What did you do to your Wing today ?

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Will that ride off stand work with the wheel turned so you can lock the steering?

Yes it will. I do lock the steering. This pic was taken as I was ready to leave the airport. That ride off stand was a great investment! Easy to get the bike on, can lock the steering, keeps both tires on the ground, makes checking oil level real easy and riding off is just fun!
Once again I was forced to ride the bike for work, so I got about 100 miles in on the gubernment :blush:

When I got home, Amazon came through and I had a couple of boxes sitting at the door so now I can get back to the card mod on the 1100.
[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=161961#p161961:ixqvfrrq said:
Omega Man » Mon Oct 26, 2015 9:29 pm[/url]":ixqvfrrq]

+1 :salute: :good: :moped:
I PANICED when it looked like there was going to be spring left over on a #3 carb reassembly....then I realized you get new air cut valve springs with the randaak's kit. What a relief!
Considered mounting some pontoons to the Wing. I guess not though, I'll just be patient and wait for the waters to recede.
Hey everybody. I went to the 2015 HD event here in west palm beach. I had a ok time. I seen a 77 naked wing red there too. Mostly all the people there were snobs and something about a broom up there a&*. Before I spen 20.000 on a bike I think not. Hopped on the Ole GL and rode home @ a steady 85 mph. Sure burns the gas at this speed and the wind was out of the North East so this sure was not helping the mpg 2up. But all an all had a great time. Got home and pulled the valve covers off readjusted the valves. Found out I was using the wrong gauge. Little tight but no valve noise. Had to ditch the Jardine pipes little lean on the plug reading. Plus the oil was down level. 1/4 a quart Valve seals are shot and the plugs are wet. :head bang: I knew this going in when I installed the engine. The engine sat awile and she smoked when I fired it up the first time. Plus when it's on the side stand she smokes on start up and that's the tell. Still plugging away on the 77 #68 jets in the carburetors with the Jardine pipes that came off of it. Running like a champ. Orings in the 78 around the main jets are letting go some. Cold starts are effected. Ordered a couple bags of Orings all jets 3 packs of plugs for the bottom for the slow idle. Looking into getting a newer bike next year maybe. Have a great week ahead.
Finally gave in, and put a fan switch on the turd. Now I can turn the cooling fan on anytime I want/need to. Hoping this will help keep it from gettin so dadburn hot in traffic, if I can get the fan on before it comes on by the temp switch. We shall see if it helps, if it ever stops rainin here. :rant:

Also swapped out the speedo. The one that has been in it is the one that was in it when I bought the bike in '08. The odometer quit working, so I bought another speedo. That one lasted about one season of riding before it took a doo-doo. So I bought another one off ebay....that was totally useless, since it was a Bubba job that someone had put an off-brand speedo in the GL cluster....not even close. Then, I bought another one off ebay, but it isn't correct for an '81 GL....it reads to 140mph, the cup is different, and it has the electronics for the self cancelling turn sigs. So...I wound up puttin the original back in, with no odo. It's been howlin for a couple o weeks now, so I figured while I was at it, I'd swap them. Turned into a friggin nightmare....dang thing wouldn't fit into the cup on the bracket. So, I figured what the heck, I'll bust one of the other broken ones down, and steal the drive gear that I need to fix the original. Not happenin...they're all worn down. :rant:
I wound up opening up the 140mph head(which was really nice and clean inside), put some moly lube on all the gears, oiled the shaft, and used my original back, then crimped that back together. That set-up fit nicely. I just hope the dang thing registers properly.... :builder: :whistling:
juiced the clutch master on the hooch bike ....seems to loose juice about every three weeks or so....it is a 1500 clutch master im using ..it is wore out in every aspect about it ...need to get a different one someday to say the least :hihihi:
[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=162475#p162475:wte4nnf7 said:
brianinpa » Fri Nov 06, 2015 11:08 am[/url]":wte4nnf7]
Went for a ride testing the new GoPro Hero! Who said it has to be day time to enjoy a ride!
:good: :moped:
[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=162475#p162475:1b0j8wlo said:
brianinpa » Thu Nov 05, 2015 6:08 pm[/url]":1b0j8wlo]
Went for a ride testing the new GoPro Hero! Who said it has to be day time to enjoy a ride!

We should see if there would be any interest in starting an action camera section since these cameras are becoming so popular with our members.

They also help if you need to prove your point to an Officer of the Law after a cager does something stupid!

It's long and boring, but I like the results. Now I just need to move the mount around to different parts of the bike to see what I like best.

:clapping: :good:
That's about as good as you could ask for. Nice and steady, very ittle wind noise, clear vid...me likes!
[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=162518#p162518:338bjh0y said:
dan filipi » Fri Nov 06, 2015 12:23 pm[/url]":338bjh0y]
Always cool to watch the wheel go up and down.

That is what surprised me the most. I never would have thought that the forks moved that much. No wonder that fluid is so nasty every time it gets changed.

AApple":338bjh0y said:
:clapping: :good:
That's about as good as you could ask for. Nice and steady, very ittle wind noise, clear vid...me likes!

I have a JVC variant also and that records ONLY wind noise. That's the reason I sprung for the Go Pro.

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