Jeff - torn as well about this issue. The alternator will probably be easy to source, but the crankshaft pulley, and mounting hardware not so. I also do not have access to a machine shop and would be doing a lot of hand fitment. The only cutting that I envision is the timing belt covers - from what I have read, this is possible. There are kits made, are these available now - don't know - but the dollar exchange, duty and taxes makes these out of reach at this time.
I would also like to know the state of the installed stator and this will require engine removal/movement. Could also do other work, cleaning and such.
If I do a new stator at this time, I would be looking at the wiring and how it is connected, wire size to try and minimize what happens. I would also be sourcing the parts, etc for an alt mod, only do one new stator.
A stator replacement is probably the best, fastest option at present. Sourcing parts for an alt mod will be a challenge here in Canada, but also because I am in Victoria on Vancouver Island - limited resources so to speak. I do like a challenge though.