new doghouse under construction.

Classic Goldwings

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[url= said:
zman » Mon Feb 10, 2014 9:16 pm[/url]":3d5lg7c9]
Huge difference good light makes, Maybe as important as having the tools.. didnt know you had an Interstate in there too.

Neither did Joe.....that's why he got all the lights.....:smilie_happy: :mrgreen: :smilie_happy:
in deed is right ...what i have found for all my effort to this building is ....a state sponsored american shedevil has taken all this work.....set me me up to go to jail with typical shedevil way of using the police to trounce the men of america in total discrimination to steall all that a man has has to the point of loosing your rights and all as a citizen ...anyway got away from the situation before she could lie me into jail ....and now the doghouse captain is a myth head druggie that sells this poison to kids and picks on old people that was there neighbors till they just couldnt stand it and move away ...what a complete waste of time this project was and the so called wife ...who was never nothing more than a worthless shedevil discounter to justify her worthless life .......all my stuff was stolen and sold ...america raises the worst women on earth as gov policy to keep decency from ever having a chance to exist ......
LOL :hihihi: i understand her completely .....evil and stupid always play together ....she could be the poster bitch for the state back shedevil shes going for blood against her daughter cause my daughter wont let the worthless shedevil around her kid at all ....the shedevil called cps on her own daughter ...she was the worst mother ive ever seen on planet earth ever myself ...ans all the times i tried to get help for my kids the state always backed this monster and my kids suffered horribly from it ...and have a twisted screw up since of reality shame something like this shedevil is allowed to exist and the state did nothing to protect my kids at all .....
Found out quite young animals have no agenda beyond what they feel is right thing to do. :good:

People can be very different, :yes: for no apparent reason. :headscratch:
[url= said:
Denver » Tue Feb 23, 2016 1:21 pm[/url]":32c3vyx9]
Found out quite young animals have no agenda beyond what they feel is right thing to do. :good:

People can be very different, :yes: for no apparent reason. :headscratch:

What about the people that are animals? :shock: :smilie_happy:

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