yes what great post dan ..that would be my move
Good discussion topic for a new thread!! :yes:[url= said:dan filipi » Thu Nov 13, 2014 10:49 am[/url]":1kybqizu]
Just a thought to ponder, Paul say's the C5 will run fine down below 9 volts.
I'd imagine the coils are a different story. I don't think we ever talked about that.
[url= said:dan filipi » Thu Nov 13, 2014 12:30 pm[/url]":cpwlbhfk]
I'll have to check with Paul, seems like he said the complete ignition can run on a 9 volt battery.
[url= said:Ansimp » Thu Sep 25, 2014 4:15 pm[/url]":1xzkpwnl]
Wasted spark is the firing of 2 cylinders at once and only is on the combustion stroke. The C5 main improvement is multi sparking during the combustion stroke.
hope not... :roll: but thats where i'm headed. i still dont know for sure if the " vibration " is related to the stumble/hesitation/no 1 thing.[url= said:slabghost » Fri Nov 14, 2014 10:56 am[/url]":3v0zc0hj]
Is it possible the 75 got put together unbalanced? Maybe pistons installed in the wrong cylinders to balance? Just tossing out possibilities.
they are a press fit into the carb body. then, the two brass jets with orings are a push fit into the towers. which are held in place by the metal jet holder which in turn is held firmly in place by the fuel bowl itself.[url= said:ekvh » Fri Nov 14, 2014 2:22 pm[/url]"a5c921f]
I have never read John's post on the emulsion tubes. Interesting. What holds them there so they don't turn from vibration?
a very good reason Joe. it has been totally revamped. bored and honed to the first oversize. new primary chain. primary chain tensioner from a 1200 starter chain and oil pump chain. new oil pump. new Honda pistons and rings. all new big end bearings and conrod bearings. all new bearings in both cases. new shift drum and new shift forks. ( very hard to find ) new clutch ( Barnett ) new water pump and the list goes on and on.[url= said:joedrum » Fri Nov 14, 2014 10:49 pm[/url]":2xn3rn3c]
well there might just be a reason this motor had no miles on it
dont know what i'm looking for ..... ha ha