Stella and her new alt. up on the table (of sorts) wish us luck

Classic Goldwings

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I remember now the 1200 covers have a recess larger for the bolt head to sit flat against them where the 1100 covers do not but I suppose the covers could be ground to accept the 1200 bolt heads.
Still need to compare the other bolt dimensions.
i used a 4 1/2 " grinder to cut my holes out, just went real slow and double checked about a million times lol. today i got both lower fairings back on and fired her up. let her idle till the fan came on and now just waiting till it cools down then will check coolant level. so far everything is working great . it's realllly reallllly nice to see the volt meter reading decent numbers. oh yeah almost forgot i also put the front wheel back on and now she's sittin pretty on the ground :good: :music: :yahoo: :music2:
ddrichard":121tu38j said:
i used a 4 1/2 " grinder to cut my holes out, just went real slow and double checked about a million times lol. today i got both lower fairings back on and fired her up. let her idle till the fan came on and now just waiting till it cools down then will check coolant level. so far everything is working great . it's realllly reallllly nice to see the volt meter reading decent numbers. oh yeah almost forgot i also put the front wheel back on and now she's sittin pretty on the ground :good: :music: :yahoo: :music2:


Got any pictures of the completed install?
these old girls are great to ride and look at but hell to work on, it seems you have to take half of the bike apart to work on anything, just don't understand why the rad cap is tucked way under the fairing, even with tank and seat off it's still really hard to get at the cap,,, sorry just venting................all better now :music2:
ddrichard":3l5logry said:
you have to take half of the bike apart to work on anything, just don't understand why the rad cap is tucked way under the fairing, even with tank and seat off it's still really hard to get at the cap,,, sorry just venting................all better now :music2:
I know what you mean I was not sure I was going to fit my hand down in there to get the cap off I can hardly wait to try and put it back on (prob. have to pay a kid with smaller hands to put it on for me).
Glad to hear everything worked out I hope to be posting the same in a week or so.
Oh by the way I think I will change the timing belts while I am in there 1/2 to 3/4 inch deflection with my little finger is a bit much right? :smilie_happy: lol
And who says Jerry is not lucky :good:
if you don't know how old the belts are, you might as well while your down there. I changed mine because they were honda belts that were pretty stretched. replace them with gates, from what i've been reading gates are the only way to go. by the way how did you put pictures on your thread, i've been trying but no luck


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OK so today at work I drilled out my washer to fit the step on my pulley and the pulley to accept the 12 mm bolt brought it home and bolted it on the crank.
Found out I can take another .350 off the back, So the back of it should be about .73 where the drawing shows .875
And my buddy down at carquest says that a 3/8 v-belt should spin the alt. as good as the 1/2 inch.
So I am goonna make the pulley part .500 thick and groove it for the 3/8 belt that should make the whole thing about 1.35 long compared to 1.745 in the drawing about .395 shorter. :music:
Will let you know after the next step.
Ok so it looks like this is as short as I can go behind the pulley.
There is about .030 clearance between the bolt and back of the pulley, so that bolt better be in before the pulley goes on. :eek:k:
Maybe start working on the v pulley part in a day or two.


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Ok so it's 4:30 pm new time in North Eastern lower Michigan and it is 63 degrees outside the only snow that is left is some of the big piles I plowed up this winter.
Oh did I mention Stella is still on the table (Jerry is a little bummed but he will get over it).
As soon as she recovers and he is cruising down the highway with the radio blasting and the volt meter is still reading 13 or 14 volts.
So tomarrow I finish the pulley and buy a belt then if the temporary bracket is right I can make a permemant one and get to work on the radiator.
I will keep posting.

My wife says "get out my ten speed, strap a transistor to the handlebars and go varoom varoom up and down the road" lol


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Got the lower bracket ready to weld up.
Have to pick up the timing belts this afternoon and get them on so I can button up the bottom.


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