Little project update - and a question, of course
Got the swing-arm painted and re-installed. Got the tank painted and new petcock mounted. inside of tank looked good except a couple spots that had a bit of rust that looked like more than surface rust. So I soaked with a 50% solution of muriatic acid to get rid of that. Worked very nicely. Tank is ready to install.
Got the carb assembly back in the bike. Had to replace the throttle cable that pulls the throttle back to idle if necessary. I honestly don't understand the two throttled cables. My BMWs have 2 throttle cables because there are two carburetors. Don't get the need to have one to pull back the throttle to idle. I guess it is just back up for the spring - maybe due to the complicated linkage system. Kind of a safety thing...? Also, new choke cable. Old one was broken I bet because one of the choke pivots was bound up hard. The right hand throttle run-stop-start assembly is broken, which keeps it from gripping the handlebar tightly so I have a new one on the way.
Once I get the tank in and fuel lines connected, battery box installed and radiator back on the bike and bolt on the exhaust, I can see if I can breathe some life into this motor.
So now the question: The throttle seems harder to twist than I expected. Neither of the cables has any binding noticeable - even under load. The throttle linkage moves fairly easily by hand - no cables attached. Spring is pretty strong but it has 4 carburetors to bring back to idle. Problem is I have no frame of reference other than my other 2 bikes. Just seems tougher to move than it should. It seems the two cables are pretty tight. sort of fighting each other but no means to adjust tension or play.
Not really much of a question there. Just looking to see if anyone else has struggled with this and figured this out before. I spent a good amount of time to be sure I have the cables routed correctly, no binding of any individual components.