I think my 77's have it and there is a material like furnace filter in it. Not real tight so air freely moves through it. I think a dish scrubber would work nice, stainless if you can find it. It supposed to get emptied regularly. Yearly?
Yes, #31 in that link.[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=168916#p168916:3batk51u said:bronko37 » Today, 12:43 pm[/url]":3batk51u]
I know that someone out there has the answer, is there an oring under the tach cable end in the fuel pump? Or does the cable just go in?
[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=169344#p169344:398birjw said:bronko37 » Mon Mar 07, 2016 9:19 am[/url]":398birjw]
I still have a leak coming from within the belt cover area :Awe: This thing has been driving me nuts. I thought for sure the leak was on the split line of the case. When I first purchased the bike I replaced both cam seals and the crank seal and something in there is still leaking. So...I ordered a tool that will allow me to remove the belt covers easier while leaving the radiator in place. Then I will be able to actually see which seal is leaking and finally make the proper repair. Its no biggie, just irritating at this point and I can't believe I didnt just replace all 3 of them when I was in there, but they all seemed fine and I know they are new. So thats number 1 now, I wanna fix it so I'm not blowing oil all over the damn bike.