It's raining here today , so.... No Painting , I was out in the Garage trying to do something , as I'm so far behind... LOL
the last person who painted my Goldwing , for some reason sanded and Painted the Aluminum piece that holds the Windshield to the fairing , I can get the paint off , but it is pretty much just trash after being sanded , so I went to the foundry and bought a 3'X5' piece of scrap Stainless Steel sheet ... I took a side grinder with a thin cutting wheel and cut out one like the orignal except it will be Stainless , and I'm thinking about making some trim pieces out of this stuff also , Stainless is hard to work with, but it sure looks good , when I get it dressed up a little I'll take a Picture and post it if anybody wants to see what I'm talking about.