thanks pdbro

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[url= said:
FlipFlop » Wed Aug 29, 2018 7:56 am[/url]":26lzswm3]
This thread needs to be locked and die. From my readings of this it appears someone is butt hurt over someones comment. When you fan the fire it burns hotter, does not make it less. No one should say anything about anyone personally ever, but it does happen, this thread has idolized this ****.

I wanted to do a Single carb set up and even had a few after completing it ask me about some sites and none of them had anything to do with anything. I got my inspiration about 1988 my dad was telling me about doing it to his 1987 GL1200 because he hated syncing. I always wanted to try it since he never did. Sometimes let the ******** say what ever and don't bring yourself down to their level. When you sling **** you still get **** on your hands. I don't have Facebook because of this. You all are way better than this, just consider it, please.
In a way you are correct. However. If his lies are left for less informed to read they may cause a lot of harm. Read through the entire thread. Every post here refutes some bs this idiot has pronounced as fact. Had you followed his advice on SCC you'd be lucky if it ran and still very frustrated as others who did listen are. You cannot expose the truth if you refuse to expose the lies.
Yeah but it’s so much more fun playing with the guy :smilie_happy:

Either way...I’ll honor what the majority here wants to do. As far as Facebook posts go, they can do whatever they want.
ok folks ..outing a compete deceiver is not a crime ..freedom of speech is everything ...there has been no one more trashed on than me by discounters with an agenda only crime was relating what i know as i learned it and exposing the lies of others for man in ? here ..he was giving every opportunity to back up what he was posting and failed completely ...we dont allow scammers to promote lies unchallenge here ..rather this guy or so call big shots in the oldwing world ...its why i belong to classic only and not member to where agendas come before members
But 4 years later. Ugg. Joe what you said and done has been spot on, scammers have no place, however 4 year rant thread, I dont like it at all, it has tainted the entire CGW site with a bitter taste. It is not censorship, it is more about moving on. Censorship would be a deletion of the comments. That is my .02 you can take it or leave it, not my site and I have no dog in this race.
it still here as record for those who scan for info on SCC...many people including myself at one time thought this guy was an expert ..i personally invited him here ...we dont go on and on on this thread ...seems he has been reduced to slaming this forum on facebook i think slaming dans videos if i remember right ...he was head of the single carb tech at the saunders site till they actually met the guy ....its about helping newcomers not to be fooled by dumb info that makes failures out of people trying SCC we have a poster now trying to find himself through the process ...i was actually surprised to see this thread was posted on now ..not trying to slam the guy just giving reasons for the thread purpose along with many others that are here was amazing how the SCC was trashed and lied about on other forums to promote stock carbs as better ..truth is if one goes where im at ..stock carbs dont even come close to my set up i did ...was it easy no ...the info out there was so terrible i had to just go it alone and post my results ..did everyone believe me no ...but many have seen my bike run ...but i did the best i could to back things up with videos that showed it going through the gears ...i made the myth that SCC could never beat stock carb a joke ..that made some people really mad who touted for years that SCC not as good as stock carbs...lets see now they were selling carb parts and had an agenda to discount SCC...the subject of this thread never made his set up perform better than stock and he self appointed himself the master of SCC ...truth hurts to many work in SCC is all on the weber carb set up and my motor is parts mixed together from many yrs different motors so nothing i did relates to SCC on stock motor ...theres a video of the bike on this forum somewhere if you havnt seen it ...
[url= said:
FlipFlop » Fri Aug 31, 2018 12:45 pm[/url]":3194l1fq]
Joe Jerry told me about your amazing work and its performance, your word is all I need on the matter because Jerry thinks the world of you. Any friend of his is a friend of mine.
I kind of like that the only threads that get locked around here are wanted/for sale posts once they are archived. From time to time, things may need to be revisited... as this thread has shown.
In today's society where social media can be a determining factor in a person's decision making, and that it is easy to mention views that you would otherwise not verbalize, your word is all that is left. Without this, you are all but a non-entity.

We all have our mindset(s) and pet peeves. As slaghost has mentioned keeping a thread alive for however long allows others that join or are now looking for information on the thread subject the ability to read, digest and comment if so desired. I like to follow certain members on the various forums because of the like mindedness, or the opinion is worth reading and thought provoking. Never know when a different perspective can influence your decision(s). I have to caveat this by saying that a locked/closed thread does require more effort on the part of the person looking for information than if it is a current/open thread.

I have posted on various forums and about various issues and have been accepted by some and vilified by others. You have to have a thick skin if you want to post or start a thread. I have made some decisions regarding my GWs that haven't always been the best - I generally don't post about these - and correct the issue. Always allow myself a "backdoor" so to speak so I can revert to the before and start again if necessary.

IMHO the best advice is to read, research the topic you are interested in on the various forums, internet and other forms of information after which make your decision, take responsibility for it, take the decision, and accept what happens.

I am also of the opinion that if possible, meeting up with the people whom you correspond with - putting a face to a name - is quite important. May take a while, but the benefit(s) can be well worth the effort.

Just thought I'd think out loud. Cheers
Double posted - my bad. Edit. I removed the second post for you. Slabghost.

Read thread from the start and understand how Dan feels. No need for it since you have the right to disagree, but should always strive to understand, hard as this may be sometimes, and if you cannot, let it go.


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