notes for ol mate Trumpy.....

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[url= said:
Denver » Mon Feb 15, 2021 12:51 pm[/url]":23ccr78i]
Fine, you believe what you will, the truth will come out, people will see, i have nothing more to add.
This reminds me of a story.

Man goes to the wise man, asking for the highest of wisdom.
He was told never argue with a fool
Man said i disagree, wise man said .

nope. you're tired of always being wrong. and of not having FACTS to back up your position.
you're tired of seeing your yellow wannabe king for what he is, a flim flam man, a charlatan
a crook, a thief, an adulterer, a snake oil salesman. oh , and fraud.
[url= said:
joedrum » Mon Feb 15, 2021 6:25 pm[/url]":4ut8hf3b]
THis all comes down to the criminal PEDOFILES chosen scumlife of the planet are the ones making the charges and judging them in thete kangaroo court does not make trump or any of the people mention guilty just probes how scummy our country government has gotten catering to these kazarian Zionist scum bankers and thete 13 bloodline ******* of imbreads has gotten ....there are so many on the communist Nazi side of slave management that need to be arrested and punish the numbers are in the thousands ..obviously it's rather easy to find people that kill there mother or father or even the messiah to keep there power ..same story as thousands of years ago's about good versus evil and I know you people know your position is totally evil ...but it's your right amount of silver would ever buy my place on the evil scum anti messiah people ever ....

and none of this has anything to do with the original question Joe.
does trump calling georgian election officials to " find " votes, constitute election fraud ? yes or no.
Has never been a problem for me to admit that i made a mistake.
Will gladly, often sadly have admit it, when it happens, and it happens.
Always tried to look at both sides, and if you believe the news, you just have to hate Trump.
That i understand, what amazes me, is the way its way easier to con a person.
Than to convince them they have been conned, i believe you truly trust the press.
Along with many others, i believe you have been conned, it is possible you know.
Ok Aussie you like GA. So much
Let start off by saying GA
Is the first place the kazarian Zionist settlement in the Americas most all the black slave trade came through there ..the agenda was to not need or rely on colonists already there and imposed them ...the plantions of the South are directly related to the agenda in place the long run of things the slaves were freed and America has a nice population of Americans of color
.slaves were very expensive virtually no American colonists could own them

.so GA always been the Zionist home turf in this election I'll tell you what happen there ..the govenor of GA. Under pressire from not trump but most all of GA citizens ok audit of ballots and votes was announced he had done this ..hrs later a 20yr kid and aid to one of the Republican senators who won reelection he is also boyfriend of the GA governor daughter was driving his car and it was reported a horrible car accident .and the kid died ...but as it is here in America many people had video of accident and scene and eyewitness accounts ...I personally seen many pics thing I am I'm not fooled by much people like me who have done the things I have in life knew instantly the 9 11towers event was not as said .people who have put together building know dam well they can't go down that way period ..I could see that accident in GA involving the kid was no accident it was a car bomb period was placed on the firewall of car between motor and driver ..I'm sure thete was nothing left to bury of that kid ..the motor was blown out of the car 100ft plus from car out hood ..this front of car was totally together it hit nothing in front of it as claimed ..this happens this way cause the ground is the reresistable object and boat pushes up from there eyewitnesses said they heard a bunch of screeching tire and stuff the silence then huge blast then moments later another crash sound not was never investigated or let it was investigated like the election fraud was with eyes closed
It was a murder hit job peroI'd ..and not one time after the first announced audit of ballots was ok by govenor wad it ever heard mentioned again ...this was one day trump had a rally there Republicans seniors who had already won ...but there was a do over GA stuck it to the people of GA killed and murder one of there kids all to steel this election ...TRUMP BEG NO ONE FOR VOTES AUSSIE ..all he did was try and get the secretary of state to do his job and look into this coup on the voting process ..I'm sure he didn't want his family hurt or killed or his ads either ..if you to be upset be upset by the murders that happen over this coup on America
..want to talk about how many killed in NEW YORK by that govenor over the scam pandimic to create voting non stop tell your guy wins ..Aussie these motherfuckers are not going to live through this coup they this isn't fraud this is war and murder of American citizens on.purpose by the **** of all life people my opinion 100million plus others I could go on and on about the DC COMPOUND of organized crime on Americans and humanity elsewhere even down under
Wow seems the forum is working like democrats in power do ..worthless negative no help to anyone American is more worthy to say Texas is under a attack never let a crisis go without punishment I'm hearing power bills 1000%.increases for tjrte ability to not provide power when needed ..also hear like the election coup all done on computers to shut the Texas grid and part of Mexico grid down
Yep it's all about ******* over the legal American people ..start with making people wear masks in a scam pandimic close businesses steal the American citizens vote and give it to the nazie comy Biden bastard of life he killing jobs and keeping his promise of dark winter never in history has it been so in your face evil scum rules nomatter what laws or you worthless slaves think
[url= said:
Denver » Today, 8:23 am[/url]":q9bh5iet]
Lets shut down the pipeline, with thousands of jobs, Sleepy Joe
Yeah no **** hah. ******* ******* says there will be clean energy jobs for them.

WHEN? And how are they going to feed their families and pay their bills til then?!
Maybe a new topic is in order??????? :roll:

Aussie will have a hard time keeping up if we do :smilie_happy:

notes: for ol mate sleepy Joe :thank_you:
[url= said:
Denver » Fri Feb 19, 2021 6:20 am[/url]":hk4zhvx2]
Maybe a new topic is in order??????? :roll:

Aussie will have a hard time keeping up if we do :smilie_happy:

notes: for ol mate sleepy Joe :thank_you:

no, i'm done here. trump has been soundly beaten by biden, and is no longer president. job done.
as much as you don't like it, the orange pig is out. he can't tweet anymore which is a blessing, haha
and eventually the republican party might realize that they have to move on. if not , oh well.
will he run again in four years ? who knows. he would be 78 or so. who does he think he is ,
Joe Biden ?

and now , the only thing i read about trump is his legal woes. and they are stacking up.
oddly, newsmax , fox (and oan especially) don't mention a lot of that. why ? should a news outlet
be fair in its reporting ? not in america it seems. very selective .

so, start a new topic on Joe Biden if you like, and I'll try to keep up.
sleepy ? haha... not so sleepy he couldn't flog trumpy in an election.. haha.
It starting to get really funny ...this idiot puppet Biden couldn't be looking any more illegitimate as the president ..I mean no one believes he won the election and his presidency is just a coup ...even with all censorship in the world there never going to be able to claim this babboon who never had a job is the elected president ...this guy never had a job ..owns an entire island and old world war 2 submarine base how that work....basically same place as Ebstein island is at ...they passed stimulist bill 20%or less goose to American people 80% goes to other things but it's titled stimulist bill ..just another up your axXxX Americans ...then the federal perverts attacked Texas cut there power 30% during this cold snap in Texas ..causing electric bill increase through insane laws that passes all cost to consumers the bills 1000X TIMES OVER regular cost..just insane that government is at war with the people it's suppose to work for ...this occupation and invasion of our country has got to cease it's a matter of humanity
You always know when something is pushed is lies ..the story keeps changing ...the Texas event was a attack on Texas people no telling how many have died over this ...It's time for Texas to SUCEEDE from.the DC FOREIGN occupation corporation now Texan should pay one cent to the power companies period quit paying federal taxes of any Kind ..when truth is told story doesn't change period
Wow I guess it's logical that the war on the American people would step up after there successful coup to take down the winner of the vote president ..the FACTS are coming in the power shut down to Texas was on purpose ...and done by the enemy DV corporation of organised nation and American people killing many involved in this crime against Texas ..any government that would jump on a natural crisis to hurt and kill more people as oppose to help ..they simply cut Texas off of availible power can bet all the generating power that was turned off is JEW owned ...It's time to bring these scumfucks into focus as they are the ones that are playing the biggest part in killing messiah and freedom and America off they want the land and the whites gone America we are not whites we rednecks the only white people are those penguin dress idiots claiming white superiority purchase folks that can do nothing ..

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