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[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=149012#p149012:vsblm7ba said:
tom foreman » Today, 8:43 am[/url]":vsblm7ba]
Kool,nothing like daddy,daughter rides. :music:
For sure brother.

Brings me back to the times my son rode with me just about every weekend 2-300 miles.
3 day trip to Phoenix, twice up near San Francisco camping, down to San Diego.
We put on some serious miles together.
Finally headed off for a Sunday morning ride with mates, the first in ages. I took Red as I still haven't ridden the Rats Nest down the new works on the DD yet and conditions were more suited to a sportsbikes ( which everyone else where riding)We met up at the BP gas station in Logan Village just before 0700 and headed to Beaudesert Maccas to meet up with others at 0730. After a BLT muffin and a McCafe cappuccino it was on the road to ride a favoured track over into New South Wales on the Lions Road. Light drizzle with wet roads, fog and fogging up helmet which meant that concentration was paramount on twisty narrow mountain( hilly) roads. The other trap was timber bridges which are very slippery when wet ( straight, vertical attitude and not too low of a gear), I slipped the rear wheel in 3rd gear at less than 25mph on the last one. One of our riders on a CBR1100 Blackbird was in first gear following a pickup and cracked a little too much throttle and got spat off on the same last timber bridge. No injuries to him except his pride but the Blackbird had cracked a timing cover and smashed the rear brake lever.
He rode it off the bridge with oil leaking and then pushed it up into a farmers property for safe keeping until it could be recovered. He spent the rest of the ride as a pillion on the back of Brad's 2014 Apriia Caponord. A quick strap on Summerland Way and then it was back up into the mountains to head down Mt Lindsay Hwy into Rathdowney for a few cold ales before heading home. Heading down the mountain behind Brad being fairly steady in the tight slippery corners ( even with new Metzlers on) I let the BMW S1000rr go past and then also Ducati 900s. I was keeping fairly close tabs on the Ducati but showing some restraint to not try too hard to keep up and after coming around a blind corner I see the Ducati rider standing on the side of the road with his bike over the side. Plenty of hands were soon available to drag it back up onto the road and access the damage. Luckily everything important still worked and it fired right up looking surprisingly sad with smashed screen mounts, no mirrors, damaged mufflers and other cracked plastics. Luckily again no injuries but pride. The beers tasted especially good after all the excitement and the ride captain was sacked as none of us had been on a ride with this much carnage :smilie_happy: The great part was everyone arrived home safely by lunchtime and it was great riding in challenging conditions even if it didn't need wet weather gear. I will try and post some GoPro footage as soon as I can edit it. :whip:
[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=152004#p152004:3g16tco8 said:
Omega Man » Mon Jun 29, 2015 2:31 am[/url]":3g16tco8]
Omg Brad's Caponord! What bike, I want one I do I do I do. :lust:

I must admit Randy I think if I upgrade from carbies I would like the whole active suspension and all the other bells and whistles. Nothing like hearing the others complain that their traction control lights were winking because of the slippery conditions when my brain was doing all the blinking/winking to keep tracton :doh: He keeps offering me a ride but I am trying to avoid it for as long as possible as I don't have $24k aud for all those bells and whistles :mrgreen:
I had to go down to the Gold Coast to the Iveco dealer at Burleigh to pickup a panel that I broke while running wires in a Iveco Daily dual cab. I decided to ride Red down the freeway and once I had the new part realised that I didn't want to ride back up the boring M1 to home. I had to go to the bank at Robina Town Centre and after that rode some new roads to me out through Talli, Gillston and then to the Advancetown Hotel for a quick beer. After leaving the pub I headed for some old favourites, Caligabah Rd, the Goat Track and stopped at the Bakery on Mount Tamborine for a Curry Pie and an Apple turnover with fresh cream for lunch. Finally back down the mountain to home to drop off the bike and pickup the Forester so that I could fit the new panel and fix a tail light fault on a Foton light truck.
Stop Go lights on the goat track
Tamborine Bakery
Sunset photo taken with the dash cam in the Forester
[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=153808#p153808:3se18s04 said:
brianinpa » Fri Jul 17, 2015 1:13 am[/url]":3se18s04]
Ok... what is the purpose of the traffic light out in the middle of no where: is that a one lane section of road?
Here is the Rats Nest leaving the lights and heading through the single lane section last June
[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=153944#p153944:u7r8vk3b said:
rob.lafady » Sun Jul 19, 2015 1:22 am[/url]":u7r8vk3b]
That road made me cringe just watching the video! [emoji33] [emoji27]
:smilie_happy: :smilie_happy:
I just realised that I said last June on the Rats Nest when I should of said June 2014 :doh:
Went for a Coffee Run with a few of the VJMC members with 5 of us leaving from a members house to ride in to the original meeting point of Ellaspede at West End for our first coffee at 9 am. After what seemed like for ever we finally left Ellaspede for Aticus Finch Cafe in Paddington for another coffee and a muffin. The final destination was Fonzie Abbott Coffee Roasters in Albion which was located opposite a park/sports field and was great as the final destination. I deviated past the daughters place where I shared in some barbecue before heading home. This was the Rats Nest's first outing in about 6 weeks and was really enjoyable :good:
I can't believe that it has been 2 weeks since I last rode the Rats Nest. Here I was thinking that club rego was restricting my ride time but it just seems it is life that gets in the way of good riding :(
The VJMC guys decided to try a new place in Capalaba instead of our usual hangout at Springwood Suzuki.

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