What do you do for a living and what are your passions?

Classic Goldwings

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this my 78

my 2001
on the BRP

and I the 81 photos aren't on the web yet
Ok here goes i now work for the big orange box store for the last 4 years . Im originally from England moved to the US in 1994 after working for the United States Air Force in Europe and meeting my wife of 20 years . How the hell she hasnt killed me in that time i dont know . I love to work on any thing mechanical ive always been into cars and any form of motorsport . Im very patriotic about my country i was raised when if you did some thing wrong you got a smack or two for doing wrong . Have 3 grand kids that i wished lived closer . My wife a 20 year Air Force vet of 20 years is now disabled so i have to to help her some got back into riding 6 years ago after my wife wanted to get her license by doing an MSF course i passed she missed it by 5 points yes i paid for that as i really didnt want to go do it . Im 44 years old and getting old sucks nuff said
Here is the 81 in its current state. It is either going to be a correct standard or a quality bobber. I am selling off all the Interstate stuff as well.
ok here goes.. started out of ohio.work at a little park emptying trsh cans and grounds keeping, laid sod one summer pet supplies in high school, made totes boots just before going into the usaf.did time in nam.came home in one piece..ttl. travaled around for a while. ended up in ind. worked in the steel mills for awhile. then went in to security. and doc.for awhile. went into welding1976, started on rr cars,went on to strucual welding. tanks. and ship. travaled doin construction welding worked in shops and plants ,boilers shipfitting . took gunrepair course. moved to tn 1986.been all over since then chaseing work. from east coast to west coast north fromm wisconsin to florida. worked localy off and on. took cdl course got them back agian. drove all over for about 4 months.then came back to tn. currently drive for senior cit,. i also have a phd from usc wap( that's phooie doc dred,from up sh-t creek without a paddle. ) lol so now i have to try and figure what to do when i grow up/? almost forgot,i play rythm guitar, dabble in song writing believe in god, and ride when i can. used to drink alot now maybe once a year and i doon't get drunk . did the drug thing too. but have'nt in along long time,if only god whould help me stop smoking cigs, i could spend more on miss diasy..
I've had many jobs over my lifetime. The thing that keeps me from playtime now is I drive truck for a U.S. Mail contractor. Good job if you can get used to the hrs. GR8 pay for what I do. I just hope the postal system survives another 7 years till I retire!

I love to smoke things........on my wood pellet grills. I grew out of all the other stuff years ago. :heat:

I love to play music in our Churches Praise & worship group

Been riding motorcycles & maxi scooters for 35 years. Spent 24 years on GoldWings. Honestly I thought my GoldWing days were over until a couple months ago when I reaquired my 78 Wing I owned from 82 to 96 & sold it to help pay for my EX's medical bills against my better judgement but did it to keep the peace. Funny thing when we divorced she got our Helix. Today I have another Helix.
My GoldWing isn't running yet, it will be soon. I have a bunch of replacement chrome here in my mancave & my seat should be arriving any day now. I am SSSSSOOOOOOO looking forward to rekindeling my love for that bike & making new memories with my current wife. I can still here those pipes in the back of my mind. Soon I will again be listening to them "live".
Hopefully someday put some faces to the names here.
My brother and I own an insurance agency. My passion up until a few years ago was to race dirt track cars. I raced for twenty years and then I started to sending my daughters to college which did not allow me to continue racing due to limited funds.

I now enjoy riding the bike on the weekends. I also use the bike to commute to work.
Like a lot of you, I’ve tried many things to make a living. Did a stint at door to door insurance sales, sold furniture, sold booze. Finally got my first real job in a processing plant for dried foods, then ended up transferring to California in the packaging end of the business. Started out loading trucks and did everything right up to managing the place. Got shown the door about ten years ago after almost 20 years of service and started at my current employer. I’m pretty much a desk jockey, now. I don’t mind.

I’ve always had a thing for creativity. I love to build things and make things with my hands. Even cooking brings out the creative side of me. I got into homebrewing for awhile and that was kind of dangerous. 25 gallons of beer on tap at all times is not a good thing for a person like me, with tendencies toward obsessive compulsive, so I had to give up that hobby. I also play trumpet and just enough guitar to be dangerous.

Probably my main passion besides church and family is bicycling. I’ve done everything from neighborhood rides to club rides, to self supported touring, centuries, double centuries, you name it. Served as ride director, president and chief cook/bottle washer for the club.

Motorcycling is kind of new, again. I had a bike in the 80’s and really enjoyed it. After our move to CA, SWMBO wouldn’t hear of it. I finally got another bike and while she’s not especially happy about it, I think she’s getting more comfortable with the idea I probably won’t get myself killed anytime soon.

I fix Fire Alarm Systems to pay the bills - I enjoy selling bike parts on eBay to pay for toys - I enjoy my tractors, motorcycles and my european heritage - I love my grandchilden and my family.

Wow life summed up in two lines ..
I saw a similar post on another GW forum group and it was reall cool to see what we all did for a living..

I'll start:

I am a Union Construction Electrician in IBEW Local Union #3 here in the NYC metro area, I have been in the union for 34 years now and hope to retire before I die... (just kidding) or soon, like in the next 5 years or so....

I am currently working for a union contractor who pulls, splices, installs and services fiber optic cable and data systems for some of the major telecommunications giants. (mostly in the manholes in NYC) They are also a full service electrical contractor who do all types of electrical work, including some of the work at the Ground Zero Memorial here in NYC at the WTC site. I have also worked doing lineman work and at various power plants here in NYC on things from vacuum start systems for the steam boilers at the Ravenswood Power Plant for TransCanada and lots of static oil line cryogenic work for US PowerGen on some of their plants in both Brooklyn and Queens. I have been "outside" for almost the past 20 years after being a regular "A" construction electrician or "inside wireman". I can wire a house, hang a ceiling fan or run the telephone poles to it, or even hook up your computer... I do it all!


OK I just found this one and see a lot of you guys have a done a lot of interesting things, but I will do this anyway so here goes since 1990 I have been a machinist the last few years I have been the shop forman in a small shop half a dozen guys.
Back in 83 I was a heavy repair auto tech at a dealership for a couple of years.
Before that several jobs in manufacturing shops.
I started riding at about 12 years old waaaay back in 69
Stella is the forth love of my life (behind wife and two kids) that I waited for a long time for
One of one hobbies I do is animated christmas lights run on a pc computer last year we had 96 different circuits with 8500 lights going kids and adults love it we got about a 100 people comming by last year.
We broadcast christmas songs over the F.M. channel 90.3 so you hear the music over your car radio and the lights all over the yard blink to the beat of the music.
I do not have any of my videos on you tube but if you go there and search for christmas lights you will see what I mean.
About the only other thing I do for relaxing is woodworking the best tool in that shop is the lathe.
I guess that's it.
No problem Rich. I knew it was here somewhere and couldn't find it. Good of Dan to get it sorted out. Thanks for bringing it up again.
I'm retired/disabled medically now. Prior to that in order,Ar native - New England Tel & Telg, Boston, Ma-back to Ar -policeman 8 year, starting driving trucks part time after first year as cop, bought two trucks, quit copping, sold trucks, did traveling contruction, nuke and coal fired power plants, back in trucking for thirty more years, owning as many as nine of my own at one time, logged more than 3.5 million miles in 44 states, no accidents till the last year, 2005. Hauled most everything and pulled every kind of trailer there is including doubles, but no triples. My passion was trucks, and racing late model dirt cars, outboard and jet boats, and riding motorcycles and owning musclecars. Now it's gardening, making homemade wine and motorcycles. I was born in fifties, a child of the sixties, surviver of the seventies, a realist of the eighties, an observer of the nineties, and now I'm just an "old hippie",just trying to get bye.
I'm a fairly young guy (turning 30 tomorrow) and I am a band director at a public school. I've been doing the whole teaching thing for 7 years. Had jobs working in warehouses and driving short route trucks through college, and grew up on a farm. I've been riding for about 5 years now and have had my wing for the past four years. My interests are music (obviously), riding and working on motorcycles, any sort of shooting sports, reloading, and building/tinkering. I have a wife who has put up with me for the past six years and has given me two beautiful children, a son who is 2, and most recently a daughter who is just 4 months yesterday.

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