My 75 starts it's return to the road

Classic Goldwings

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Some progress today. It's the old two steps forward and one back. After installing the rear caliper I realized I can't hook up the line without removing the caliper. I did get the beast started yesterday. It runs pretty crappy. Once I get the brakes finished I'll try to ride it up and down the street. I got license and registration as well as insurance today. I scored front turn signals and a GL-1000 seat on E-bay today. Maybe I can make some noise on the 4th of July.


I picked up a hardware kit at the Honda dealer today so I finally have some spare bolts and nuts. The front fender is on and looks good. Fuel system is all finished up and the bike started better than yesterday. It runs a bit better every time I run it so I will try riding it and see how the carbs work. rework the rear caliper tomorrow.

Wow, new member and I have the cahones to offer advice for a first post!

Randakk also has the petcock rebuild kit - easy to do and the petcock should be removed for the electrolysis clean, anyway - plug the holes. On my project, the PO electrolysis cleaned and 'Kreemed' the tank, and totally covered the intake screens. I was able to dissolve the coating from the main pickup with acetone, but the reserve was damaged anyway, so it will be covered with a portion of fuel pickup 'sock' wire-tied on. I also discovered that the screens shield the area of tank under them from the cleaning. The area under the reserve screen (I ripped it out so that I could make sure of things) was a rust pool. I mechanically cleaned that area, and flushed the tank through the main pickup several times. I'll still ad a better inspectable filter from the petcock to the pump. Also, remember to use a new gasket for the level gauge and check its operation before you button it up. If it were me doing this, I'd bypass the Kreem and just clean it and use pure gas - keeping the tank full and sealing it from air if not ridden for over a couple weeks. Oh, yes - a mini-USB camera is fantastic for looking inside of things like fuel tanks! Built-in LED lighting, and taped to a piece of clothes hanger wire, it can go just about anywhere!

Sent from my LePanII using Tapatalk 2
Electrolysis cleaned mine fine except the line between the screen and the petcock. I chucked a length of throttle cable in my drill and was able to run it all the way into the screen area. It all works as advertised now. Happy 4th of July to all.

Good News & Bad News

First the rear master cylinder is leaking so it has to come out again. Unless there is some secret I can't figure out that means the exhaust has to come off again. That is not fun to do alone. The good news is I rode it up and down the street with front brake only and every thing works. The carbs are still bad but the thing goes like hell when I crank it on. I'm beginning to hate the rear brake system but this too will pass.


rear master cylinder is removed (waiting for one from Ebay)...front turn signals arrived and are installed (not hooked up yet)...original type seat arrived and looks great (posted photo)...the other seat is surplus

Now the question. While removing the battery box I noticed the capacitor mounted on it has been disconnected and taped off. From what I can read in the manual this is part of the ignition system. The question is how does the thing run without this in the circuit? I would also like to bypass the tail light monitoring thing since it doesn't seem to be working right anyway.
Capacitors are used sometimes to keep the points from burning as they sorta contains some of the electrical surge. Some people will disconnect them if they short out.
If you still have points, I'd recommend buying a new capacitor (actually two-in-one) and hook it up, or you will go through points weekly. The cap connects to the double-bullet socket that the points leads connect to. One side of the capacitor (some call it a condenser) for each point.
Mystery Solved!!

I took a look inside the distributor and I have electronic ignition! I'll just leave that capacitor off when I put the battery box back in. Master cylinder arrived today so maybe I can get it working and installed tomorrow.

Master cylinder re-installed... rear brake bled...exhaust re-installed...took it for a ride to Costco for gas and actually got it into third gear on the highway...still running bad at low speed but goes like hell when I crank it...I still have to hook up the turn signals and the horn...I noticed the gas gauge isn't working...posted a photo taken by a friend.

Thanks guys,

I rode some more today and it runs a little bit better every time. I'm trying to figure out the front turn signals (rears are fine). When I hook them up to what seems to be the right connections, the lights come on with the headlight and don't blink. My guess is some PO messed with the wires when he put a fairing on it. I will be consulting the schematic to see what I can find.


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