hooch getting a new fuel source

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[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=96981#p96981:1zb8icw2 said:
Ansimp » Sat Sep 21, 2013 7:13 pm[/url]":1zb8icw2]
Keep smiling Joe, the doers always out way the egg heads or arm chair ******s!!!

Ansip, what do ya do when yer an Egg Head and an armchair ******?
I'm new to bikes but not to doing, though I haven't been doing like most of you fellows.
I'm taking it real slow sometimes too slow got to overthink sometimes and it frustrates me.

Guess I should have taken the moniker "NewWanker!" :music:
Sometimes we have to walk before we can run, at least you are honest and try not to overthink as that slows up the best of us :yes: :moped:
Seeing and hearing the ride feedback from Dan and Joe at the meet & greet was so much fun.
Not being able to ride Hooch was the only let down. When this project is finished (maybe never?) I think Joe should built a rental fleet so I have something to ride when visiting him. Watching Hooch idle up Joe's backyard hill is firmly etched in my mind forever.

I don't get on here daily, but the first thing I check is to see what Joe posted since I was here last. Keep going Joe!!
okay found some gas today not much ... started hooch up and I have a gas leak ...ive got to get the right size hose sheesh :smilie_happy: anyway it also became clear that my tack is not keeping up to motor ... for those that have looked at the video and thought hooch was not tacking up to 8000 it probably was ... these tacks are just not very good if the maitnence work done was lying in the dirt floor of my building :Doh2: now theres no doubt hooch was running rich in the video to a huge degree ..but again this was my fault again for buggering up mix screw threads and ne not really feeling it like I should and move it in the ever so slowly between runs ... well im by all that ...hooch is running good and the tack needs attention from me ...

so as the follies of joedrum go ...I need buy right size hose :Doh2: get some gas :Doh2: lube the tack :Doh2: straiten a few things up :Doh2: and go for a ride ...I can be so whatever you call this :whistling:
seems to me im not worried to much on permanent fixing yet of the system right now ...the rubber fine for the moment ....im still trying to get the proper set up going ....in that back of my mind is always windNwing setup ...that has never give him problems at all in yrs of riding ...so to me this is a proven anti icing setup he lives in Ohio and must experience conditions that would cause problems ....there pics here on the forum of his manifold ....it seems to be a runner and all heating system right to the boots ....so when I get the manifold and carb setup like I want im going to mod a mock up of windNwing set up ....I dont argue much with known success as his bike is ....it was a great product and a shame its not available anymore .....so as I do things im leaning always toward the system of no complaints in manifold set up and hope to even best it ...but who knows yet ... im still going to find clear hose hook up to learn from :mrgreen:
The Windnwing set up,

That sounds good, you cant mess with success.

I am unfamiliar with that, do you have a picture you can post?
[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=97632#p97632:15qd617t said:
westgl » Thu Sep 26, 2013 9:27 am[/url]":15qd617t]
The Windnwing set up,

That sounds good, you cant mess with success.

I am unfamiliar with that, do you have a picture you can post?






Very close Jim but still not exactly the same intake as mine. The configuration is correct with the coolant connections and bleed valve openings.

Even though mine is an aluminum casting it looks more like a weldment of rectangular tubing and does not have the larger radiuses in the corners. The one in this picture is much more rounded and molded than mine.

No prizes but I wonder who will find the correct picture first. I haven't been able to and I know what it looks like. :doh:


yes I plan too put metal runners in my type four vw manifold ...when I get every thing set with carb set up im going to copy somewhat this runner and all water heating system ....and mod it to the type four is my complete plan on hooch .....im thinking ill be good then as I can be

:builder: :mrgreen:
next step on hooch is to modify the sock intakes to the point perfect spot for type four manifold I have no resources to get pipe and bend and buy fitting for solid runners ...I can dang sure mount these intake where they make since ......a person like me has to make choices that are available to me ..this seems to be the way for me ...its hard to argue with stock intake horns with there arrow point right ... :hihihi: .....this should even up things just right ....the milling brench is in full operation so its a good time to go after them ... i also have a few mods for the manifold to do ...that I can do with stuff I have too ... :builder: :mrgreen:
well really the next step for hooch is just get some gas and go for ride ....right now hooch has the 32-32 ...22-22 holley weber 740 carb on it ...like westgl and dan have on there bikes ...its a little down on power in the primary barrel on carb from the other carb but seems to be fine .. after riding ill see about upgrading some :builder: :mrgreen:
out looking at hooch today while working on other manifolds for single ....sheesh with the info that has been basically ironed out it seems the first shot I did ...with the type four manifold turns out to be a successful way of doing the single carb ....it is for sure the chokes in the manifold down to 1"ID that has the biggest effect on the weber carbs working ....and then the 1 1/4 hose from there to intake horn and this system works good ......

im not saying it cant be better ...but with the 32-32 ...22-22 carb hooch has now there's no bad spots

I like it when discounters get proven wrong on something.....they can say what they want ...but for people that think something of what I say ...the joedrum chokes made this happen ....its senseless to worry about heating ...curves ...and all this baloney...when the bike don't run good to begin with ...

the carb that pushed here wont run on just it alone and any manifold set up ....but with the chokes yes ......so this mod ive done to hooch and havnt changed but to find out what didn't work and put it back to the original way ....

Im totally behind this and back up the fact that this works good ....
got hooch out of the doghouse ....hooch is running well ...and revving fast ...spent a little time dialing it in ....theres no doubt it runs good as stock or better waithing for things to dry out and go for ride

hooch has the smaller weber on it right now ...its bacicly a holley weber very used motorcraft 32-32 22-22 like dan has got and tom sales new

the set up is one inch chokes sliped in type 4 plenum and stivking out enough to connect the 1 1/4 ID hose to and clamp

on the horns the clamps are taken out of there grove and slip into outside high ground ..to capture as much hose as possible ....to me the hose bends better to curve than any other method ... this one is the worst one ...hmm see that one clamp is a little off ...this wasn't easy to do in the dark of building ...I went through all connections
okay ride report .... it finally stopped raining long enough to go for small ride ....

started out a little rough ..lots of humidity today ....condensation everywhere ...it would idle fine then start to ice up some and run rough ...you could blip the throttle and clear it ...

anyway I knew what was going on sitting still and watching ....

finally took it out had a little trouble getting going ...take was a little jerky like

made it to the corner gave it some easy throttle and seemed to clear itself good ...

then it came alive. I was in first and in mid rpm twisted throttle and it broke loose instantly ...backed off shifted gears and it did the same thing only more violently so right away it got scary ...

Hooch never missed a beat ....the power this bike has keeps you from exploring boundaries big time ...

I'm not sure how to compare and to what ....when this weber carbs feeds flawless to this bike. its like no oldwing ever ....

bogging and stuff is just not happening ..when its running under load it is a beast through out the rpm zone ....

I'm not sure but I don't think an 1800 is any match to this bike .....

where others seem to be having low rpm problems ...hooch is just flat out wicked mean and hitting the secondary is reason enough for it to break loose traction bigtime like another gear

I don't know what else to say ...except when it comes to power from bottom to top rpm and speed hooch is never going to look bad ever

I wanted to build a super modified 1200 ...and with the work I did cam and head and lower end wise ....the c5 iggy...and the weber carb ..this has to be one of the fastest on the planet ...I havn't even come close to be able to really ride this bike to it's potential :yahoo: :mrgreen:
Might need to go to the salt flats to really check it out. The trip alone would be quite an education I'll bet.

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