[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=205694#p205694:26lzswm3 said:
FlipFlop » Wed Aug 29, 2018 7:56 am[/url]":26lzswm3]
This thread needs to be locked and die. From my readings of this it appears someone is butt hurt over someones comment. When you fan the fire it burns hotter, does not make it less. No one should say anything about anyone personally ever, but it does happen, this thread has idolized this ****.
I wanted to do a Single carb set up and even had a few after completing it ask me about some sites and none of them had anything to do with anything. I got my inspiration about 1988 my dad was telling me about doing it to his 1987 GL1200 because he hated syncing. I always wanted to try it since he never did. Sometimes let the ******** say what ever and don't bring yourself down to their level. When you sling **** you still get **** on your hands. I don't have Facebook because of this. You all are way better than this, just consider it, please.