hooch getting a new fuel source

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well backlander today ride with daughter was great ... we just tooled around and played and fun hooches power ... she has a gxr and it aint no slouch ... she had a blast when hooch out torque the Harley down low in the Harley sweet spot with ease ... its really hard to baleave how completely opposite it is ... for some reason this mod did change cam sweet spot ... today I learded a lot on how to handle this beast ... its like having a new bike ... so far it seems impossible to hide what you have at parking lot speed .. it radical here some witch is totally different from stock carbs so im in learning mode awhile and I like the class .....tooling around with a hanful of power is my favorite way to ride :mrgreen:
yes westgl it is very nice to have the power where it can be used and played with without getting to ticket zone country ... hooch has power anywhere ... im very pleased ive hit this so close right off the bat .....this thing feeling like its the durability of a long haul truck in a race bike type package ... in no load running it kinda runs over itself ... it dosent do that under load ....

cant wait to do video under load while riding ... need to figure out how defeat wind noise :shock:
[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=94625#p94625:2kxm759z said:
joedrum » Mon Sep 02, 2013 9:47 am[/url]":2kxm759z]
cant wait to do video under load while riding ... need to figure out how defeat wind noise :shock:

That's easy...just ride it INSIDE..... :Doh2:

:smilie_happy: :hihihi: :smilie_happy:

Dang Joe....do you ever sleep? :clapping:
joel I have lots of free time ... and this is how I spend it .....im sure if I was able to work id be struggling to get things done ... its not a great retirement as I have no choice but I do the most I can with it ......
Hey Joe,

I would like to get some more detail as to how you sealed both ends of that 1-1/4" hose into/onto both the vw plenum & the OEM manifolds.

Did you use plastic and or metal Tubing?

What was used?

I am not to clear on that?

Did you use a sealant of some kind?

I ordered a new waterproof housing for my video cameras (that little one i used at your place). The last one broke when it fell of my helmet at 60 mph.
When i get it set up again for bike use, we'll meet somewhere or I'll ship it to you. We have a dual camera setup i made for the Miller Bike that worked well at 200+ mph. Hopefully Hooch doesn't exceed that speed.

With the housing installed, my cameras will have virtually NO wind noise and we can record Hooch in 1080P front and back at the same time.

cool paul ....okay westgl ... here is the way its set up now ......first the hose I used was for thre reason its all I had ... but in that category it was rather good sized .... the 1 1/4" hose was a perfest fit in the intake runners .....wow what luck ....on the manifold side there was no way to slip over .... then again it was perfect size of intake runner as is the manifold opening ... faced with this I looked at things ....it became clear that most single seemed to fail from air flow ... so looking at this problem from the backside ... icould see if you resitrictesd some of opening close to the carb it would speed up the air right at the carb where it needs to be fast .....so in the early pics of the mod you can see the hoses connected to the manifold with no pluming connector ... that's because there is a sleeve coming out of the manifold the hose is on ......the sleeves actually cut the manifold hole to 1 " ....and from there to the piston is pretty much strait shot ......this is all great as the flow is completely tamed by then and pretty consistant .... so in this state the of progress I hook every thing up and it showed immediate promise .....from ther I got the plumbing connectors to mod the set up in a way that the sleeves could be possibly remove for full flow through the manifold if I wanted too ....It was a battle to get the hose in the hose with the sleeves in them .... as it is what you have is a tounge and grove sealing at the manifold ... hope I didnt loose you there ...and as of now there is no other seling process going on ....this was not easy to do ....but the parts were made so precise in a caveman way it had no choice but to seal ... the whole idea lot of rubber is being use turns vibration into more sealing than ever ... im having absolutlly no leaking except for gas line of wrong size hose...LOL...but as in concept if your going to have manipulaton it sould be don close to carb ... not piston ....the whole idea that the runner and intake are matched from manifold to piston is something I think is super important .... I don't having change at runner is meaningless ... that's why I think 1 1/4" plumbing is good idea ......there are many way to seal west ... when I decide to go for full air floew im sre I can rig it easy from what I have....changing one runner at at time while everything is still hooked up .... that is what I was shooting for in mod ... so far it looks like I did really well here too ...ive already have taken it down one runner at a time and put back together when I added the pluming connectors to outside of hoses ... inside the connectors is ring that can hold oring to manifold face to seal it without inner sleeve and with grip tape and various other method the outside
connectors can seal to the manifold......so im thinking I got a rather good bump in airflow in the bank to work on carb with ... as long as hooch can keep the speed the air up for the carb to work right ...so this is how it design to be smooth flow the type four moldifold currently in full choke position
Nice thanks Joe

Like this?

Look what happened to my bike today.

Your right those Hoses are a pain in the A$$ to put on an try to get them all the same length.

Funny you were doing your conversion, I had most of the parts with the exception of a couple of parts and the carb. picked up the 740 carb locally.

Thanks for your help Joe I hope to start mine up next week.

I hope mine runs half as good as yours does.

I had a Green Praying Mantis on my handle bars all day while i was working on the bike, I guess i will call my bike the "Green Mantis"


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wow westgl build is hospital clean ... I cant wait till I get my shop up and going with lights and all to be able to put some really fine work ...the work on the manifold look good westgl ... lets just keep this thread going with your work ....and really see if we have nailed the single carb issue down ...I think others are going to jump on this too .....im very happy to have found the carb that is right for hooch and all oldwings I hope out of the box .....In ten strait yrs of reading about oldwings single carbs the info seemed like it just dosnt work .... well it dose bigtime ... im not going to debate randall the clown on single carb issue and the gang of nay sayers but I am going to make sure my voice is loud enough not to get drowned out by randall nay sayers .... just today and yesterday I posted in threads where it seems the leaking gas into motors have compromised the motor ... from 30 plus yr old carbs leaking .... this takes out more motors than probably any other source .... so this thread represents some the oldwing survival info out there ... let really get this info out there and not stand for the bias opinions of others ... this is not us trying to say are is faster than yours ...but its more reliable and the best thing that can done to save these oldwings from there woreout carbs that can take out motors big time
I have been planning on do a single carb swap for a while now, That's why I had some parts already in my shop, just was trying to decide which carb. to use.

I must have 6 different carbs in my shop right now, for a single carb. conversion.

I also have two carb.'s for a dual carb conversion in my shop. A pair of single barrel, 30 PICT1 carb's and a pair of Single barrel, 34 PICT3 Carb's

Since the 3rd time my carbs Hydro locked, and I had gas on top of my engine and all over the floor.

I new then that I was ready for a change.

That was totally my fault for not turning the fuel valve off, but i am ready for a switch, not saying that the new carb. wont also do this.

Joe, have you been turning your fuel Valve to off on your New single carb setup?

I would like to see if I can leave the Fuel Valve on this new single carb. setup in the run position indefinitely.

I went through the OEM carb rack about two years ago, there is nothing wrong with my oem Carb Rack, and the carb ran/runs great on that 83' GL1100, But I am looking for some simplicity, and more Engine TORQUE!!!

I may have a Project: "Reverse Trike", something Low, with a low seat height, and a short wheel base, in it's future?
Hmmmm.....I think we should start a new thread specific to single carbs! A lot of Members can benefit and it would be way easier to find in a search if the title was specific for "single carb" installations.

Joe, you should keep this thread going on Hooch (because a lot of us are watching!) and add your findings in the new thread too! What do you think? :headscratch:
Well I think if you throw the big bucks at the stock carb rack to have gone through and adjusted by someone that's done a lot of them then they are the best for performance.
Where guys get into trouble is just not knowing exactly where problems may lie. That's where the carbs in and out 4-5 times comes in.

The stock rack consists of 4 carbs. That's 4 times the chance to have a problem.
A single reduces that to one.

Joe's bike is running great but remember he's running a far superior ignition to ANY other available with an agressive advance curve.
Most who have gone single say the advance has to be changed. The c5 ignition seems to achieve this.

What I'm saying is if you were to put Joe's single on another engine that's otherwise stock, you may not get what he has.

I'm not saying Joe's mock up isn't the best way to go but I am saying there are other variables in play here.

Myself I believe a single is by far the best way to go all around for simplicity and reliability.
A carb and manifold are on their way to me right now.
[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=94709#p94709:r3csh380 said:
mcgovern61 » Tue Sep 03, 2013 6:51 am[/url]":r3csh380]
Hmmmm.....I think we should start a new thread specific to single carbs! A lot of Members can benefit and it would be way easier to find in a search if the title was specific for "single carb" installations.

Joe, you should keep this thread going on Hooch (because a lot of us are watching!) and add your findings in the new thread too! What do you think? :headscratch:
Agreed Gerry.
I'll split it later.
What specifcally were you in reference to, Joe? I Studied the pics pretty well.....I did like your smart way ya did the throttle cable! That was pretty slick, even if it was totaly red neck!
Did you want me to notice sumtin in particular? The neatest thing I noticed is that it doesn't look like ya had to alter the frame on Hootch, which definately is better than the 32/36 DVG Holly/Werber. I haven't heard of anyone who's had problems with their bike because of the mod to the frame, but most people wouldn't want to HAVE to cut up the frame!
well just gose to to show you red necks know how to get it done ... no I was asking in you saw the video of hooch running so you could hear it on page 4 gingerbreadman ... there two videos there dan posted of the bike running.... idont see all the successful videos out there of the people who have no problems ... just a few videos of bikes idling ... I guess only rednecks put there stuff out there to be look and heard ... and the gurus just talk and show nothing ... the video speaks for itself cause I don't speak or type well ...and could care less about going anywhere with skill mouthing slick bs as something of value and not have anything in the pocket as real to back it up ....fruitless .....in fact im exactly as how one describe me at the meet and greet a hillbilly redneck hippy roc and roll drummer and totally happy to be so ....thanks for the compliment
[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=94763#p94763:2u0ti3vj said:
joedrum » Tue Sep 03, 2013 5:03 pm[/url]":2u0ti3vj]
well just gose to to show you red necks know how to get it done ... no I was asking in you saw the video of hooch running so you could hear it on page 4 gingerbreadman ... there two videos there dan posted of the bike running.... idont see all the successful videos out there of the people who have no problems ... just a few videos of bikes idling ... I guess only rednecks put there stuff out there to be look and heard ... and the gurus just talk and show nothing ... the video speaks for itself cause I don't speak or type well ...and could care less about going anywhere with skill mouthing slick bs as something of value and not have anything in the pocket as real to back it up ....fruitless .....in fact im exactly as how one describe me at the meet and greet a hillbilly redneck hippy roc and roll drummer and totally happy to be so ....thanks for the compliment

Joe, i was the one who called you the hillbilly redneck hippy drummer and as you know, i sincerely meant as a compliment.

You wear your feelings on your sleeve. When you are upset, you say it. When you are happy, we can all tell. When you want to know more, you have no issue explaining what it is you don't understand. I am SO glad i drove the 18 hour round trip to meet the forum members.

Video of you running your bike, and your honesty about carb and electrical issues, just shows that you are on here to help. If everything you posted was all flowers and no weeds, well i just don't think you would be as believable...but you are the REAL DEAL. Great typing skills does not mean what you do is better, all it means is you can explain it better.

Thank you for sharing all your ups and downs. It's great to have you as a new friend.

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