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Classic Goldwings

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Stator bolt is holding the rotor on ( for my money it should be called rotor bolt but it was probably translated from Japanese :smilie_happy: )
Go back and look at the parts blow up. On the 1200 it seems the only purpose for that bolt is to turn the motor for maintenance. Big nut holds the rotor on.
overall im really pleased how clean the motor is ....i have change the oil alot ....seems the bad stator was a blessing in deguise ....the starter clutch shaft bolt for turning the motor ..was a desaster waiting to happen ....there are many things about the 1200 motor that just sets it apart and best the earlier short blocks of the 1000 and 1100 motors...they are actually more capable of high rpm and certainly way more quiet a over all look at things from the shovelking grab bar induction to the inside of motor clean clean clean....for 10,000 miles of summer service this year ...this only adds up to ...things were set up or dial in nice ...the c5 is certainly putting fire in the hole and the custom advance curves are spot on with no window for error highly modded economy car dft epa carb into a big mucle producing power house performance carb seems to be leaving nothing behind in motor and everything going out the exhaust as in power ......considering heads,cams,piston cutouts and total manchanical valves set up....its hard to be anything but satisfied here .....

though this is a stator thread ..everything is always looked at by me ... im not very good at appearence restoration or better put cant afford it ....but inside the heart of the bike shinning nice ...hope to get it all back together today ...need to fine my phillips head for the hand impact wrench... :builder: :thanks:

pic of bike ..i slid away from motor ...put removable frame piece back on so had a side stand ....


pic of bad stator ...


all back together now with new used stator ..from a 1000 ...if you look close you can splug was buggard up ... so i used stainless steel tie wire secure it ....also switch out the output shaft from 1100 to 1200 shaft this is the final ill be using for hooch ... :yahoo: no more clip.......its ready for install ..


ok for the big mod ... as you can see the 1000 timing covers dont really fit 1200 motor ...there short and inner bolt dosnt line up in view of this ... hooch is prime canidate for a crank pulley ...i want help here with ones that have done this ....i have a few wants here ... ive look things over quite well on hooch ...motor and radiator are close lessen that i want to put like a 3" pully i guess the smallest i can get away with ....and i want to have tight up against crank pulley ...ill cut the timing cover back to clear that the belt will not go to one side or the other but strait up ... as alt will be mounted like in coil area of frame .. will be fixed id say and im going to put a spring tensioner on it .... please give thoughts ... :builder: :thanks:
Sounds like a nice mod but I'm having a bit of trouble picturing it. Maybe an 1800 alternator can be fitted easiest.
id say so eric if you want to use the 1500 16" wheel on the 1200 swing arm ...

ok on this thread i just placed a order for the fan in ? here ... 22$ delivered to me ...only bad part is date expected to arrive is 14th of this things are coming together ...i will get bike ready to ride today ..wheel back on ..wiring all chalk and seal up....i will be putting original crank bolt and no pulley back on i want the pulley with me when getting new bolt and a proper sleeve for the pulley..i had just a plastic sleeve in it while modding things to fit .... :builder: :thanks:
Don't know how hot it is for you Joe but the Rats Nest's fan is manually switched only and it doesn't get used very often unless it is hot and stuck in traffic or grinding up the DD.

heres a crappy pic of the jd restictor plate im going to try


nice better pic ..what you cant see is the spring is still in use and holds the plate in can take plate out change it or another plate used with different hole ..the reallity is this didnt take long starting out small first and see how is dose sure theres a sweet spot here to match cooling system ..and i want to find it ... :builder: :thanks:
for constant coolant flow raise or lower tempeture to ideal flow rate to move heat heat better not something im strong about ...but wioll learn something here i posted it so others know all that going on in this work session on hooch ....certainly more than a stator change happen ..was there plan ..not really but ideas yes ...
pics :BigGrin:

ok wiring going on ..wires being sealed with chalk and and incased with wirenut and wire collers for the wires out of cutting torch sprap hose...


stator wires done the sam way ...wires will be grouped together but way more apart than connectors that are done away with ..


mess fixing to do ...there plenty of room for improvment and its time .. :smilie_happy: :builder: :thanks:
pics :BigGrin:

wiring in battery box came out nice ...has 1980 reg-rec put in to replace 1000 set up ..of reg and rec that are seperate units ....long green hose piece just covers those wires ..i just left them for now ....the reds are the stator wires hook to 1980 reg-rec ...the greens tuck in low there are grounds for 1980 reg-rec ...the red wires going behind battery are the charging wires the green grounds there doubled but essintially do the same thing ...two wires doing the same thing makes one big wire .....the lower stator wires are behind the behind the stator and just under frame tube... these stator wires are turn up to tread water....all groups of wires are tied together with stainless steel tie wire...


above the long green sleeve of wires not used you can see where honda connected the wires together in the gray wrap ...this use to be under the black wrap ... sheesh it can cause all kinds of stator resistance in one third of the stator and a inbalance of flow constantly ..between the stator and reg ..the 2 most heat producing things and this three way connector goes through electric hell ..and it hidden when stock this is a 1000 thing only ..this is all gone now ..should have done it before ..the last time i had trouble with charging it now anyway .. :builder: :thanks:

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