i had been chasing an annoying little oil leak on my blue 75. could see oil weeping around the neutral switch... hmm i says to myself..... self, fix that. so, off with the engine bars, drop the oil, remove the exhaust , remove the oil screen cover and take the switch out.
hmmm, the o ring looks a bit suss, but the switch centre is loose ??? no worries, mixed up some JB WELD , smeared the thread (of the screw in part of the switch) and
some more around the top of the switch to seal it. leave it overnight to set.
next morning , i remember i have a brand new switch in my spare motor, so pull that out and decide to use the JB WELDED one in the spare engine. fit a new o ring and put it all back together. test ride and it all seems good.
until the next day and there are drops of oil on the floor again... a closer inspection reveals oil weeping from the water pump weep hole , and the new bastard neutral switch. CRIKEY.....
so. drop the oil, drain and remove the radiator, remove the engine bars and exhaust. first , out with the neutral switch. the screw in part is loose ??? what the ?
no worries, i fit the JB WELDED one with another new o ring.. and remove the front cover, and pull the water pump out. the bearings feel good, so i fit new o rings,
new crush washers on the bolts holding the pump in , and also thread sealant on those bolts. ( not taking any chances . :BigGrin: )
put it all back together and still a small leak out the weep hole of the pump but the neutral switch is dry. :Egyptian:
so, pull it all apart again . am scratching me noggin because all looks good. and i can't see why the bugger is leaking. then a little AHA moment.... and i suddenly think to have a look at the seal ON THE ENGINE SIDE of the water pump, and that is as hard as , and slightly out of shape. so , down to the bearing shop and get two of those ( always have a spare ) and fit a new one. put it all back together , and it is all now dry. rode it 170 klm today and it is dry.... at last..... :clapping:
some days........... :blush: