helps the carb functioning when matched with oldwing motors of smaller displacement than what the carb is made for ....matching all things without any discounts ...

snow everywhere so I have had time to think a lot today ....im sort of thinking to go shovelking method of grab bar runners .....he used the 1 1/2 grab runners with exposed screw mount .. this enabled just a hose coupling fit from bar to type4 plenum ... then gamble that the transition plate one barrel to 2 is choke good enough to work carb good .....if not it should be easy enough to sleeve down inside ... anyway I wont blindly buy the grab bars....I will measure things out soon to see exactually what will hook up the best ....there no doubt in my mind that the grab bar or the dan type runners will even out the differences off set better than any other way .... this along with the transition plate and type 4 setup places the carb in about as perfect as it can get for a oldwing ...something I am thinking quite big on for sure ....I also like the look of it all when done ...its quite beefy looking and it is also quit stout .....

my only discount to it all is ... up until this point I have never come across one thing to discount rubber hose runners yet....
:lust: well trip to home depot today to see if I can bring home the grab bars shovelking came up with ... to me my build hooch has the the most pull per runner than any Goldwing ...300ccs of pull largest intake valve and most aggressive cam you can have with the early heads and 1000 cams the 1200 has ... more so than even a 1800 can pull per piston as intake valve is smaller and cam not near as aggressive .....this ought to be great test ... :music: :builder:
[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=107082#p107082:1f84vrpo said:
dan filipi » Thu Jan 09, 2014 9:12 am[/url]":1f84vrpo]
Sounds good Joe.
Your weather should be warming up some so time to jump on it. :whip:
Yep...its warming up alright.....I think it is up to 21 degrees now!! :smilie_happy:
It warmed up 40 degrees in the last 24 hours here. We always pay for it with a strong south wind, so it feels just as bad. I hope it warms up more for you guys.
[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=107085#p107085:1ngoqzvb said:
joedrum » Thu Jan 09, 2014 9:21 am[/url]":1ngoqzvb]
huh ... its a sunny 28degrees here gerry :cheeky:
Oh Yeah! Shorts weather there! :smilie_happy: (Break out the suntan lotion! :hihihi: )
:headscratch: okay its has finally dawned on me the effects im experiencing with the hooch build 1200 ...its seems to me now that when a cam from a early 1000 is put in a 1200 motor that has bigger stroke ... it changes the cam rpm range ....not necessarily its fixed lift and duration ... but the overlap at TDC center is reduce cause the crank circle is bigger ... the only way to get back to 1000 cam overlap ..would be the separation of the intake and exhaust valve separation to make up for stroke ...it makes sense if the motor was less stroked than original cam set up the cam range would go up the rpm zone ...it my conclusion ...

I don't see this as bad ... in fact im just floored that the 1200hooch has power in the low end range that just makes this bike pull like a freight train ... Honda really had the torque of the 1500 in the 1200 motor all along ....and hooch comes in a diet package ...

nothing to blistering here but ive been going over this build forever it seems and I finally think I know whats up and what to expect ...with the high rpm cam of the 1000 ...im not going to get that ... what I am going to get and expect is ....this set up is going to give everything thing it has just off throttle to about 8000rpm ...

lets hear some comment on this ... :popcorn: :mrgreen:
The difference in stroke between the 2 engines makes sense there's going to be some effect somewhere.
I don't know enough about cams to say any more than that but will say I had a rpm ceiling on mine running the same cams you are with a single carb and it turned out to be too rich or too lean, I can't remember which but most likely too lean.
I am thinking that a 1/4" stroke in clylinder translate into quite a bit on a circle to push it up ... sheesh where the number crunchers when you need them LOL.....I still think that the 1000 and 1100 heads and the early cams are just made for each other ... no matter where they end up operating the oldwing rpm zone ... sheesh the 1100s really get a boost from the early cams ....and I think in the end the 1200 will make the cams and heads really shine through ...when the weber is dialed in finally ...not that this is hard except in funds and parts to dial it ....
[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=107214#p107214:uaohg1ws said:
joedrum » Sat Jan 11, 2014 8:24 am[/url]":uaohg1ws]
yes...I don't know the exact figure im sure it a little more than a 1/4"....oopps maybe less LOL :smilie_happy:
Lol, so it could be an 1/8"?
Just curious because that seems an awful small amount to make such a difference.
well might be all crazy here .... so just blabbing I can see where degree relationship can remain the same .....sure is funny how its acting though ....must be some other aspect of the deal ...so I will give it more thought
it's possible T marks are a few degrees advanced on the 1200 cranks. I think it's more likely the combination of the single carb and stronger ignition spark.

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