hooch getting a new fuel source

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things are going good so far ...I made a small video ..of it running .....seems I need a smaller idle jet ...going down to 45....I must say I think it will idle soon good I hope cause past that hooch is tacking out big time ... hooch must really be drawing the gas in with the 371 cam and 1100 big vlave head set up .... hmmm
If you haven't sprayed with something to check for air leaks, it might be worth it before swapping jets. As I type this, I am reminded of how easy switching jets on these are.
[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=112766#p112766:334sbg0h said:
joedrum » Tue Mar 18, 2014 8:22 pm[/url]":334sbg0h]
yes seconds eric is all it takes if good jet grabber tool ... idling at 1250 now very good ... its good enough to test ride now ....it sure is tacking good off idle ....

certainly no bogging going on during throttle twist
:yahoo: :moped:

Sooooo....what was your final solution to the flange issue, Joe? Inquiring minds wanna know! :yes:
[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=112776#p112776:j8msf54z said:
AApple » Tue Mar 18, 2014 9:36 pm[/url]":j8msf54z]
:yahoo: :moped:

Sooooo....what was your final solution to the flange issue, Joe? Inquiring minds wanna know! :yes:
Bet me......plumbers putty for the sink drain seal! :smilie_happy:
[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=112793#p112793:1h8mtvkz said:
joedrum » Wed Mar 19, 2014 10:24 am[/url]":1h8mtvkz]
I used no goop Gerry
Sorry Joe, seemed like the best caveman tech for the job. :hihihi:
ok pics ...

well as you can see I did more than one thing to seal the runners ....on the left is a tapered donut that goes to 1000 fork ears on the bottom on the right side is the top piece ... it had a thin sleeve on it that I mated to the intake horn piece so it would cinch down on the runner tight ..


if one had all the right clamps .. one could have all the clamps down underneath runners for good look ...I had to link clamps together to get enough to put on LOL

now for the real info .....if I had left the flanges on made the intakes horns as I did and gaskets I made .. this would all go right together ... the bad moment was me thinking there was no way to get the inke horns over the 90 degree turn ...I was so sure I didn't try ...in the end the dam thing went right on :swoon: so I almost rung the bell here just a 1" short ...

the shovelking method of grab bars is a good one ... I dam near made a great improvement on it ... not that it was needed ...

I will say this is for sure a tight set up and no leak system with 1 1/2 grab bars ... I will see what the runner size dose now .....as soon as I can test ride it .. wow sun finally pop out its been raining here all day so far :builder: :thanks:
:clapping: :clapping: :clapping:
Excellent!! Necessity is the Mother of Invention!! Great job, Joe! :good: :salute:
oh wow ... its to bad here to test ride so I got didn't get down about it....ran hooch awhile ...then immediately took carb off ....it was quite dry inside plenum .. I was expecting pooling of raw gas ... that kind of stun me ... so from there I decided to put transition tower back on as I like to call it .... sheesh the lid just barely closed on the shelter the air filter is right there ....

well now I was ready to try transition tower carb set up ....well the way I got things set up the gas line never came off carb in switching the set up ....it fired right up ... idle smooth not near as lopey ....I was impressed ... when I work the throttle it was nice and even and rather snappy ... I had to work it by hand as there is no cable hook up ....I let it idle for awhile seeing if it would degrade seemed not to went inside the house must been there 10 minutes or so came out still idling away fine ....its been raining here all day so this was a icing day for sure ... nasty and rather cold for the 50 degree temp it was at my house ... I cant wait to test this bike on the road .. I am very well pleased with the tower performance ...

when I ran the carb right on top of type 4 without tower things I noticed ... the intake runners were of different temps .. with the tower the temps were even all the way around on the runners ....in the low carb position condensation was all over the type 4 ...with tower it was cool but no heavy condensation at all ...

so the biggest problem with type 4 as I see it on oldwings is it shoots strait down into plenum bottom and goes raw gas especially at low rpm as the charge sits there longer before moving to motor causing bad idle and loading up of raw fuel ... once this happens it takes several twists of throttle and maybe a backfire to clear and get better ... idle really causes the plenum to get cold it seems ... the tower did none of this .....there was a few other things I noticed too but wont comment now as things are in mid stream right now ..

so far I have only changed the idle jet down to 45 from 50 ... this did help a bunch for the idle and it acts like it wants to 40 idle jet ... but it is doing fine as is right now ...

I am sure there is jetting to get as good as possible once I can start test riding ... but I see this as a huge leap forward and have a feeling I am going to get big torque out of this set up .. and have great idle ... power is going to start as soon as you think about twisting the throttle ... I am really pleased so far ... the transition adapter is huge boost to oldwing set up and type 4 combo with the 22-22 weber carb ....

now to get the throttle and all hooked up ... nasty out I will do it tomorrow I think when things might be better for me :yahoo: :thanks:
sounds good joe.
I didn't even try mine without tower, but on my 76 wing I can use short air filter and still fit my glove compartment in above carb.
Is your year wing different as far as spacing in false gas tank area?
Just curious.
hmmm no mine is 77 ...but I have thick gaskets and the plywood plate is rather thick at 5/8" .. and the kicker I think is my carb is pretty far back making it tighter I guess ... ill put up some pics tomorrow

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