hooch getting a new fuel source

Classic Goldwings

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It looks to me like these two carbs 740 & 32DFT are the same main body, Also there is another carb that also share this same carb. body.

It is called a 32/34DFT.

That 32/34DFT is also the same carb body as the 740 & 32DFT, I looked at the Carb. rebuild kits for the 32DFT and the same carb kit rebuild kit for both the 32dft and the 32/34 carb.s gaskets and everything.

I am not sure of the availability of the 32/34DFT, i think it is lower.

It does Not look like the 32/36DGV at all, this is the carb you and i talked about and that it was to much carb for our Oldwings.

The 32/36dgv is a bigger carb body in every way, it shares the same carb body as the 38dgas as they look similar except the 38dgas is a syncronous carb. and 32/36dvg is progressive

I did notice that a guy was talking about the 32/36dgv saying it sprayed way to much fuel from the secondary, and was bogging all over the place, hesitation in the transition from 1st to 2nd barrel, (i wish i could find this info) and that he corrected this by plugging the secondary fuel transition squirter, and ran the secondary, off of, jets alone, he said this was way better, but i dont know for sure, no experience with that.
Look at this exploded view of the 32/34dft

Does this picture look familiar?

Same carb body family.

I used to put a larger engine into my toyotas, toyota goes by engine family, stay with in the family and everything works, and bolts up. Same Form & Fit


  • 32 34 dft carb exploded view.gif
    32 34 dft carb exploded view.gif
    110.5 KB
I am with you on this Joe,

That Carb. body style is Really Really good, Great!! even, Statically speaking, since I am not into riding a bike with a hand throttle, hand clutch, and hand brakes, I am short one hand.

And I'am not using little westgl and the twins for pushing the throttle.

Is that what they mean by being short handed, or is that taking, short hand.

It is good to have choices, at least we have couple options to keep our Oldwings going,

if one of them runs out or becomes hard to get, were still covered

There is also a 28/32 but i would have to research it to see what it's carb. body looks like, I am on break. I think this one is also hard to get.
[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=96107#p96107:246jb1wl said:
ekvh » Sat Sep 14, 2013 9:01 am[/url]":246jb1wl]
A little more.....please.
Yeah Joe, what a tease!
ok I had the manifold opening sleeved down some in the opening right at the manifold so that the flow of the air would increase speed to get atomization for sure in the carb ... im going to icrease this to full open now ....In every way I can figure this 740 carb 24-25 set up with 32-34 bottom on it ... has the perfect air flow to match stock carbs it seems by the numbers ... but I don't hold this as anything to bank on ...westgl has got the weber 22-22 working good with full manifold going ...its hard to argue this .. im not trying too ...the numbers the way ive look at them suggest this is is a little down from all out air flow that stocks carb can do ... if the way im looking at it is on track ...but its really close here ....what im doing is to see if the bigger 24-25 carb can be good at full flow on hooch ...as hooch is definitely has need of more carb than stock oldwing ....as long as hooch can maintain idle ...there should be a increase in air flow at upper rpm ....

there are many ways to sdjust carbs that has nothing to do with adjusting the carb itself ...is where ive been playing ... starting with as much increase in air speed for carb as a starting point ...when I started this my knowledge on this carb was nothing past the 24-25 figure and it was two stage ... now as I do thing this is second step ...to go for all it has to offer and hope it still idles ...we have all learned a lot since I started this ...thanks to westgl and his pursuit after getting a bump from me ...this is truning huge it seems
Hey Joe,

As i am reading I am confused?

I thought from reading you had a 24/25 butterfly size?

Is that correct?

Then i saw where you said 32/34

My carb has 32/32 mm butterflies

If you have the 32/34 butterflies then you have the biggest of the 740 carb's that is the same that i received recently

It's getting close to time to change your avatar picture to a Single carb picture, for accuracy
well funny you should mention that ... cause hooch is getting strip of its single ...im gald this thread lit the fire in weatgl and the perfect carb came to life for all plus the easy to do system here me started ...im very happy ......even in this piss poor situation ....you couldn't stomp the good out ..what a great ending to in a plié of BS
well low that ive nandle what im doing with things ...im ready to go back to posting on hooch ...ive tried two carbs ... the 22-22 and the 24- 25 .. both will work on hooch with 22-22 the easiest ..but I like the 24-25 a little better .....it was stronger in the primary than the ..22-22 on hooch ... so im quite glad to have both to work with
This is so interesting and a great alternative to old wing owners that need an option to worn out old carbs. Over here (UK) some of the old stuff is available but I think most time it is just buying old stuff. The Webber/Delloreto/Holly or other single down draught twin choke carb looks to be the way forward here. My biggest concern is the availability of manifolds and plenum chambers getting the right size. We might be the old country but don't mean sometimes we are backward too. I like the look of the Volkswagen manifold so I may get one here at a price, ans I might just have to bite the bullet and get one made. So keep this one going. Ian
first thing this morning I went out and fired hooch up ...it is obvious to make the point ... that the smaller weber carb with 22-22 weber that is working on the stock bikes so well

on hooch its like a down grade to some extent ... its like putting a stock 79 rack on a early cam 75-77 1000 ...it works and dose fine but it drops off in power as capacity just isn't there....this is not a bad thing really ..hooch is far from a stock oldwing motor and reduction in power is not bad thing for safety ...

but it clear to me listening ride reports and captain discount and his discount posse ... that these idiots don't have a clue what im working with .....hooch is for real there was a meet and greet here where many saw how different hooch is from there bikes and that was with stock carbs on it .... when the single holley waber 32-34 was put on hooch power increased dramatically over the stock early 1000 carb set up that was out classed the stock carb set up ....and that just plain fact ....you have to be a certain level rider just to ride the bike ... there are a very few out there that know what im talking about who have made this mod to a 1200 motor and know the the stock carbs are lacking big time ....so im not in the land of trying to get a single to perform like stock carb bike im way above that

it is hard for me to take seriously someone who claims to have built a double overhead cam head and challenge randakks to track race that had so many conditions that it was never going to happen cause there was never a bike to go to the track to begin with just BS ...

so discounting from someone that is a joke ...to me I could care less and actually have the bike people have seen it and what it did when they seen it and it not made up BS

so today starts work again on it after recovering from my mishap on hooch .....so if the captian discount could have any merit slam the fact that my ability on hooch didn't rise up to level of the encounter I had that's true .. in the end hooches power outclass my skill and just cant do that on a bike like this period ....

so today im back on lining out hooch and the single carb witch been just awesome as compared to everything ive seen ...why cause hooch has about as much to do with stock oldwing as a high dollar porche and a VW bug


You personify the true biker guy with your postings on Hooch. You LOVE Hooch...I can tell.
She must be one hell of a bike.
Me, I'm just starting so I'm a poser until I get Old blue running. In fact I should have had it running by now, but first I'm cleaning her up a bit, sending a few parts out for a powder.

All the best.

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