sounds good ...
Can you send me a link to what your saying please. I heard something about this thanks.. For now I just picked up both parts from my parts guy in ny he is a great guy/ If you get anything tell him Paul from Florida sent you there..[url= said:Ansimp » Sun Feb 01, 2015 9:11 pm[/url]":1cxaptf4]
If you are going to change regulator due a full Mofset r/r conversion. I have currently acquired a $28 aud Chinese one which I intend testing soon.
Thank you :hi:[url= said:Ansimp » Thu Mar 05, 2015 8:22 pm[/url]":1qe0i6nu] ... 1324782892
[url= said:CRAFTMAN6001 » Yesterday, 7:50 pm[/url]":bsn64pwe]
Hello to all GoldWing owners. I now have all the pieces to the puzzle for my restoration prodject I've been working on since I bought this bike sometime ago. There are only a couple things I can honestly say I ever completed in my life here on this planet so far. I've had a lot of dreams that never came true for reasons of not to be. This bike has aloud me to show where I am with my life today. I have always wanted a GoldWing but never thought I could afford one out right and this was true. So I did the next best thing I built one from nothing. I purchased this bike from a impound yard some years ago. I just new I could do something wonderful with this bike with a little time and money. This bike was left to rot out in the Florida sun and rain. I rolled it up on a flatbed tow truck and dropped it off at my house. I come from the poor side of town on the wrong side of the tracks. After many years of hard work and the best woman a man could have by his side I now have a dream come true. Most people have bikes to get out of there minds for awhile or have something thay can tinker with to keep busy and learn the ends and outs. Me on the other hand it is much more that that. I will have a photo album of this creation of mine to show others that all things are possible with a steady focus on the ending prize. So thanks again for all the help here getting my wing under way.
[url= said:joedrum » Sun Apr 12, 2015 10:09 am[/url]":2604stzz]
yep ...i hardly pay any attension to honda info there the one responsible for making the ignition and carbs a nightmare ... glad you found the sweet spot