CGW Midwest MEET 2012 AUGUST

Classic Goldwings

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oh ya,getting back in is always harder then gettting out. i have a passport, so that helps a little. not so much a problem on the bike, but in a car a bit more
I don't think I'll be able to do a ride this far alone since it's looking like we won't be able to get enough riders coordinated along the route from L.A and back. And we have a family vacation planned in June so with that time off work I don't think I'll be able to swing another 2 weeks off so soon after.

slabghost and I have been brainstorming.

I could fly to Joe's place then ride chas's bike up from there with a detour to meet up with slab along the way.
This way I could fly out of Detroit home maybe.
This would get me out there and get chas's bike up to him.

Chas, Joe, let's here from you both on this.

I know chas's bike needs a few things so we need to get that sorted out.
This is only a tentative route.
Let's here from others wanting to join us!

i think there is a ferry out of sandusky ohio. but its been a long time. with 911 and all, not sure if it goes all the way to canada's main land anymore
You are right,the end destination is closer to detroit.Leaminton ontario

Me coming from the west coast of michigan,I will probably cross there and probably not meet up with you untell we are there.
Unless ofcourse you do more of a NW beeline to the bridge just south of detroit.Then we,and other michiganders could meet up along the way.

Dan,you would be much better going through indianapolis and fort wayne IN and take 94 MI through ann arbor.There is a bridge AMBASSADOR BRIDGE over the lake just south of detroit connecting canada.

The get together is straight north acrossed the lake from sandusky ohio if I remember right so its not far past the bridge on the south coast.About 30-40 miles.

If you go this way,we can unite around jackson.

And this is a better ride than through dayton and toledo.

If you are like me,and dont mind adding time for scenary there are some great backroads through these areas.
Sorry,I guess I missed the part where you meet up with slab.
If we set a central meeting point around toledo that might work better for everybody.

I think you have last years meet on your map?
Tory":gflzhp95 said:
Thats just a sunday afternoon ride away.

Dan,what all is needed on chas's bike to make the ride?

Yes, will be a nice ride.

Far as I know it needs:

Gas tank,
carbs cleaned
possibly tires

Still trying to get all the info from Joe and chas

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