Thanks Joe , Yes I'd love to play some music with you sometime , I played Bars for a living for many years . I have Wrote , Finished , and Recorded 5 albums of my own stuff over there years , and one Live Album of Cover Tunes , everything from Haggard to ZZ Top.... me and my wife do a lot of Camping in the little Teardrop Camper , we belong to a Teardrop Club with almost 1,900 members , maybe we can Camp close enough to you to meet and pick some sometime. on these Camping trips I take a Banjo and Guitar and there is always a picker or two there . ....... but back to the Goldwing, I'm gonna take a day or two away from it , my back is really bad today , I have to do it in spurts ... when I get back on it , I'm gonna put the new belts on it .... Ohhhhhhhhh I worked with the Carbs for a while yesterday , and I come up with a real Easy way to get them out of the frame , .... I had everything off , and the Carbs out to the side , but the last 2 Carbs was hitting the upper frame bars , I tryed several times , then I took the Vaccum Tops off the last 2 ..........and they will just Fall Out..... LOL , I figured you guys already knew that , but I sure didn't ........................Ohhhhhhhhh I forgot , Both of my Goldwings are 1980 Standards , the Black one was really rough and I stripped it down and might sell most of it, and it has the Wind Jammer stuff on it , and I guess somebody has put this Interstate stuff on the White one .