thanks pdbro

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About to be posted at Saunder's site.

Hello folks, I would like to just start this post by saying it's for you, the members of this forum and not the author of this thread. I would like to also state I do not have a SCC of my own, although I do plan on finding a nice 79 GL1000 of my own some day soon that will be converted to a single carb set up, with an improved ignition system.

That said here are a couple videos of my good friend Dan's High Performance 1200 SCC. Some might argue that this bike is not relevant to this thread but I think it is and I'll tell you why after the videos, enjoy.

Pretty cool huh? Well I and many others think so.

So why am I posting this? Well, I've been following this and other threads by the same author in the background like many of you. Like some of you I've been amused and disheartened all at the same time. What is one to think when maybe as a new member looking for a new approach to feeding our beloved Wings they come upon so much misleading information stated as irrefutable fact? None of us need or want to be told we don't understand what we are seeing or hearing. We are all intelligent people and videos with claims of a certain level of performance using tachometers from other makes of motorcycles with the wrong readings are disingenuous at the very least. Insulting the intelligence of those that ask genuinely honest requests for clarification turn off anyone, and effectively dilute the mission of all GoldWing forums.

The videos above need no explanation... but the owner is willing to answer any questions you have eagerly and without malice to your satisfaction. They are examples of what can come to fruition when a community approach with lots of smart friendly people with great ideas come together where all ideas are welcome for a single purpose without the need to belittle.

THAT is why I am posting this. I belong to this great community and two others and there are many folks here and out there in other communities who want to help you with SCC's or anything else for that matter. People who will do anything possible to assist you with whatever help you need, without telling you "you don't understand the principles or concepts" of any given area, folks that bend over backwards to document their builds and assist you with pictures and videos.

Remember, it's all about keeping these old girls on the road and just maybe improving them, so don't ANYONE turn YOU off to the SCC. Thank you for your time and ride safe.

Omega Man

Well if it is removed it will show that Saunders forum is agenda driven ($) now and not there for the good of its members any longer like it was when Steve Saunders owned it.
Well I am not satisfied anything is resolved there, and I won't be until some sort of action is taken to straighten up CM.

Coming clean and owning up to his past lies and apologizing for them might be a good start.
[url= said:
dan filipi » Sun Aug 23, 2015 10:08 pm[/url]":3qu4dz96]
Well I am not satisfied anything is resolved there, and I won't be until some sort of action is taken to straighten up CM.

Coming clean and owning up to his past lies and apologizing for them might be a good start.

Yeah good luck with that. :head bang: :head bang: :head bang:
[url= said:
slabghost » 14 minutes ago[/url]":2asi7xin]
[url= said:
dan filipi » Sun Aug 23, 2015 10:08 pm[/url]":2asi7xin]
Well I am not satisfied anything is resolved there, and I won't be until some sort of action is taken to straighten up CM.

Coming clean and owning up to his past lies and apologizing for them might be a good start.

Yeah good luck with that. :head bang: :head bang: :head bang:
Well not doing anything and him remaining an active member there would tell me a lot about their lack of honesty and integrity.
Sorry folks but I'm not going to let this rest until something is done.
It's hard to sway an enabler Dan... In the eyeas of the mod, corporal moonshine does nothing wrong.!! One can point out his short comings but that post is usually deleted or deflectedmfrom the truth.
The point is they are not shortcomings, they are LIES.
Lies that undermine the very reason for forums like these.

He needs to be stopped from having free rein on posting whatever he wants and held on a short leash.
here are a couple of responses i got from the mod there ( after i called cm a fool. )

Originally Posted by AZgl1800
I have had enough, this is not a place to plagiarize other folks.

keep it technical, or I will ban you.


i have asked two questions. still unanswered. the man is either a liar or a fool.
perhaps both.
plagiarize means to use anothers ideas or words and represent as your own. hardly applies here.


Yeah, realized I used the wrong word after the post was gone. I type at 120 wpm, and sometimes I hit submit w/o reviewing what was typed.

Steve is neither a liar or a fool, but he is close about some of the things that he does, as he is trying to patent part of what he is doing.

He will tell you how to accomplish what you need to do,
he is not going to layout a specific diagram of what he is doing just yet.
His threads go way back, and I have read nearly all of them.

he is not the best politician in the world, I won't say that he is...
but don't antagonize him, I have asked him to try and maintain the SSC forum, as I do not have the time to critically review each post for accuracy.

What I do is to try and maintain a family atmosphere where no one is allowed to be flamed.... I did not start this forum, I inherited it when bought the website and the founder, Steve Saunders bowed out due to family concerns.

In the interests of maintaining a clean forum without dissension, I will just simply delete any post that feels to me like it is contrary to the "gentleman's rules" of the house. I tried to stay out of the SCC forum, but I can't let it disintegrate like that thread was headed into until I stepped in.

Prior to Steve CM85 joining in here on the SCC threads, long before they had a 'moniker' "SCC", the folks here did not have a good strong leader in how to get it done, The threads were scattered, and spasmodic as is the general rule with stuff that is not OEM... modifications start off just being a 'one off' thing.

time for me to quit typing.


why would anyone let this midnight fellow run a sub forum given his history of rudeness ?
why let him call people who dare to ask a question
" trolls "
why let some one add a link in a thread to a clearly misleading video ?
why let this chap answer legit questions with meaningless blabber ?

a forum ( any forum ) should be just that. a place for people to share ideas and work done on their bikes.
if you say you have done something , show it.
if you say you have made some thing better, is this not the place to show it. ?
as a newcomer to this site, it is a very, very poor introduction.
a very easy google search of this chap turns up some unsavory opinions of him. it seems that this is the last of the major forums that tolerates his nonsense ..... WHY ?


Scott CM85 is not the perfect picture of being politically perfect... he is a strong advocate for the SCC crowd and he has helped a lot of them.

I continually work with him, and I almost daily have been PMing with him to keep his posts "to the point" and to provide better information.

The style of information that you see in my posts.... I go out of my way to make it clear of what I am speaking of.... and yes, he reminds me a lot of someone who says a lot, but leaves behind no information.

please be patient, I am working with the folks who participate in the forum... try and get him to interact with you. I will do the same.
the SCC sub-forum is a first for this forum.
We have never, ever, broken technical things down into sub categories. I have seen how that causes forum activity to slow down....

Having all things technical in one area gets every one's eyes in the same place, and it has helped to bring out a lot of knowledge from the older folks who used to ride the older bikes, but now have an 1800.
specifically, I am thinking of DaveO430... he is a 40 year retired Honda car mechanic who has worked on motorcycles his entire life.... he loves to help those, who will listen and help themselves.

Bike and Dennis; another sharp guy from Buckeye, AZ (Phoenix... know him personally, used to live and work there)
Driverrider, good help
DBoyer, super sharp on 1500s, but he PMs his answers (he hates for anyone to think he is wrong) but still, gives good info

Les 'DadsToyz' is great
and lots of more folks here are really great help....

I am a retired Electronics Technician worked from 1958-2010. Grew up in a machine shop, dad was a tool & die machinist, taught me how to repair cars.... I know the theory on all of it, just don't have the "hands on" experience with working on Goldwings..... but I have one hell of a Bookmark System... see my Sticky at the top of the General Forum.

I have been an associate moderator here since 2006. I have been the primary defacto sole moderator for almost two years.... others are listed as mods, but seem to not be reading us much anymore... life goes on, we all change our interests....

I am extremely interested in this forum.... back in 2008 it saved my life. How? it gave me a place to make my brain work again after an 18 wheeler ran over me and put me in ICU for 11 days.... then six months of therapy regaining my walking skills, and a year of desk duty until I reached retirement age.... the doctor told me that I had to do Puzzles, Sudoku, interact with people, or something, or my brain was going to shrivel up and die......

I did not die, as you can see, I am now an advocate for keeping this forum strong and healthy... that is hard to do with all of the varied personalities in this world...
You have a strong viewpoint and want specific answers...
CM85 Scott tends to give theory but not specifics.... (I am trying to change him on that score)

give it time please, and help the forum grow.... I will appreciate it a lot, and the other readers will also. but, while doing this, let's keep the personal attacks out of the game. I do not give any notice when I see a post that libels anyone, it is just simply deleted.... and it don't have to be libel, just an attack on someone.... same effect, I delete it and move on.... it is the only way I can personally survive in this environment.

Now, thank you very much for your interest in the forum....
I appreciate your view points. I hope that you can tell that I do react to events, and that I do make changes when a suggestion "makes sense" for the forum.
He's banned from every forum that wouldn't tolerate lies. Doesn't that say something about admin over there?

Regardless of azgl's opinion. Many have tried to set cmoron straight to no avail. Isn't going to happen.
agenda says it all .. the guy wont give answers because he thinks he can get a patent and make others pay him when he does ...sheesh these are 40 yr old bikes .. no ones getting rich on this market ... people that buy these older bikes are not going to pay too much ..... there's a name for people like this ..i'll invoke my freedom of silence here the world is off now days ......patent office is not where your ship comes in one tells me what i can and cant do ...and im certainly not getting beat up with a piece of paper (patent) held by a hand of this type person ever....sheesh cant have an open forum to help people. With agendas like this ... i am totally the opposite i try to help others and give all i can ..a lot times i have nothing helpful ..and someone else dose ..or helps me ..a lot think i am very good ...but reality is I'm helped by others to big time ... in the light of this kind of agenda driven crap its obvious now why we are being attacked ... and i see no resolution here at all now ... your agenda driven ways is a threat to forums like this ...and I'm glad our work here is all documented dated and all ...the facts are its CM85 who's doing the idea stealing running his mouth a million miles lieing about how we have stolen his ideas when dated truth on forums shows he never complains about a theft till after he reads mine or someone elses mod ....the whole westgl scc system was a direct copy of what i did right down to the hose used ...and then him and cm85 presented it as there own ....i got part of what i did from jake 2012 and said so .. not hide it ...but i also did it my way which was different but the west gl was straight up what happened to hooch when i went single carb ...agenda driven forums that are not about the members first like we are . Are a threat to us and we will fight back when attacked with crap from others 1000% almost had me relaxing a bit john ...I'm no fan of agendas sorry...I'm sorry but plain and simple cm85 absolutely is no asset to SCC whatever and is really a threat to it .....
Well, well, I was right. It's all about the $.

Man, these people disgust me.

Patent :smilie_happy:

What good is that. It won't stop guys like us that tinker and besides, enforcing anything would be next to impossible.
Live in your dream world.
AZGL wrote:
Yes, the tach was from a different model bike, but the intent was to show the smoothness of the overall throttle action over the range of speeds involved.
I have had some telephone discussions with some of our forum members and have gotten commitments from all to work together...

Sounds like a sales pitch to me......OK fine......I'm all for someone trying to market a product and being successful at it but
keep in mind, the enemies you make now on your way up, will be met on your way down.

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