notes for ol mate Trumpy.....

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It’s amazing what the left has done (and not done) to black PR the right and Trump.
The left owned media selectively reporting content taken out of context to make it sound negative... Intentionally not reporting on the positive things done and not airing any of the good he has done for the people in my country, the USA.

The left cleverly has built on the hate in people, people so wrapped up in themselves and so lazy that they choose to believe lies rather than make the effort to find the truth. I know this as fact, people around me are like this, I used to be like this until I wised up and made the effort to find the truth. Youtube, twitter and others have already blocked or removed the truth so it's impossible to find now.
The Trump haters with their blinders on and unwillingness to even consider anything different than what their being spoon fed by the media and social will be (and has been) the ruin of our country.
Ruin is how I see it heading. I hope for my kids and their kids I'm wrong.
[url= said:
aussiegold » Tue Feb 09, 2021 5:39 am[/url]":t362efyr]
[url= said:
joedrum » Tue Feb 09, 2021 2:24 am[/url]":t362efyr]
[url= said:
aussiegold » Mon Feb 08, 2021 4:20 am[/url]":t362efyr]
this thread is descending to a level of stupidity i never thought possible.
comparing the level of damage ... **** me sideways.
oh yes, all the rioting and burning and looting. was that triggered by a black man being pinned to the ground
and getting his neck stuck under a law enforcement officers knee ?
was the attack on the capitol triggered by an orange coward who sent his magamorons down there to look for his VP and make him alter the outcome of an election ? and who, incidentally ,told his rabid followers he would be there with them , and promptly got out from behind the bullet proof glass , into a bulletproof limo and went back to the white house to watch the mayhem on tv .
or am i getting mixed up. ?
hang mike pence.... hang mike pence.... was the chant. you all good with that ?

Mike pence is MOTHETFUCKING traitor. That should be caged forever ..a ******* pedofile like most of DC GLOBAL SCUM ..your is proof that if you lie enough over and over it can be be made the truth crazy steeple shoild go somewhere and try to detox from the brainwashing disease you have that wipes your intellegence out ....Fact the election was stolen fools fact trump got more votes than anyone in history Biden got the least in history ..Fact these monsters of scum are going to meet there match I hope you steeple are ready to fight for them ..cause your either American or the enemy it's not going to be in between .
You don't **** with America's election and will of people and get away with it period s

Mike Pence was trumpty dumpty faithful deputy for four years. he was a lapdog to a wanna be dictator.
traitor ? no Joe, far from it. you should know that Pence had absolutely no power to alter the election count.
none whatsoever. his role was ceremonial at best and trump knew it, pence knew it , all knew it.
and yet bunkerboy kept on with the lie.
i dont mind being referred to as sheeple, i think its funny. the election wasnt stolen Joe. time to man up.

i note with some interest that the State of Georgia has opened an investigation into someone who DID try to
meddle in an election. someone who DID attempt to change the outcome... FatDon. oh happy days...

Aussie you should worry about your country ...I don't put to much into other places but I hear it's ******* bad there arresting people on mask violations taking there kids lover a scam pandimic ...your no steeple to this fight in America your am outsider period ..all you have is a opinion of what they allow you to see about America down under ..frankly you have 0 access to the truth and reality here I can't put much in your opinion it's obvious the Aussie government is against America nationalism and freedom and. Equality of all ...the whole rest of the world can believe in a chosen group of mangods but not here there day is over ...we in America are going MAKR. AMERICA. CREAT AND WHAT YOU PEOPLE DO IS YOUR BISNESS ..NOT MINE To much going on here to worry about how some other nation wants to live ..plain and simple
Your exactly right Dan, they have blinded so many of us for so long.
Told my wife, then my girl friend, if you want kids find someone else.
This world we grew up in, is not one, in which to bring, others into.
When asked later after they were grown, W T F were you thinking?
What would i say, to look after us when we get old?????????
Now 50+ years later, she sadly has had to agree.
To all who feel, & felt different, i wish you well, go with God.
and still not one logical reply. just emotional crap and insults. not a fact to be seen.
this thread was about the ******* dumb things that trump was saying and is still saying.
the fact that a lot of people are blinded by his reality tv style is , to be frank, astounding.
whether we like it or not, your country has a very big influence on our country.
i dont give two hoots who runs your country, but it amazes me that so many are willing to
follow a wannabe dictator. remember when the fool said " i have total authority " ??? ( he didnt )
so many people were willing to defend that orange fool , and follow him blindly. that my friends is worrying.

joe brings up the question of compulsory masks here. that , has helped save lives. how's all that free to choose
attitude working out ? let that sink in.
but better to be free to make a choice i suppose than do something for the greater good of the community
[url= said:
dan filipi » Today, 6:47 am[/url]":13wtbock]
The left owned media selectively reporting content taken out of context to make it sound negative... Intentionally not reporting on the positive things done and not airing any of the good he has done for the people...
Aussie, you are a perfect example of the result of that and how you've been fooled and lied to by the media.

Are you one of those that watch the nightly news, read the morning paper, that think the media can be trusted?
I don't. I used to, but after doing my own research, I found that what they were reporting was more often than not 180 degrees from the truth.

Anyway, to what end is the intention behind this topic? Seems pretty pointless really. Time will tell what the truth actually is.
Anyway, to what end is the intention behind this topic? Seems pretty pointless really. Time will tell what the truth actually is.

the intention behind the topic was originally to point out the stupid things your former dear leader was saying.
as you point out , pointless really.
may i respectfully request you lock it.? stop it dead. while that may go against the spirit of the forum, it may be
the best course of action. far too emotional for some.
It not emotional at all ...debate and important issues should be combated in words truth never comes through censorship or lock up my opinion..debates are just like elections they have to fair or they nothing
I suggest you look into your country's stupid Royal family.
Until you get that mess straightened out
AND KINDLY KEEP YOUR NOSE OUT OF OURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[url= said:
joedrum » 30 minutes ago[/url]":3q2y05uv]
It not emotional at all ...debate and important issues should be combated in words truth never comes through censorship or lock up my opinion..debates are just like elections they have to fair or they nothing
I completely agree.

Aussie, who are you judging this topic to be “far too emotional” for?
Did we touch on some truth that you can’t handle, some questions you’re embarrassed to answer? Why are you wanting us to close our eyes now, you seem to be forgetting you started it.
[url= said:
dan filipi » Wed Feb 10, 2021 11:12 am[/url]":1a6udpjz]
[url= said:
joedrum » 30 minutes ago[/url]":1a6udpjz]
It not emotional at all ...debate and important issues should be combated in words truth never comes through censorship or lock up my opinion..debates are just like elections they have to fair or they nothing
I completely agree.

Aussie, who are you judging this topic to be “far too emotional” for?
Did we touch on some truth that you can’t handle, some questions you’re embarrassed to answer? Why are you wanting us to close our eyes now, you seem to be forgetting you started it.

the topic was commenting on the dumb things that trump would say. and has since degenerated into a slanging match. i can match insults with the best , but i prefer to use logic and facts to get the point over.
denver has just displayed his ignorance once again, referring to royals somehow ruling here. rather odd.
but coming from someone who has a rather limited understanding of democracy , not surprising.

there are no questions i am too " embarrassed " to answer, and i don't want anyone to close their eyes. just the opposite in fact.

and still, not one fact in defence of trumps words. the only logical conclusion is that you cant defend the indefensible.
[url= said:
Denver » Wed Feb 10, 2021 10:45 am[/url]":pug8xn9u]
I suggest you look into your country's stupid Royal family.
Until you get that mess straightened out
AND KINDLY KEEP YOUR NOSE OUT OF OURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i have considered your suggestions and politely decline. if you don't like what you read, then don't read.
or you can just **** off. please.
I've heard a lot of demanding facts but no facts from you that have truth in them ..courts did not look at voter fraud does not mean there wasn't any fact what's out thete proves voter fraud not a little but massive
.America has problems obviously when it government doesn't cater to the people they serve instead it caters to foreign banking concerns ...and coup happen
I agree, mud slinging and name calling doesn’t achieve anything but that’s how this topic started so it’s perpetuating itself :smilie_happy:

I hear on the grape vine that Trump isn’t giving up on exposing the truth.
If the election truly was fraudulent and stolen, that means our votes mean absolutely nothing. Did they ever?
Supposedly Trump is working to expose the fraud. So far that’s been nothing but failure but new things happen every day.
I hope he gets somewhere with it despite his shortcomings. We need honest and fair elections no matter WHO is running for office.
I've wondered if anyone here watched that video I posted.

If you can look past your hatred for Trump, it talks of the risks of a Socialist society and their proposed One World Government.
And no, road repairs and economic stimulus do not define a Socialist Society.
There is a lot I don't know about the past. Governments, societies. The video peeked my interests.
Unlike you keep thinking, AUSIE we do not have a democracy here.
READ ABOUT WHAT THAT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh i forgot greatest form of flattery, coping ones words.
Can't think up any on your own, repeating **** OFF :smilie_happy:
I found this in a old Government textbook, and I totally agree with it. Republicans hate it when the US is called a Democracy, and Democrats aren't too crazy about it being called a Republic.

"So, is the United States a democracy or republic?

For all practical purposes, it’s both. In everyday speech and writing, you can safely refer to the US as a democracy or a republic. If you want or need to be more precise in referring to the system of the US, you can accurately call it a representative democracy. And should you need to be exacting? The US can be called a federal presidential constitutional republic or a constitutional federal representative democracy."
[url= said:
Denver » Wed Feb 10, 2021 12:35 pm[/url]":1zs4yh47]
Unlike you keep thinking, AUSIE we do not have a democracy here.
READ ABOUT WHAT THAT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh i forgot greatest form of flattery, coping ones words.
Can't think up any on your own, repeating **** OFF :smilie_happy:

now, i'll try to keep this simple so even you might grasp the concept.
you live in a constitutional republic. that is run in a democratic way.
i live in a constitutional monarchy , that is run in a democratic way.

a democracy, broadly speaking, is a system of rule by the people , using a simple majority as its
if you have any questions, ask the nearest adult.

so, again, if you dont like what you read, feel free to keep your useless comments to yourself.
[url= said:
joedrum » Wed Feb 10, 2021 11:42 am[/url]":co3ubvas]
I've heard a lot of demanding facts but no facts from you that have truth in them ..courts did not look at voter fraud does not mean there wasn't any fact what's out thete proves voter fraud not a little but massive
.America has problems obviously when it government doesn't cater to the people they serve instead it caters to foreign banking concerns ...and coup happen

i have given you facts and you have ignored them.
Mike Pence could not have changed the election results if he wanted to. his role was purely ceremonial.
and yet, trump pushed the lie that pence could refuse to accept the certified results.
and called him a traitor ? wtf ? and said nothing when the crowd bayed for pence blood.
so, stay on track and see if you can convince me that pence was wrong to do his job.
Was not me sticking my nose into your country's affairs aussi, but the other way around.
Then you whine, & cry when your told just what's what, and to mind your OWN business
A monarchy means your ruled or governed by royalty, a king or queen.
We are not thank God, we sent their armies packing, tail between their legs.
We elect our leaders to represent us, and fire them, & elect others, if they don't.
We have not always gotten what we voted for, that's a fact, but they can be voted out.
Your stuck with your royals, as well as their family, generation, after generation, how quaint.
Could be wrong, but i believe Trump has the football, is working with the military.
Hidden Biden is not the president, he never was, Trump will be declared the 19yh president.
Which will give you 4 more years to whine, & bitch, actually could be eight, or will we make him King??????????
[url= said:
Denver » Wed Feb 10, 2021 8:09 am[/url]":2w303zru]
Was not me sticking my nose into your country's affairs aussi, but the other way around.
Then you whine, & cry when your told just what's what, and to mind your OWN business
A monarchy means your ruled or governed by royalty, a king or queen.
We are not thank God, we sent their armies packing, tail between their legs.
We elect our leaders to represent us, and fire them, & elect others, if they don't.
We have not always gotten what we voted for, that's a fact, but they can be voted out.
Your stuck with your royals, as well as their family, generation, after generation, how quaint.
Could be wrong, but i believe Trump has the football, is working with the military.
Hidden Biden is not the president, he never was, Trump will be declared the 19yh president.
Which will give you 4 more years to whine, & bitch, actually could be eight, or will we make him King??????????

One thing for sure get a president that actually works for the people and the whole world actually coup the election to get him out ..those are the facts brain dead of the world and your facts of lies as truth LMFAOat how stupid Humans can be ..

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