When I was in college, I took Accounting I one semester and then Accounting II the next. I barely rose above a D for these two courses. It wasn't because I didn't try, because I put more work into them than any other class. I just didn't get it. So, we thus see that I'm not the brightest candle in the jack-o-lantern. However, we keep trying, just like Accounting II :good:
Fast forward to my garage this afternoon. After I re-mounted the needle jests (that was a typo, but I'm just going to leave it), I readjusted the float height to 17.5mm. The gas tank was mounted a little over 5' above the carbs. Totally dry. Hurray. Whatever....
Half hour later, I had gas dripping from #2, very slowly. No prob, I let everything dry up and lowered the float height to 19mm on that carb. Wound up with a very slow drip from the crossover tube on that one. Knowing that this happened before and then dried up, I went and took a nap for an hour. Went back out and I've got a 1 drip/every 3 seconds from the little pipe coming from the float needle, just like before. It's also coming up around the fuel/air needle hole at the butterfly.
I dropped the gas tank height to a little over 3' above the carbs and the drips slowed to about 1 every 6 seconds. Put the clip back on the fuel line and it stopped. :heat:
Now here's my read - I'm there, basically. By lowering the gas tank, I've reduced the "fuel pump" delivery pressure to something closer to normal? If so, 5 ft. was "over-pressurizing" the system, pushing more gas past whatever leak is present??? (Note: three ??? means "somebody/everybody respond")
Next, re-installed, the leak would not be present while the bike was off, as long as I shut the petcock off when I parked, which we should do anyway???
Next, if the bike is running, it will be using enough gas out of the bowls that there won't be a drip every five seconds running down the intake tubes???
Next, can I safely call this job done yet???
Next, :thanks: